Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 847: sword needle

The sword gang lashed, and she was about to tear Li Chungniang, the picturesque beauty, into two **** halves.

But Li Chungniang's face was calm, she was slender. She pointed a little, and a slender qi sword fell on the sword gang.


The qi sword and the sword gang were twisted together and turned into a violent wind.

The blowing made everyone under the ring rattle in their clothes.

To gasify the sword!

This is also the Qi Gang section method.

The people watching the battle had not recovered from the fact that Wrinkled Shen was in the Qi Gang segment, and now they found out that Li Chungniang was also in the Qi Gang segment, they were all startled.

His eyes were fixed. He originally thought that he was the only Qi Gang segment among the candidates, but he did not expect that two Qi Gang segments would appear in a duel.

Zhou Fan was also stunned for a moment, no matter whether Li Chungniang and Wrinkled Shen were beyond his expectations, the soft and weak Li Chungniang was actually in the Qi Gang segment, but Li Chungniang came from a big family after all, and she never showed her cultivation realm before. , so he doesn't know and it's no surprise.

But Wrinkle Shenshen's entry was too terrifying. In the last test, both of them were in the speed segment, but it's been a while since they've seen each other. Wrinkle Shenshen was higher than him in realm.

I have the help of a boat and a guide, but that's not as good as Wrinkle Shenshen. Could it be that Wrinkle Shenshen's talent is better than mine... Zhou Fan felt a little ashamed, but he suddenly remembered that the last time Wrinkle Shensen was faint I mentioned that it took a huge price to make such rapid progress.

What is the price? If I can progress so quickly, I am willing to pay such a price... Zhou Fan thought with some envy.

Such as Du Ni, Wen Xiao and other people who hope to enter the A-class class are all solemn and deeply wrinkled, and Li Chungniang's cultivation realm is in the Qi Gang stage, which puts a lot of pressure on them.

There is also Zhou Fan who can beat the Qi Gang section even if he is not in the Qi Gang section, and if they add up, they may occupy four Class A places.

There are not many places left for them.

"This is really a world of geniuses." Mrs. Zhang Li said with some feeling.

Yuanhai and Zhongtian were also surprised. They knew that this class A was not easy, but it was still beyond their imagination.

But the three of them soon felt a little gloomy, and they all understood why this happened, because the great world is a troubled world, and the catastrophe is coming.

How many people will survive then?

Wrinkle Shenshen was also a little surprised when he looked at Li Chungniang, he didn't expect this woman to be in the same realm as him.

But the surprise faded quickly, and Wrinkle Shenshen swung his sword again. He was good at fast swords, but in a very short period of time, the long sword slashed a dozen times.

A dozen or so sword gangs broke through the air, making a chi chi sound.

Li Chungniang was unavoidable, she waved her sleeve lightly, and a dark yellow talisman was ejected from her left sleeve, and the talisman turned into a semicircular mask.

The sword gang smashed on the mask, and the mask just swayed faintly, which defended the sharp sword gang.

Everyone could see that Li Chungniang's right hand was slightly bent, and the bent **** was converging with a cold golden light, making everyone's heart beat faster.

This is obviously a powerful Qi Gang martial skill. If it erupts, the power will be even more terrifying. This is why Li Chungniang uses the Talisman to resist the Sword Gang. She cannot separate out the excess True Qi to deal with the deep wrinkles. Deep sword gang.

Wrinkle deeply knew how powerful it was, and his figure transformed into a mirage, suddenly pulling out dozens of phantoms and rushing towards Li Chungniang.

Li Chungniang's body went backwards, her martial skills were not ready yet.

The speed of the deep wrinkle is faster, and the distance has been shortened in the blink of an eye. He stabbed out with a sword, and there were transparent sword gangs on the long sword.

The defensive runes on the edge of the ring were pierced by sword gangs one after another, but fortunately, the teachers under the ring quickly took action to remedy it, so that the sword gangs did not spread out of the ring.

Everyone has no time to take care of all this, all staring at the ring.

The number of sword gangs raging in the arena is too terrifying.

"Is this person already in the high rank?" This thought flashed in many people's minds.

Not to mention that Li Chungniang was within the range of the deeply wrinkled long sword, even if she wasn't there, Li Chungniang could no longer avoid it when the sword was flying around.

Zhou Fan's face changed slightly, he was ready to go, ready to rescue Li Chungniang at any time.

Li Chungniang's eyes were still very calm, she stretched out her right hand and popped out with a light finger.

It's just that the deeply wrinkled figure flickered, and his seemingly prosperous sword also shrank back. His sword was a false move.

But the golden sword qi that Li Chungniang popped out was just a wisp of sword qi that pierced the wrinkled and deep long sword and dissipated.

Is this the power of the sword qi that is ready to go?

Everyone was slightly startled.

However, the corners of Li Chungniang's mouth were slightly upturned, she stretched out her left hand, and pointed at the wrinkle that just stopped and shot deeply.

This refers to the sword energy as thin as hair.

But at the moment of generation, the surrounding transparent sword gangs were shaken into powder.

Wrinkled deep and his pupils shrunk, he only had time to stab out a sword, and the infuriating energy in his body was mobilized frantically, all gathered on this sword.


The long sword and the hair-thin golden sword aura were broken inch by inch.

There was a terrifying sword hole in the right palm of the wrinkled deep sword.

The sword energy swept across his cheek, leaving a shallow bloodstain.

The audience was quiet. The change in this short period of time was too fast. First, the wrinkle was deep, and the seemingly indomitable sword was a false The purpose was to force out Li Chungniang's energy storage. Sharp swordsmanship.

But no one thought that Li Chungniang also kept a hand, the sword qi that seemed to be gaining momentum in the right hand was just a false move, and the real sword qi that was gaining momentum was actually in the right hand.

Wrinkle looked at his right palm deeply, blood dripping down the sword hole in the palm.

Li Chungniang gasped slightly, the sword qi just now was the strongest attack she could make, and it was quite exhausting for her.

"Are you showing mercy?" Zou Shen Shen asked indifferently.

If the sword qi stabbed at his forehead or heart just now, he would definitely die.

"No." Li Chungniang shook her head slightly: "Just think about it, you just moved a step subconsciously to avoid my sword energy."

In fact, the realm of the two people is almost the same, Li Chungniang can't think so much, this kind of competition may have life and death at any time.

Zou thought deeply for a moment and confirmed that Li Chungniang did not keep his hand, and he said solemnly: "If that's the case, then I didn't lose, let's continue."

"Your sword is ruined, your right hand is injured, how can you beat me?" Li Chungniang was a little surprised.

She originally thought that Wrinkle Shenshen would give up and admit defeat.

Zou smiled wildly: "So what? How can I lose to you?"

His hair was scattered in all directions, because the True Qi in his body began to spread out and blow away, condensing into strands of sword gangs as thin as hair.

The sword Gang is gloomy like a slender needle.

There are more and more needles in the air.

The dense sword needles had not yet stabbed Li Chungniang.

But Li Chungniang felt a sharp pain between her eyebrows.

She understands that this is where the deep wrinkled martial force is condensed into the sword needle.

This lunatic has staked everything.

The sword needle conveys a kind of meaning of life and death.

"I admit defeat." Li Chungniang said silently.

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