Welcome Back To the World Game

Vol 2 Chapter 137: ·"thank you"

【Ding dong! You have been upgraded to a (second-order third) player]

After killing three players on the list in a row, Su Mingan was successfully promoted to one level.

After he allocated free attribute points as usual, he went to pick up the equipment dropped by Bo.

The first is Iris. She seems to have lost a good piece of equipment, but Su Ming'an's face was a little dark when she saw the appearance of the equipment.

[Sophia's court dress (blue level): "All dreams come true, she is like a blooming rose."

Physical Defense: 10

Mental Defense: 10

Durability: 13/15

Equipment requirements: Spirit reaches 30 points

Special Attributes: [Spiritual Blessing]: Blesses the effect of 10% of spiritual skills, and comes with a debuff of range deceleration. Due to the engraving of special gems, the blessing of charm skills is increased. 】

Su Ming'an quickly pulled it into the equipment slot, and it was fine. As long as he didn't actually put it on, it wasn't considered a woman's clothing.

Then there are Mizushima Kawaharu and Aini's.

[Nata's Legacy Ring (red level): "Please don't forget, he has long since died."

Charisma + Level 1 (maximum cannot exceed A)

Spirit +5

Durability: 4/5

Equipment requirements: Elemental law profession

Special Skills (Embodied): You can materialize the elements, give them short-lived vitality, increase the accuracy of skill casting, and reduce the continuous consumption of mana. 】

[Impression Array (Red Level)*3: One-time props, range skills, hidden after arrangement, those who step in will be forcibly imprisoned for 3 seconds. 】

[Advanced Defense Cover: It can block the full blow of an enemy with a combat power below 1000, and it will be damaged after one use. 】

[Johnson and Johnson (excellent quality) *3

Type: reply props

Effect: After the injection, a total of 500 HP will be quickly recovered within ten seconds, and multiple injections are possible. Note: This item comes with strong pain, please stack with caution!

Manufacturing requirements: The advanced props from the world copy cannot be produced independently.

Introduction: Advanced props from the Second World, Daylight Floating City, using technology far beyond the current level of human beings. Maybe later, the sub-professional players can learn to make. 】

He keeps all the props, and he can't wear the element ring, so he can only go back to the main **** space and think about what to do with it.

Then there are the core skills of three levels in a row. He chose two levels of Ming and one level of Shadow. Ming's skills are to raise fighting, swordsmanship, and knife specialization to five levels each, and Shadow's resistance skill has a new resistance skill. sex:

[Abnormal resistance lv.3: For warlock and curse skills, you have 15*3% resistance. 】

[Poison Resistance lv.3: You can be immune to any poisonous skills of creatures whose intelligence points are lower than 15*3% of yours. 】

[ Imprisonment resistance lv.3: You can be immune to any imprisoned skills of creatures whose intelligence points are lower than 15*3% of yours. 】

The combat power soared to 1050, and Su Mingan turned off the panel.

Judging from this momentum, the stronger the stronger the situation will be, the more serious the situation will be. If there are several more high-quality matches like this, his skill strength will further increase.

He turned to look at Lu Shu.

Lu Shu didn't react at all to his behavior of grabbing heads and getting equipment, as if he had acquiesced.

"So." Su Mingan looked at him: "What's your situation?"

Su Mingan felt that this person was in a wrong mood.

He has always been sensitive to slight changes in his emotions, even if Lu Shu didn't say it, he could feel it.

This person... seems a little lost.

Su Mingan reviewed the situation of the past two days a little, and probably guessed the situation.

"I believe what you want to believe." Su Mingan patted him on the shoulder and said nothing. He went to the last werewolf player first.

Killing Lu Shu to upgrade his skills was something he couldn't do for the time being. Lu Shu has always been a witch on his side from the very beginning, and it was too much for him to kill someone with his backhand.

Rather than letting this good help distract him, he might as well kill Yamada Choichi.

Yamada Machiichi seemed to be hiding well. Seeing that it was getting dark, the townspeople didn't even find him.

Players have a variety of skills, maybe he has a similar way of evading tracking.

Su Ming'an is not in a hurry, anyway, when it comes to the werewolf action, this person will definitely go to the ancestral hall to wait for the attack, and they will definitely meet.

[Main God Space · 26 Servers]

"Clap da da da..."

The keyboard emits a sound effect, and the typing master seems to like the sound effect of the beating, and specially installed such a sound on the original transparent system keyboard.

And on the keyboard, it is a pair of hands that are surprisingly small compared to adults, white and tender, with short fingers, more like a pair of children's hands.

"Hey... This peripheral is selling well, this, this can also be printed..." He carefully looked at the screen in front of him, which had a data pipeline in the background, and next to it, was a lot of points.


Suddenly, there was a warning sound in front of him.

In the chat column called "New QQ", a "special concern" logo jumped out, and then, a video communication was dialed.

He clicked to connect, a video interface popped up, and the girl with black hair was watching him quietly.

"Su-style?" He said in a childish voice: "Why do you have time to communicate with me... Didn't you get arrested for a terrorist attack? There was a lot of uproar on the forum, and I even mourned for you for a while. ...However," he took a closer look at Su Shi's complexion, which was rosy and healthy: "...you look pretty good. It looks like nothing is wrong, the United Group is not in trouble for you?"

"I'm fine." Su Shi responded. From the video interface, there was a large transparent window behind her. Outside was the blue sky of the Lord God's world. She could also vaguely see the fountain square with the boss statue. It looked like It's a nice area.

This kind of house... This area and height, the price is about 60-80 points, it is a very good housing area. He immediately estimated Su Shi's current situation.

"Qin Ze, how is the situation recently?" Su Shi called.

"Well...the sale is very good." Qin Ze said: "The surrounding area printed by your fanart is very popular and the income is good, so I can live in another place... The height of this broken house has always made me very embarrassed, every time Going upstairs is exhausting."

Qin Ze is a child, but an unusual child.

He is a genius in reality, similar to the kind of genius baby who "runs away from Mommy's genius baby", but the reality is not so bloody, he is purely smart and just likes business.

Originally in the junior class, he was suddenly pulled into the world game. In addition to his intelligence, his physical strength was extremely weak, and his relatives did not follow up. He used his own mind and had a keen insight into the points in the early stage. The profit that can be made in the difference, using the information difference to carry out some reselling, earning a batch of initial capital.

Later, he met Su Ming'an in the second world. He originally thought that he could earn more points with the first player, but he didn't expect that the other party would ignore him.

However, fortunately, he also met Su Shi, a fandom boss.

The pictures she drew were very popular on the forum. As soon as he thought of the original business model in reality, he hit it off with her and began to produce peripherals about the top players, and then sold them through super chat and forums. Combined with the high reputation of the Su style, he instantly became a small local tyrant who was full of points without end.

- Who said that the adventurous players who end up have high points, even a smart and business-minded person like him!

As for whether to infringe or not to infringe, without the authorization of the top players on the list, will he be madly sprayed or something... He doesn't care, this is not Zhai Xing, there are not so many rights and laws, earning points is the king!

Some people sprayed him, but more people bought it. He just lived comfortably in his small home and watched the points come into his account.

... This kind of thing is not done by him alone, and many people have also discovered business opportunities in it. Selling the top players on the list is the same as the stars. Selling information, selling books and selling peripherals is only the most basic, and there are many more services that can’t be said...

He originally thought that Su Shi was in a hurry for the communication. After all, Su Shi was arrested, and many people on the forum wanted to severely punish this kind of guy who messed around in the main **** space.

"I reached an agreement with the United Group." Su Shi said, "They asked me to contact the first player, and in exchange, they would help me complete the equipment so that I could end the game."

"You still want to end?" Qin Ze didn't understand this. "You are exhausted. Once you fail, everything will be done. The death rate is so high and the cost is so high. You will get high points just by drawing fanart."

Su style is very famous.

In other words, every player who has been in contact with the first player and appeared in the live broadcast screen, even for a short while, will become famous.

Just like sitting on the tuyere, pigs can fly. The first player is that wind. With him, anyone who is close to him will instantly gather the eyes of almost a whole world.

Especially Su-style, in the second world, this kind of "girl giving for nothing" behavior is quite eye-catching, but just a short while in front of the first player's camera, her fan base instantly rose like a rocket.

Coupled with her identity as the master of Su Ming'an's super talk... Although this identity is competed by the players themselves, it also means that this is an identity that can greatly shorten the distance.

Such a Su style can easily earn big points.

...why is she still playing?

"I want to see him." Su Shi said, "The United Mission has provided me with treasured props that can locate his copy. I want to see him, and I want to ask him for his opinion on my behavior."

"Uh..." Qin Ze paused: "I think he has a high probability..."

He wanted to say that the first player would probably ignore her.

But when he saw Su Shi's suddenly terrified eyes, he swallowed the shocking words, and he realized that this girl who can blow up her own family... is really not a normal person.

Can't touch her thunder point.

"Okay, you can go if you want, but the United Group is not something that can be completely trusted, so be careful." Qin Ze said.

He is very smart, and he does not believe that under such a scenario, there can be any government-like organization that is born purely to serve the people. In this world of the Lord God where [everyone is a competitor and everyone is a collaborator], it is impossible for such a large purely public organization to exist.

Idealists and self-sacrifices are rare after all, and like most organizations that have sprung up, the United Group must have selfish intentions.

"...I'm at the base of the United Regiment right now." Su Shi paused and added, "They are monitoring my movements, including hearing your voice."

The two were silent for a while.

Qin Ze shrugged indifferently: "Then listen."

He doesn't end up, and it's hard to meet people from the United Group when he ends up. They can't be positioned to hunt him down for this matter - the positioning props are expensive to death, and he consciously sold himself and couldn't reach the price of a prop. . The joint regiment's ability to give the positioning props to Su Shi really made a lot of money.

There is no clear legal and military control in the main **** space. As a spectator player who stays in the room every day, he has no sense of reverence for these authorities. Apart from the fact that the World Forum often sees these groups spraying each other in the name of morality, and thinks their spraying is very reasonable, he does not feel any threat from these groups.

"But the positioning items need to be numbered." Qin Ze asked, "Do you know the number of the first player?"

Su Shi shook his head.

"It's just because the United regiment doesn't know, they're counting on me," she said.

Qin Ze laughed: "...there is no number, how do you locate the first player? Ask in the main **** space? It's harder to catch him in the main **** space than in the game world."

"So that's why I'm calling you." Su Shi said, "I'm the number one player. If Su Ming'an has the habit of browsing the forum, he might see me. I've studied him, If I want to chat with him or even get his number, love is not enough, I need to have enough interests for him."

"So, you communicated to me to borrow money... no, to borrow points?" Qin Ze had a feeling of "as expected" in his heart.

Sure enough, any call for help, no matter how many detours it takes, will ultimately be inseparable from borrowing money.

Su Shi nodded, and her face suddenly turned red:

"And, not only that, I want to know what's the best seller on your side..."

Moon stars are rare.

Su Mingan stood beside the burnt down ancestral hall, quietly waiting for the last werewolf player.

Through the fog at night, he could gradually see a blue figure approaching. She was wearing an eye-catching Lolita dress, but she had no sense of existence. She never started the live broadcast, so people didn't know much about her.

She looked like a mediocre top player, but survived to the last night.

Of course, this was related to the fact that she didn't shoot Su Ming'an the night before.

Just because of one life-saving grace, she disregarded the victory or defeat of the entire werewolf team, and even watched Mizushima Chuankong die.

The barrage gave her mixed reviews, but Su Mingan didn't feel anything about it.

He only knew that this game was about to end tonight.

She might have some trump card, like the mechanical bomb used by Su Mingan, which could kill him suddenly. But it is a pity that he has the biggest plug-in. Even if he dies in an oversight, he can still win when he comes back. Unless you defeat him with absolute power, it is absolutely impossible to rely on cleverness.

He watched as Yamada Machiichi stood still in front of him, waiting for her to strike, for the attack that might overturn his car.

Then, he looked at each other and bowed deeply.

"thank you."

The voice was hoarse and rough.

"thank you."

The sound is soft and delicate.

Su Mingan stared at her and suddenly realized something.

Yamada Machiichi suddenly drew his sword.

The samurai sword, which was nearly one meter long, seemed a little out of place in her hand.

She took off the bow tied around her neck, and there was a clear Adam's apple on her throat.

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