Welcome Back To the World Game

Vol 2 Chapter 126: · "Homecoming"

【Five minutes ago】

After Su Ming'an put on [Wang Han's human skin mask], he immediately walked towards the mayor's house in his memory.

His current career point is zero, and his points are less than 100. There is no chance for him to differentiate himself. It is also difficult to do evil in the "Shadow" state. He can't beat all NPCs in order to gain career points.

If something happens, you can only do it yourself for the time being.

He expected the situation to be more difficult.

... To save the good players who stayed, he couldn't stay by their side all the time, he could only ask NPC for help.

He was close to the mayor's house. Outside the mayor's house, there was a high fence and a heavy solid wood gate. There was almost no gap in the fence, except for a small window next door, like a window that had just been opened. He stepped forward and was about to reach out and grab the iron ring on the door to knock, when he saw the door in front of him suddenly opened first.


Some dull voices sounded, and the benevolent mayor looked at him with a smile on his crutches.

It's like they've been waiting here for a long time.

"Ah..." The mayor's words confirmed his guess. The old man laughed so hard that his wrinkles were crowded into a ball. He looked amiable, like a big parent who cared about his children: "You are finally here."

His words were gentle, even with a sense of involuntary closeness.

Su Ming'an was very vigilant - he remembered that the mayor Mitchell's favorability rating for him had not changed from beginning to end, and he hadn't even heard a system prompt, so that he didn't even know the other party's initial favorability rating.

But the next moment, he heard the other party's words with endless nostalgia:


"...My dear boy, Poiri."


Su Mingan was slightly startled.

He suddenly heard the system prompt:

[Because of wearing special props (Wang Han's human skin mask), NPC will recognize your identity. 】

[NPC (Mayor of Mitchell Terry Town), has identified you as (the son of Perry Mitchell who died early)]

[Note: Within sight, please try not to leave Mitchell's approval, otherwise there will be a significant drop in favorability and accidents! 】

[Current Mitchell favorability: 80 points (family)]

"Ah." Su Mingan followed his words: "I'm back."

As early as the first day, when the mayor saw his doppelganger, he said that he was like his untimely child Poli.

So...is it such a recognition mechanism?

However, it was clearly indicated by the system that Po Li had passed away... The mayor behaved like Po Li had just returned home.

After listening to his response, the mayor's smile seemed to be more intense. He changed the crutch of the dragon head to his left hand and stretched out his hand tremblingly to help Su Mingan.

Su Mingan could only accompany him to perform the scene of "filial piety to a father and a son". He helped Mitchell and crossed the threshold with him.

He felt a little wet on his face.

……rain again.

The door behind him slammed shut with a bang, carrying the weird chill of a spring day. Through the sudden rain, he saw the two red lanterns hanging at the door in front of the house swaying in the rainstorm, shining scarlet light in the haze, like a pair of beast eyes.

There was a somewhat resentful voice from the mayor, who was a little short:

"You're finally back...Poli, I've been waiting for you for so long that I almost forgot when you left..."

"..." Su Ming'an didn't know the situation, and the clues were limited. He couldn't guess why Bo Li left, so he didn't say a word.

But combined with the word "early death", the real Poli may have already died on the way to leave.

"In the beginning, when you were about to leave, I persuaded you... Lord God will not forgive a betrayed child. The journey is far away, and it is too hard for you to go over mountains and mountains. However, since you are back now... ...then everything is fine, take a rest first, and I will take you to the Lord God to atone for your sins..."

Listening to the mayor's next words, Su Ming'an vaguely understood the reason why Po Li left in the first place.

He tentatively said, "I travel far to find the faith in my heart."

He saw the mayor suddenly cast over, with a stagnant look across the fine raindrops.

"...Then have you found it?" the mayor asked.

The two men stopped in front of the door.

The red lantern swayed slightly, revealing a strange light, like a pair of faint, werewolf eyes.

Su Mingan helped the old man up and helped him up the steps in front of him.

"...So, I'm back," he said.


[NPC (Mitchell), favorability: 80+10]

[Current favorability evaluation: love]


Mitchell's smile seemed more real—he was happy for his lost child.

Children who turn their backs on the gods of Terry Town and seek faith in the outside world will be punished. He had thought that his puri had died outside early in the morning.

Unexpectedly...Poli came back and grew up a lot.

His child... finally realized what true faith is.

He reached out his hand and knocked lightly on the door.


The girl with braids pushed open the door with a shy smile. When her beautiful big eyes looked over, her eyes were as clear as the sea, sky and lake.


Su Mingan was not surprised to see her.

In fact, in the system prompt, he had already noticed that the description—"she who fell into the coffin", most likely refers to Jasmine.

Well, according to clues II · Tablets in the parlor. Those two tablets... are very likely to be hers.

[Go to her tablet, go to the place where she is still alive. 】

The mission prompt said this, the first half of the sentence seemed like she was dead, and the second half of the sentence seemed to be alive.

The Jasmine in front of me... Jasmine at night, what exactly are they?

"Dad, this is..." Jasmine's eyes stopped at Su Ming'an for a moment, then moved away.

"I told you, my dear boy Poli." Mitchell responded with a smile: "When he left home, you hadn't come here... I didn't expect to see him again one day... …”

The mayor seemed to be very emotional, and his eyes became more eager.

Su Mingan understood the meaning of the mayor's words - Jasmine might not be his biological daughter, but an adopted daughter.

Otherwise, the mayor would not use the description "come here".

"Hello... Come in first." Jasmine nodded reservedly at him, then she shrank her head back, opened the door, and let Su Mingan go in.

And at the moment of entering the door.

Su Mingan suddenly realized something.

——He didn't hear... Jasmine, like the mayor, reminded the system of his identity as an NPC.

——Jasmine saw through his disguised identity.

But she didn't break it, but let him in.

What is she going to do?

Su Mingan walked in vigilantly. He had already guessed that this mission was dangerous. Even if there was a setback, he didn't want to always experience the feeling of death.

He has always been vigilant about the girl with "sin" in the system prompt.

Entering, he smelled a faint incense burning in the room.

White mist floated out of the stove, and he took his seat at the table. Sure enough, he saw the two tablets placed aside as if staring at the guests.

The writing on it is still blurry.

The teacup was set in front of him, and the tea leaves were floating in the water. He looked over and saw his own reflection floating on the water, and he saw a pair of looming deep eyes.

...very weird.

"Poli, you're back this time..." The mayor seemed to start a long speech again.

Su Mingan remembered his purpose and spoke first: "Mayor."

He met the other party's gloomy eyes in the tea mist.

He changed his mouth instantly: "...Father."

The mayor's expression softened.

Su Mingan suddenly realized that perhaps the mayor didn't fully consider him to be his child Poli.

When he showed a slight deviation, the other party's eyes were so gloomy for a moment that he was shocked.

Mayor Mitchell, like a man immersed in his own fantasies, drifts away in a vision that is on the verge of shattering, and once the truth happens beyond his will, he can't control himself.

Mitchell seemed to be hypnotizing himself, forcibly identifying this "returned child".

He is an elder, a wanderer waiting for him to return home.

Su Ming'an probably knew what to say.

"Father." Su Ming'an shouted this word that was somewhat unfamiliar to him: "When I was traveling this time, I met many travelers from the outside world."

The mayor listened carefully, and Jasmine on the side was silent.

"...They have helped me a lot, and some people have saved my life." Su Mingan touched the teacup and paid attention to the other party's expression: "They have been persuading me to go home... They said that the temporary conflict was just a matter of time. It's temporary, but family love is eternal... They're right, there's nothing you can't sit down and talk about. At that time, I was too naive when I left with anger, and I didn't realize the loss of faith at all..."

He lowered his head and sighed slightly: "Sir God is right... I shouldn't have left here just for my childhood fantasies, this is my home - so I'm back now."

"Father, I will go to atone for my sins, and I beg you to take me there." Su Mingan raised his head again and looked at the gray-haired old man across from him with a very earnest look: "The beliefs of the outside world are all false, here That's where I belong."

When he finished speaking this paragraph, he successfully heard the system prompt:


[NPC (Mitchell), favorability: 90+10]

[Current Favorability Rating: Beloved]

[Note: The current favorability has reached (family line, the highest)]

[Because of your status as a person in power, you can make certain demands from the other party. 】

[Note: The highest favorability has advantages and disadvantages, please proceed with caution. 】


"...Before making atonement to the great god, I would like to ask you to help me with one thing." Su Mingan looked at the old man whose expression gradually became eager, and said:

"Those travelers from the outside world were once my companions. I want to temporarily suspend their fighting before I complete my atonement."

... He did not make a request for the complete extermination of the werewolves.

According to the wording of the system prompts, these NPCs have limited ability to intervene in the battles between players.

They can't interfere in exiles, they can't interfere in night behavior, because these are made by invisible rules, like being independent from the town.

But... off-site behaviors that exist outside of the clear rules, such as fights that take place during the free action session during the day... are completely open to meddling.

Because this is also a [part] of this town.

He only needs to protect the players of the good camp during the day, and prevent them from being out due to the direct attack of the werewolf.

The real winner...will have to wait until night.

Third night.

He watched the mayor's expression, watching the other's expression gradually ease.

"Pori..." The mayor sighed slightly: "After temporarily suspending the struggle of those people, are you sincerely atonement for the Lord God?"

"Yes." Su Mingan nodded.

He confirmed his guess—Mitchell didn't fully identify him as Perry.

Otherwise, Mitchell would not have agreed to his request without asking for any reason, without asking what to do after the fight was stopped, or even carefully considering the loopholes in his words.

This old man... just wanted this "Pori" to follow the gods and satisfy his unfinished regret.

For this he can ignore anything useless.

Su Mingan noticed that Jasmine's expression was a little gloomy, she stared at him, and then looked away.

"...Yes." The mayor nodded, stood up tremblingly, leaning on his dragon head crutches:

"I will temporarily end the daytime fighting among the travelers...but what happens after that is up to them."

He turned his head and gave Su Mingan a deep look:

"My child." He slowed down from the fire like a frozen person, with a fiery look in his eyes:

"……wait me back."

The door was pushed open.

The old man ignored the pattering rain curtain and plunged in, his thin figure gradually faded away in the light of the red lanterns.


Jasmine got up and closed the door, then turned around, her eyes were as calm as a lake.

Su Mingan originally thought that Jasmine, who saw through his true identity, was going to attack, but she didn't expect her to suddenly say:


That's what she called.

Su Mingan vaguely felt something was wrong.

This kind of unpleasant feeling... He had also felt it when facing the strange tablemate Shen Xue.

Jasmine stepped forward, supporting the table with both hands. She was very close, and her hair had the scent of fresh grass. She was obviously a hardworking peasant girl, but her skin was white and delicate, and she seemed to be dazzling when she came closer.

Those clean eyes were like mirrors, and he could even vaguely see himself in them.

"Since you're back..."

Her posture was incomparably stronger than before, and her mirror-like eyes seemed to engrave his entire being.

He leaned back slightly, and then heard her very close voice, with an indisputable meaning:

"...When are you going to marry me?"


Su Ming'an's scalp is numb~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He guessed that the barrage at this time will definitely be madly brushing "Every dungeon must be given for nothing".

But every time, Bai gave him a rose with thorns.

He didn't dare to be careless - he had reason to suspect that if he was perfunctory, he might usher in a backstab.

... He thought that when he arrived at the tablet in the parlor, he would be able to automatically enter a single-player dungeon like a small space, just like the third world's [Alice in Wonderland], and the system would give him specific tasks for a single player.

He looked at the girl who was very close in front of him, with a commanding look in his eyes.

...but, it seems.

This extremely dangerous single-player copy,


——Has started unknowingly?

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