Welcome Back To the World Game

Vol 2 Chapter 140: · "Clear all obstacles for you"

"It doesn't count." Su Ming'an said, "I'll count it for the time being. Travelers who have left their hometowns, in this year."

"Is this your house..." Jasmine wanted to turn around, but she bumped into the kettle that Yu Ruohe had finished burning earlier.

The kettle fell to the ground with a bang, the lid came out, and the water spilled on the ground.


She quickly apologized, feeling a little overwhelmed.

"I'm sorry I'm sorry, I didn't know there was something here..." She hurriedly apologized, bowing non-stop.

A simple girl who has lost everything, even if she is determined to start over, she is unavoidable in the face of new things.

Su Ming'an also had the idea of ​​changing a place. He wanted to find a place for Jasmine and the three followers who were still working as sculptures in the square.

After all, it's not a problem to keep this group of people standing in the square.

He heard that the place where the three followers were, has become a famous attraction, and there are quite a lot of people who come to take pictures with the motionless followers.

He directly dialed Yu Ruohe's communication.

"...Su Ming'an."

Yu Ruohe's face appeared on the video panel.

The background behind her is the interior of a room, but the windows that would have seen the outside world were nailed down.

Her expression was haggard, and when she looked over, Su Mingan saw bloodshot eyes in her eyes.

He originally wanted to ask Yu Ruohe to help him find a house, but when he saw her expression, his voice changed:

"How did you nail the window?"

Yu Ruohe lowered her head slightly, she sighed, and her expression was deeply tired.

"I left the First Guild," she said.

Su Ming'an remembered the broken thing that ended in the third world.

Since the time for impeachment of the vice-chairman has passed, Lu Shu has been jointly revoked from his position, but his position as the chairman is still there—because at the beginning of the game copy, members cannot carry out the impeachment operation, preventing someone from taking advantage of the high Coalition impeachment when the position personnel participate in the game copy.

But things took a turn for the worse.

Those who came for the first guild came purely for the name of the strongest, and some came for the guild name "Lighthouse". After Su Ming'an's overwhelming victory in the fourth world, they gradually formed a wave of support for the first player.

... Because of Edward and Mizushima Kawasora, who were regarded as hope, they lost too much.

Almost one-sided suppression.

On the one hand, he was targeted regardless of the overall situation, and he was finally eliminated from the game without any contribution.

From the beginning to the end, he seemed to have opened his eyes to the sky, turning defeat into victory in an extremely disadvantaged situation, understating it as if he had anticipated everything.

People think that even if Su Mingan is suspected of being a running dog of the organizer, he is far better than the useless Edward and the others.

Su Mingan originally thought that as soon as he came back, he would hear the prompt to impeach his position as president, but until now, his position has always been good.

He hasn't had time to look at the forum, but looking at the world chat and the guild connection, it's all a series of rainbow farts.

"So, why did you leave the guild?" Su Mingan asked: "Although the guild does not help the player's strength to grow, it has a good social effect and can help you contact some high-level sub-professional players."

"I..." Yu Ruohe sighed: "Let me tell you, they want to ask me for your number."


Su Mingan knew that it was his "BE3030" number, which only friends could see each other. And he has only added three friends.

Yueyue, Yu Ruohe, Lu Shu.

He didn't know Lu Shu's situation, and he didn't know where this person went, but Yu Ruohe's whereabouts were easy to grasp.

"Can you locate the item of the same instance based on the serial number?" Su Mingan thought, "I heard that this item is very rare."

"Yes. But once you are located, your situation will be very dangerous." Yu Ruohe said: "During your participation in the fourth world dungeon... I have been harassed by various private messages, and the benefits they gave are so rich that I am heartbroken. I was shocked. I thought it would be fine if I ignored it, until one day the guild found me... As a last resort, I had to quit the guild and find a new house to live in, but soon my whereabouts were leaked again, I Had to nail up the windows too, I knew they couldn't get in, but I was just scared..."

Listening to Yu Ruohe's story, Su Mingan gradually understood how the people around him were being watched.

Yu Ruohe was originally just an ordinary white-collar worker.

She is afraid of the dark, afraid of ghosts, and at most she knows a little bit of marksmanship. But her originally peaceful personality gradually changed in the world game.

She thought about putting him under house arrest, and had some dangerous thoughts, but now, she would just nail up the window for a little glance, completely closing herself up like a patient who is too afraid of the outside world.

"There is one more important thing..." Yu Ruohe emphasized: "You have just returned, you may not have time to read the forum, and you don't know what the other eleven players have experienced in the game process. I have to remind you. -Lu Shu, his situation is quite wrong..."

"Yeah." Su Mingan nodded.

"You can see it too, but do you know the reason, I tell you, it's because..."

"It's because Lu Shu got a note describing my past."

Yu Ruohe's eyes widened: "You guessed it?"

"Well." Su Ming'an said, "Moreover, he should have obtained not only mine, but also the [Witch's Clue], the note describing him - precisely because the content on it is exactly the same as his own past, he Will be confident that the note describing me is correct."

"So." Yu Ruohe swallowed.

She suddenly realized something:

"The note describing your past really has very unusual content, doesn't it..."

...so much so that Lu Shu, who was licked like that, was distracted.

Yu Ruohe was clutching the corner of her clothes, she didn't know how she was feeling.

After all, she and this person are basically characters on two parallel lines.

If it wasn't for the first encounter, he would still be the number one player at the top of the world, and they would have no entanglement.

She didn't know what she should do now, but she was thinking about one thing - Lu Shu already had the intention of being eccentric, if she was leaving... Su Ming'an would really have no one by his side.

She stared at the person on the screen in front of her and saw his calm eyes from beginning to end.

"There is nothing special about my past." Su Ming'an said lightly: "My past is the growth history of an ordinary student, and it may not be the same as the [good person] in his dreams. After all, the past I'm really ordinary."


Yu Ruohe didn't ask again.

"I just want you to pay attention to him, you just need to pay attention." Yu Ruohe fluttered his hair: "Then let's talk about you first, you communicated with me to..."


[Main God Space No. 2305]

"Sir, here's your cabbage."

People came and went to a department store on the street. Casual players in salesperson costumes moved a large bag of plastic bags taller than a person to the counter.

There were big doubts in her small eyes, full of doubts about "Why do you want to buy so many cabbages at one time".

...Sales clerk Zhu Qing is a casual player.

In addition to the adventurous players who ended up, the players who did not end were divided into sub-professional players and casual players.

Among them, the sub-professional players are divided into various categories such as pharmaceuticals, ironsmithing (manufacturing warrior iron armor equipment), tailoring (manufacturing French cloth armor equipment), magic circle research, and gemstone engraving. Those who have no interest in these and just want to stay away from disputes are called casual players.

They often open stores around the square to satisfy their various desires to open milk tea shops, bookstores, and grocery stores. Since they only need to purchase goods in the main **** store, they can buy with low points as a registered casual player, which is also very convenient to open.

Zhu Qing is one of them. She is a very Buddhist person on Zhai Xing. After the start of the world game, she has no mood fluctuations. She found a server plaza and opened a department store. Every day, she sells things. Forum Blow water, and collect various peripherals like a hamster.

There are many people like her nearby. They are often very interested in those magical sub-professionals at first, but after learning for a while, they are forced to retreat by the countless mathematical and physical formulas.

To draw a circle, you need to memorize all kinds of patterns, and you need to memorize all kinds of reactions for pharmaceuticals. Even when you strike an iron, you have to swing a hammer every day until your hands and feet are sore...

Moreover, the points to be invested in the first sub-vocation are too large. Many people give up after learning for a period of time without any results and almost dying of debt and starvation. Only those who are gifted, or those who are really interested, are still going on.

Zhu Qing stared at the surrounding area produced by [Qianze's] and squatted until midnight yesterday. The first player in it was so beautiful that she couldn't resist it at all, and her hands were a little sore when she grabbed it.

Although the surrounding artist Su Shi of [Qianze Family] did a stupid thing and caused panic for a while, but it seemed that the panic was soon suppressed, and she didn't pay much attention to it.

... Anyway, it's not like someone came to blow up their own house.

However, places like the teahouse have indeed been affected a lot. Who knows if there is a mental illness that will come and score twice.

Zhu Qing met a very strange guest today, and he was covered in the black mist of [Privacy Open].

Although the main **** space has this setting in order to take care of people's privacy, few people really open it.

...not to mention, the man asked for a big bag of cabbage.

Taller than a man, a big bag.

Zhu Qing moved everything to a sour hand.

... eat you to death!

She watched the weirdo crouch down, waiting for the embarrassment he showed because he couldn't hold it.

... Then, when she saw the person in front of her, with one hand, she lifted the bag that almost crushed her.


Zhu Qing looked dumbfounded at the person standing up easily, paid the points, and went out.

"So strong, an adventurer?" She muttered to herself: "Or an adventurer who is not weak... I'll go, why would an adventurer buy such a big bag of cabbage, I thought he was a farmer somewhere... ...No, the main **** space doesn't seem to have a profession of raising pigs and farming."

She scratched her head, puzzled. Seeing that there seemed to be no customers recently, she simply opened the forum and searched for the keyword "cabbage".

The screen refreshed, and rows of titles were now in front of me:

[Shocked! Cabbage actually has this effect, forward it to relatives and friends, and learn about the 30 benefits of cabbage...]

[A woman found cabbage in the field, opened it, and was stunned...]

[Brother Lu Shu is feeding Xiaobi cabbage again, the real picture is taken! Quickly suck!]

[On why Lu Shu's mantis likes cabbage, I have never seen it eat insects...]

[The whole process of Xiaobi's eating process is recorded...]

[Longguo Lu Shu Trap: Lighthouse, Cabbage...]

Zhu Qing suddenly raised her head.

She knew that she might have just missed a shocking figure.

She regretted a little and didn't say a few more words to confirm the identity of the other party, but more doubts also surrounded her.

Although she was probably thinking too much, the other party was not Lu Shu, but simply liked to eat cabbage.

But if the other party is really Lu Shu...

——Obviously watching the forum video, Xiaobi Mantis eats very little, and can't eat much cabbage in a day.

But why, the other party bought such a big bag of cabbage, even taller than a person?


Su Mingan sat in a chair and browsed the forum.

Jasmine was sitting on the bed at the back, holding a fairy tale book he had just bought in the Lord God's store.

...Although he himself really wanted to find a new place for her to live, he still wanted to take a look at the forum to learn about the recent changes in the main **** space, and then find a suitable place.

In order to prevent Jasmine and him from staring at him, he spent 1 point to buy dozens of fairy tale books and threw them all to her, lest she quarrel with him.

Jasmine seemed to be very happy. This simple girl seemed to have never seen such a story, and she enjoyed watching even childish fairy tales.

He clicked on the World Forum, and it was the familiar personal interface and the familiar full of private messages.

The current number of fans is 998,753,941, and it has almost reached the point where there is no further increase.

He first clicked on the forum homepage to see what happened recently.

But before he could take a closer look, the friend prompt of "Ding Dong" sounded crisply.

...a friend sent him a message? Yu Ruohe?

He opened it, and then, he saw a small line of words that appeared:

[Lu Shu: Su Mingan. 】

[Lu Shu: I will clear all obstacles for you. 】

He was stunned for a moment, but he didn't realize what the man meant, and then he heard a new message prompt.

"Ding dong!"

[Lu Shu: I believe in you...but I can't forgive myself who trusts to the point of numbness and despair. 】

[Lu Shu: I hope ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ when this matter is over, we can have a good chat. 】

[Lu Shu: I want to follow you and start over. 】

Su Ming'an quickly tapped his fingers on the keyboard: [Wait, you understand first...]

"Ding dong!"

Su Mingan quickly tapped the [Send] button.

[You have been blacklisted by the player (Lu Shu) (temporary, time limit is 24 hours). 】

[Message sending failed. 】

Su Ming'an stood up from his seat with a "swoosh". Before leaving his personal space, he saw the last message from Lu Shu before his avatar dimmed.

"Ding dong!"


[Lu Shu: Wait for me to come back. 】

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