Welcome Back To the World Game

Vol 2 Chapter 124: · "I'm on my way"

"Welcome back to the world game (

Thick curtains were drawn in the room, the temperature of the air conditioner in the room was suitable, and the color tone seemed to have been adjusted in the eyes, which made people involuntarily quiet after watching it for a long time.

The girl in handcuffs sat on the seat with her head lowered. The angle of her seat was specially adjusted so that she could rest on it in a relaxed manner.

...but now she just lowered her head and bent her back, as if she wanted to sink into the ground, silent.

"Da da da…"

There were footsteps outside, and then, some heavy doors were pushed open, and a man and a woman wearing silver emblem star costumes walked in. Their costumes were similar to the police uniforms on Zhai Xing, but slightly different, with silver chests on their chests. The stars of the shimmering shimmer, like some props, not a baton, but an ice-white pistol attached to his waist.

A transparent screen is lit in front of them, and it seems that they have entered the recording state at this time.

When they walked in, they had pale white masks that flickered slightly.

"No. 11029, Su-style." The female police officer said aloud and sat opposite her. Su-style's face appeared on the screen in front of the police officer, and the video had already started.

When Su Shi made a move, she raised her head slightly, with eyes like dry spring water, staring at the female police officer in front of her.

The policewoman's name is Zhang Qing. She used to be a policewoman from Long Guohui Branch. After the world game started, she heard that the United Group was calling for players, so she went to the No. 1 server to participate in the registration without hesitation, and was successfully entered into the United Group. Mental Health Council.

Members of the consortium also have salaries, and points are issued every week.

As for the source of the points that were issued, and how the people above got them, she didn't know.

There are not many points, far less than her going to take risks, or become a sub-professional of some iron-making pharmaceuticals, at most it is a consolation.

But this does not affect her becoming a member of the United Group—the world of the Lord God, which has suddenly become chaotic and dangerous after the third world, needs people like her.

In the opening speech of the first guild, after the first player revealed the fact that "the world of the Lord God may be more dangerous than the world of the dungeon", the world of the Lord God, which was still calm, changed... Although not much has changed, there are still many people because "Do not attack directly" and live as usual.

But after an incident that happened just today, everyone realized something.

On the streets now, people who received the news hid in their homes, and the timid ones ran directly to the cramped and cramped personal space.

...and the trigger for everything was this seemingly ordinary girl in front of her.

Zhang Qing could see that the girl was nervous and scared.

Like many murderers who murdered impulsively, when the thrill of getting revenge passes away, the endless fear will surge up. When the heat in their heads fades, they start thinking about everything about themselves...family, friends, career.

…and regret it.

The Su Shi in front of her looks quiet and quiet, and from the archives, she is also an ordinary female college student of the Dragon Country. The only special thing is her forum status - she is a fanatical believer in the lighthouse system, the first player to follow, herself He also holds the management position of the first player Chaohua, and the fanart he draws is also very popular.

But who would have thought that such a girl... would suddenly make such a terrorist act of a suicide attack in her own home, with her mother's home?

Judging from the serial number of 11029, Su Shi is not the first such crazy person.

Before her... there were also many people who used their own strength to show off their power and used scope damage to create many cases of casualties - but there was no such case that was as turbulent as the Su-style incident. The identity of the first player in the second world.

After the start of the world game, when the whole Zhai Xing was enveloped by the playful attitude of the high-dimensional creatures... Human beings are really crazy.

Zhang Qing is fortunate that she is a fairly sober member of the human race and has not become an existence like those lunatics.

Today's case did not cause any death, only disability, and the disability can be recovered with the magical props in the Lord God's store... This is the greatest blessing.

"No. 11029, Su style." A transparent keyboard appeared in Zhang Qing's hand: "What made you behave today?"

It stands to reason that in the face of such a prisoner, one should not interrogate her so politely and give her a comfortable space.

Intimidation and intimidation, fighting fatigue...until the prisoner's confession is finished.

But the Su-style in front of her... Judging from the screen recordings saved at the scene, her spirit is no longer normal.

...tends to a sick, mentally ill person.

And maybe because of her acquaintance with the first player... The people above also instructed not to take coercive actions as much as possible.

They are worried that the first player who has not been in line so far will have a bad relationship with the United Group.

Zhang Qing's tone was soft, but her eyes were firm. She looked at Su Shi, and she felt a sense of oppression.

Su-style's eyelids were slightly raised, and her eyes gradually became warm from the hollow, as if her whole body suddenly warmed up.

"..." She opened her mouth and seemed to be saying something, but her voice was so low that Zhang Qing couldn't even hear it clearly.

Zhang Qing leaned forward slightly, but Su Shi suddenly straightened up, and the movement suddenly alarmed the policeman beside him, and a faint white light flickered on his back hand.

...but after that, there was no attack.

Su Shi just stood up straight and stared at them with dull eyes.

"...I finally..." she murmured as if to herself: "Kill those demons that have been causing me pain."

Zhang Qing and the male policeman Li Ke were slightly taken aback, then looked serious.

"They don't know it, they're useless."

"They thought they could fool my eyes by being the people around me."


"I ended their lives, and I followed the light."


The handcuffs made a sound, and Su Shi's eyes brightened:

"...the Light Chaser."


The door squeaked open.

The dark-skinned man with golden stars on his shoulders pushed the door and walked in, his expression was full of seriousness.

"Let go of Miss Su Shi first." He instructed.

Zhang Qing and Li Ke glanced at the stars on his shoulders and got up to release the Su-style handcuffs.

The man walked in front of Su Shi and said earnestly:

"Miss Su Shi, I'm very fortunate that with the help of the healing players, your mother is safe."

Su Shi raised her head slightly, and the handcuffs in her hands were removed, revealing a dazzling red mark around her wrist.

"We are willing to forgive you and find a way to clear your name." The man continued, and he seemed to show a card with a small line of names on it.

"You and your mother can also be taken to a safe place, and we will equip you with excellent equipment."

"If you want to get off the court and participate in the game, we can also help you," the man continued.

Su Shi's eyes brightened slightly.

Zhang Qing and Li Ke looked at each other with disapproval.

But the man's voice remained stable: "...We even have props that can locate the location of the dungeon. As long as you can get the ID number of the first player, you and the first player can enter the same dungeon—"

"What do you want me to do?" Su Shi's face raised a smile.

"We have a very important thing, and I want to ask you..." The man looked at her with deep eyes:

"—We want you to take us and contact the first player."

"—Wait, where are you going?"

Just when Su Mingan was about to turn around and leave, Aini stood up from his seat.

He didn't seem to have recovered from the decisiveness of the werewolf, and when he came over, his tone was a little hesitant.

"Su Ming'an, you are a true prophet, I believe it... The current situation is very bad. To achieve the final victory of the camp, we should form a group." Aini saw it very clearly, he walked up to Su Ming'an: "My identity He is an ordinary good person, without any special skills, if you have any work to arrange, you can also tell me."

Then, he saw Su Ming'an's eyes in front of him, softening slightly.

"I know my position very well." Su Ming'an said, "You have grown up, Aini."


Aini didn't know whether to be angry or just laugh it off.

… Indeed, he is no longer the Aini who thought the world revolved around him at first.

After losing the perfect clearance qualification at the beginning, he who was originally qualified to be cultivated was abandoned in an instant, and Edward replaced him.

It wasn't until he saw Edward, who was holding the moon in the stars, that the people around him gradually dimmed, and that the white tattoo on the back of his hand had disappeared, Aini didn't understand for a moment what he had lost.

...he has lost value in the eyes of many.

From the very beginning, from losing on the chessboard to the person in front of you.

He can't deny that he lost by luck, but if he loses, he loses. Even if he is not convinced, he has to admit that the person in front of him has the capital to win. The first player can always give people a feeling that the sky is falling and the earth is falling, as if the other party is not worried about all accidents, as long as they go on, they will definitely win.

...This strange and fragile sense of security gives him a sense of stability that he has to trust.

"As for the outcome of the camp, I have confidence. You don't have to be afraid that you will lose." Su Ming'an said, "So, as an ordinary good person, what you have to do is to protect yourself."

"Did you know that the werewolf is about to kidnap the ticket?" Aini saw the confidence of the other party, and he didn't accidentally get such an answer, but he still harbored hidden worries: "There is no news about Adolf, if the night link, the guard does not guard Zhongren, tomorrow's exile session will be their world!"

"...No, there won't be such a situation." Su Ming'an said: "Werewolves are stupid... Quite stupid, they can be stupid enough to kill me for two consecutive days, I don't think they will take all the situation under control, Ani, You don't have to worry too much, even if you fail to save your life, you will win..."

Aini faintly felt that the other party meant "you should be lucky to be born in the same camp with me, so you must win".

...really confident.

"So what should I do?" he asked.

"Share your clues." Su Mingan looked at Lu Shu and Yamada Choichi again: "And you guys."

Lu Shu handed a note as if he had already prepared it.

[Get others to share, level clues, hunter clues]

"...Why do you want this? Take it yourself." Su Mingan glanced at the words on the top and immediately threw it back to him. The hunters fired without any clues.

"What about you?" He took the note from Yamada-cho.

[Get others to share, level clues, werewolf clue one]

[(Werewolf Clue 3): She used to chase that target so eagerly, like a lunatic who lost her mind, so everyone began to fear her for granted. But she still doesn't understand - is it impossible to live in this world with even the slightest interest? Or is the world only allowed to be mediocre? 】

[The clues have been included in the clues column and can be viewed at any time. 】

"..." Su Mingan continued to throw the note back: "Don't do this, I need clues about the secrets inside this level."

"What do you want this for? Isn't this a pvp faction battle? You still want to decrypt it?" Aini was very puzzled.

"Is there no clue?" Su Ming'an didn't answer his question, and suddenly felt that his sleeve was being pulled.

Yamada Machi lowered her head slightly, a little afraid to look at him, holding a cowhide notebook in her hand.

On the cover, there is a line of blood-red Sanskrit, which has no meaning.

Su Mingan opened the notebook and saw the text he could understand, but some parts were blurry.

[Terry Town, a cursed town.

Maybe it's inappropriate to define it so quickly...but for all the years I've lived here, I think it's been eroded pretty thoroughly...

It used to be peaceful and peaceful, and the residents have worked hard for generations. I like it here. The unique medicinal materials here allow me to study my new medicine.

...until one day, a hunter who was out hunting brought back a wolf child.

Maybe you can call it, [disaster].

Everyone, including me, thought that the wolf child might have been living like a beast, but in fact he quickly returned to normal and integrated into the town.

However, decades later, I am old, and the old boy is still not dead.

Everyone was praising his longevity until a townsman stumbled into his room at night.

The disaster begins—]

Below is a large piece of blur, not like someone deliberately erased it, but like it disappeared by itself. Empty very clean.

"This is a diary, it should be a valuable clue." Yamada Machi said in a low voice.

Su Mingan turned to the next page.

[The old boy cursed the murderers who brought him back from the wolf father and killed his parents... He thinks the wolf totem is the most noble religion in the world... It's ridiculous.


He wants to promote his culture, but someone breaks into his room and calls him a "bastard"


After that, the town will randomly die a townsman every day.


The townspeople prayed to the gods and sought blessings. So, the good gods let the townspeople exile themselves, but some people still died. So, someone proposed a new one that could please the gods. Ways to keep people safe from disasters…


— It turns out that this method works great! No one is attacked and killed at night anymore. Residents of the town of Terry have been content to…

But until one day.

Someone else died in the night.

The gods guided the people of Terry Town to continue their self-exile... but the effect seemed to be ineffective, and even the "excellent" method did not work anymore.

People live in fear all the time and they don't know what to do.

They begged me, begging me to give them the antidote that would save people—but I'm just an outsider, maybe a little knowledgeable about potions, but I'm still clueless about the curse.

I'm old, old enough to have gray hair.

Even the familiar smell of the potion gradually faded from my perception...

I suspect it's "her" who is always crying around me.

- But even when I got to her tomb, she still didn't give up.

I'm about to be driven mad by her.

...but at this very moment, it was like a will from heaven.

We have heard that twelve travelers from the outside world who can change our destiny are coming.

- God have mercy.

The gods have not abandoned us, the gods are still protecting us.

- God have mercy.

All will pass away, and evil will be destroyed.

- God have mercy.

— May Terry be reborn. 】

Below the text, there is a line of small characters written in beautiful fonts, but the handwriting is a little light, as if the recorder can't hold the pen anymore.



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