Welcome Back To the World Game

Vol 2 Chapter 103: · "Original" (2 in 1)

"Welcome back to the world game (

"..." There was a long sword and a short sword in Edward's hand: "You are so confident, don't you think that your three followers can still act?"

Su Mingan glanced around, and the figures of the three followers also stopped in place.

The blood that gradually spread also solidified in an instant, as if the surrounding time had been suspended in an instant, and only he and Edward could move.

"Welcome to my time domain." Edward Jianfeng pointed at him: "Here, I can arbitrarily designate one person to fight one-on-one, while everyone else's time is frozen, you want to go out, unless in Beat me here, don't think that the organizer can help you..."

"Have you begun to introduce your skills?" Su Mingan said, "If you want to be the number one player, just go straight to it. Don't do this kind of villainous behavior and forcibly reduce your winning rate."

Edward couldn't understand what he was saying, but it didn't prevent him from feeling insulted and provoked.

"You underestimate human beings and are too careless." Edward stared at him coldly and said, "I know all your skills, your skill effects and CDs, but you don't know anything about me..."

Invisible fluctuations spread in an instant.

Edward's sixth sense gave an instant warning. He immediately raised the milky white mask and blocked Su Ming'an's sudden attack from the sudden spatial displacement.

[HP-0 (completely resisted by the super protective cover!)]

... 0 damage?

The numbers that popped out made Su Mingan stunned for a moment.

...even failed to break the defense?

He suddenly took a step back and looked at Edward who flashed all kinds of props for a moment.

Su Ming'an remembered that items must be traded at standard prices in the main **** space. Gifts are not allowed, and prices are not allowed to be lowered. This can prevent a person from being blessed by other people's collective arms.

...However, the equipment and props that Edward had in front of him were beyond his imagination. The number of damage resisted is too outrageous...

... No, no, it can also be armed.

Su Mingan suddenly remembered a situation - at the end of the first world, Lu Shu presented him with a spirit beast egg.

If it is not possible to trade in the main **** space, then in the game world, it can be traded, or even given...

As long as he locates the dungeon where Edward is, and sends someone in to give him the prepared equipment and props, then Edward can wear the props cast by the strongest sub-professional players without any effort.

……I see.

...In order to cultivate such an existence, those people really paid a lot of money.

Su Mingan glanced at the leaderboard in the system bar.

[World rankings (comprehensive assessment):

1. Su Mingan (combat power: 620) (first player) (perfect clearance*3) Occupation: Bai Ju

2. Noel Aginny (combat power: 750) (perfect clearance*2) Occupation: puppet master

3. Edward (combat power: 1200) (perfect clearance *3) occupation: time stopper

4. Lu Shu (combat power: 680) (perfect clearance*1) Occupation: animal controller

5. Mizushima Chuankong (combat power: 680) (perfect clearance *3) Occupation: magic

6. Adolf (combat power: 600) (perfect clearance*2) Occupation: Boxer

7. Yamada Choichi (combat power: 620) (perfect clearance *1) Occupation: Chasing the Darkness

8. Andre (combat power: 650) Occupation: Master

9. Iris (combat power: 620) (perfect clearance*3) Occupation: Miyin

10. Aini (combat power: 580) (perfect clearance *1) Occupation: fire method


Seeing Edward's 1200 horrific value piled up by various top equipment and weapons, he sighed slightly.

The next moment, Edward's long sword, which was burning with blue flames and looked extremely sophisticated, swept over in an instant!

Su Ming'an completely injected the remaining 700 mana points into the space vibration!

[HP-320! (Super Defense Cover Resistance! High Defense Value Resistance! Mental Defense Resistance!)]

The milky white super protective cover finally shattered, but it did not cause effective damage.

Edward's equipment was so good, all the points earned by the backup players who didn't end were spent on him alone, pushing his various values ​​to a new level.

Su Ming'an glanced at the blood bar of the person in front of him. The blood bar only dropped by a small notch, and it seemed that there was no chance.

...the other party's equipment is too good.

With a "bang", Edward slammed him to the ground with a knee, and the blade stabbed straight into the ground with a "swoosh" on the side of his face, and the blue flame burned on the side of his face.

Su Ming'an coughed, his back pressed against the cold ground, and blood spilled from the corners of his mouth.

"But that's it." Edward looked at him with a sneer, his sea-blue eyes glowing with a scorching color under the brilliance of the flames.

Su Ming'an didn't move. His 3-point strength couldn't resist at all. He just looked at Edward: "...So that's the case. In fact, you and I are both almost sad beings."


"I can see your efforts. You want to get out of the control of those people and frame yourself as an "independent and autonomous" number one player..." Su Mingan said with a little pity.

The flames burned on the side of his face, bringing a scorching heat.

Edward looked at him with a sneer: "...Su Ming'an, have you started again? I've seen your clips, you can say it very well, but I'm different from that naive idealist Lu Shu, don't think that you have to say a few words. It will make me retreat..."

"...But you failed, Edward." Su Mingan looked at him: "You keep saying that you want to defeat me, that you don't want to be pushed to the top, that you want to be a legitimate number one player... But your brilliance, from the beginning Your feet are all decorated by people, and every mark of the source of your strength cannot be separated from the hands behind the scenes, and you can't escape the shackles of being an "artificial first player"."

Edward's blade deflected, and the flames began to burn on Su Ming'an's arm. His eyes like the sea condensed like ice for a moment: "You still want to influence me at this point? I've read all your remarks, but it's just The egoistic and stupid heroism of a child..."

"You are running away." Su Ming'an said.

As if ignoring the flames burning on him, his eyes were frighteningly calm, and he only looked at Edward steadily: "...You are afraid, you don't want to admit this fact."

With a "swoosh", the blade pierced directly into his right arm, and a beautiful flame bloomed like a blooming blue lotus.

The pain exploded in an instant, and Su Mingan took a breath.

"—A running dog of the organizer, dare to teach me?" Edward sneered: "You don't need to say more, after becoming the number one player, sooner or later, I will eradicate those things that hinder me. I am an independent human being, I am Players, at least it is much stronger than what your sponsor sent."

"—The saddest thing about a person is that he doesn't realize his own sadness." Su Ming'an endured the pain and said.


The scarlet dagger in Edward's left hand also stabbed, the blood-red frost clinging to Su Ming'an's left arm, gradually condensing it into a piece of frost.

"You continue, player number one." Edward stared at him: "...If you say a word, I will stab once, but I want to see how far your so-called belief can persist?"

"Edward..." Su Mingan sighed slightly: "You think you are an independent existence, but you don't know..."

There was another excellent sword in Edward's hand - his weapons and equipment seemed to be running out, he stabbed the blade into Su Ming'an's left leg, watched the bright red blood flow out, and then, with "you continue" eyes Keep looking at him.

"But I don't know..." Su Ming'an took a breath, and his voice was much lower: "...People have been passively transformed by the surrounding environment since they were born. I was shaped by them into what I am today, and I was shaped by those things. Today's me. You think that your thoughts are independent and free, that you are the original land, but you don't know that you have long been shaped into what they want by the people behind you... This kind of you..."

Another gleaming blade stabbed into his right leg.

The blood spreads out in an instant.

"...Yes, it is impossible to become...the lamp of human beings..."

"You always talk about lighthouse lighthouse." Edward looked at him with a sneer: "You let it come to save you? Go to the end? I remember you said this, but you stand up and beat me? "

The bright red color spread out in a large area, quickly spreading out on the smooth ground.

The blood bar in Su Ming'an's field of vision slowly and firmly fell, falling faster and faster.

"...If, if I didn't get that skill." Su Mingan smiled. Under the torture of many deaths, his mental state has been getting worse and worse since a long time ago. When he said these words, he even felt that he did not Like lying on the cold ground, rather like floating in the clouds, that leisurely feeling mixed with fine pains gradually blurred his vision.

He panted and said in a low voice: "...Maybe I, I won't be like this at all..."

"What skills?" Edward became interested.

He was also curious as to where this man had been acting like a prophet all along.

"Sometimes, I even think...why, it's me..." Su Ming'an's voice became lower and lower, as if he was about to pass out due to excessive blood loss at any time:

"...But many nights, I've been thinking, if not, if this... element that makes me a kind of spiritual icon exists..."

Edward's sea-like eyes narrowed slightly.

He leaned down slowly, recalling the way he spoke to this man, in a very deceptively gentle tone:

"...Come on, tell me, tell me the reason for your attachment, tell me your opportunity...In this way, I can inherit your will and go on...Aren't you going to be a beacon? Since you have failed, why don't you let me I keep going, and you said you hope someone can beat you, right?"

The sharp blade was pinched in his hand, and the blade was aimed at Su Ming'an's chest.

His tone was filled with a deceiving softness, and it was more like a murmur when the distance was extremely close, as if the previous sharpness was completely gone.

Blood leaked from the corners of Su Ming'an's lips:

"...No." His eyes became clear for a moment: "It's no use telling you—because the one who got it was me..."

So there is no substitute.

On his timeline, once he dies, he just keeps reading files and repeating what happened.

This also means that even if it fails, for him, it will never stop, it will only repeat.

For others, death means rest, failure, and starting all over again.

For him, there is only one path to take, "success", and he can't even try a failed death.

Otherwise, only eternal repetition.

He couldn't get rid of this burden.

Edward's eyes turned cold for a moment.

"It's boring." The blade in his hand moved: "...you want to shake me, but it doesn't make sense. I won't change because of any of your words. Now, you have lost the last trace of value that you can use. The so-called ...Player number one. I admire your efforts, but I'm also disappointed by your ignorance..."

"Edward, you were shaped quite successfully by them." Su Ming'an's words instantly angered him.

It seemed as if he had turned into anger, but also seemed not to admit it. Edward had already realized the truth in Su Ming'an's words, but he just forced himself not to think about it.

"Su Ming'an-very good, I admit, you have successfully provoked me. Maybe I will think about your words later, and think about the value of those people's existence. However, for now, I don't want to Seeing you say these words again~www.wuxiaspot.com~ You still hold on to your self-righteous ideal-go to hell."

He said, the blade in his hand fell instantly.

"...No." Su Mingan looked at him with clear eyes: "It is unavoidable, we will meet again."


Bright red spreads out in an instant.

The system prompt sounded for a moment:

[The main body (shadow state) has died, and it is detected that the clone (bright state) is still alive, and consciousness begins to change...]

Su Mingan felt that the surrounding scenery suddenly changed, the blurred vision that had been blurred to the extreme became clear in an instant, and the severe pain on his body receded like a tide. He raised his hand and saw the sword of Yarman held by his clone in his hand.

...his consciousness was attached to the clone's body.

If you need to revive the body, you need five career points.

The time domain seems to be continuing, and everyone around them paused. Only Edward stood in the middle with his eyes closed. It seemed that he had not had time to take back the time domain.

Su Mingan instantly pulled Lu Shu, who was still in a static state, and rushed out of the hall.

Invisible fluctuations erupted, and the time domain was withdrawn in an instant. Edward noticed the movement here.


Su Ming'an ran quickly, and behind him came the sound of three followers fighting Edward and others, mixed with Edward's frantic voice: "—There is still a life left in the clone...Su Ming'an, wait for me!"

The outgoing space whirlpool of the guild station unfolded in an instant, and Su Mingan stepped in and disappeared directly into the guild station.

"How is this going?"

Lu Shu had just recovered from the state of being stopped for time, and when he opened his eyes, he saw Su Mingan running away with him in his arms.

"Probably, it can be regarded as." Su Mingan paused: "Homeless, now."

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