Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 842: money burn test

The decision to revise the examination rules came from the official family, so this news is not wrong.

But the more sudden the news, the more intriguing.

And just to change a number, the candidates are still allowed to make dead hands in the exam, which seems a bit weird, and there is always a sense of nondescript moderation.

The previous news from the three of Zhongtian said that many ministers in the court had stood up against the cruelty of the ring test, and asked several times to see the saint who had not been to the court for a long time, and let the saint persuade the saint of the academy to revise the rules.

But the sage never said a word, and the sage of the academy didn't even see him face to face.

Does the revision of the rules now represent a concession made by the sage?

Yuan Hai and Mrs. Zhang Li felt both light and heavy in their hearts. What felt light was that the A-class arena test at least would not be as cruel as before, so the casualty rate of the arena test would be greatly reduced. Variety.

What Zhongtian is more worried about is his teacher Lin Wuya. He knows his teacher. The teacher will not make concessions because of any pressure. If he makes concessions, it can only achieve some of his goals.

If this is okay, it means that the teacher just borrowed this matter to achieve the goal, not necessarily to deliberately design such cruel examination rules.

But what he was worried about was another situation, that is, the official side directly abandoned his teacher and issued this will to revise the examination rules.

Once this is the case... Nakata's back seeps out a fine cold sweat.

Regardless of the situation in the mirror, the ring test is still going on.

In the second ring, two candidates are fighting fiercely in the ring.

Each arena is one acre in size, which is enough for the candidates to show their abilities.

In the arena points competition, each candidate must play and play a match with other candidates.

In this way, each candidate has to play nine games in principle. If his opponent is killed by other candidates before the game, there will be a bye. Under the new rules, the previous bye is OK. Get a point, now there are no points for a bye.

However, it is up to the examinee to decide whether to challenge the examinee who killed his opponent. This is a supplement to the revised rules of the ring competition.

Zhou Fan watched the two candidates in the ring fighting, thinking that each candidate would have to play nine games. This would be a serious test for the candidates' physical strength and infuriating energy, but for him, it was considered a an advantage.

However, this advantage is not big, because other candidates can use the medicine pill to recover.

Zhou Fan frowned slightly, because the martial artist's competition is fast and slow. There are ten candidates in one arena, and each candidate will play nine games, and there will be forty-five games in total.

It is difficult to estimate how long the forty-five games will take.

And after forty-five games, if the points are the same, they may have to try again...

The arena test rules indicate that this is a closed test. Before the test is over, you can only stay in the square and wait, and the academy will provide you with food and drink until the end of the test.

Zhou Fan glanced at the two candidates on the stage again, just looking at it alone, it is difficult to judge the cultivation of the martial artist, but Zhou Fan estimates that the strength of the two candidates on the stage is between the marrow washing and the blood exchange, which is not strong.

The party and Bai Xuanyu had already left the second arena to watch the competition in other arenas.

As long as the next game is not their turn, they don't have to wait in the second ring.

Zhou Fan also moved away, and the candidates rushed to the ninth ring, because the ninth ring Zhang Li Xiaohu and Xiong Feixiu had already boarded the ring.

One is from the Zhang Li family, the first family in Gaoxiang County, and the other is from the Xiong family, the first family in Juxiong County.

The two great families have big and small contradictions. Of course, the candidates are more concerned about the strength of Zhang Li Xiaohu and Xiong Feixiu, who are currently ranked in front of the score?

Most of the candidates watching the game prefer that Zhang Li Xiaohu will win the game because Xiong Feixiu is too young.

Zhang Lixiaohu and Xiong Feixiu each boarded the ring from one side. Zhang Lixiaohu was wearing a white robe with a fire cloud pattern printed on the robe, while Xiong Feixiu was wearing a blue-black outfit.

"From Zhang Li's family, you are unlucky when you meet me." Xiong Feixiu said arrogantly: "Before I came, my grandfather told me that if I had a chance to meet your Zhang Li family, I would teach me a lesson."

Mrs. Zhang Li, who was standing not far from the arena and watching the match, had a dark face. This arrogant child was too arrogant.

Zhang Li Xiaohu said calmly: "You stinky child, get off the ring yourself, don't waste my time."

Each arena has a coach as the referee. The coach glanced at the two people who were arguing and shouted: "The competition begins."

As soon as the teaching words fell, Zhang Li Xiaohu stepped on the sole of his left foot, and in the blink of an eye, he quickly arrived in front of Xiong Feixiu. He punched out, and crimson flames spurted out of his fist.

The jade pendant that Xiong Feixiu had been holding in his left hand exuded a faint white light in time.

The flames were all scattered within the white aperture, but it was unable to break through the defense of the white aperture.

Xiong Feixiu grinned, and stretched out her right hand to the talisman bag on her body in a hurry.

Zhang Li Xiaohu snorted coldly, he lifted his foot and swept across, and his right foot was surrounded by crimson flames, smashing into the white circle of light.

With a bang, the white aperture suddenly burst, and the crimson flame's right leg swept across Xiong Feixiu.

It's just that Xiong Feixiu's body shattered like a phantom and appeared at the edge of the ring in the southeast corner.

"It's a stand-in!" Someone among the candidates exclaimed.

This kind of avatar can be used as a substitute for a warrior to take damage once, and the warrior can take this opportunity to escape.

The avatar is very useful, but it is not easy to refine. One avatar requires ten thousand profound coins.

In other words, Xiong Feixiu just spent 10,000 profound coins.

This is a fight here and there, this is burning money... Zhou Fan twitched the corner of his mouth.

Zhang Li Xiaohu turned his head to look at Xiong Feixiu, his eyes were slightly red and he said: "Why is it so wasteful, you can give me the ten thousand Xuan coins and tell me to stop."

Mr. Zhang Li's face was shaking, he resisted the urge to walk onto the ring with a cane and beat this shameful guy to death.

"I'll give you 100,000 profound coins, are you willing to admit defeat?" Xiong Feixiu sneered.

"That won't work. If I lose this match, maybe I'll lose the chance to enter the arena ranking test." Zhang Li Xiaohu turned his head and refused.

Xiong Feixiu didn't speak. He took out a slingshot from the talisman bag, a bow body smelted with black gold, blood-red rubber bands and leather blocks.

The candidates watching the game all had strange expressions on their They didn't expect Xiong Feixiu to take out a slingshot.

"It turned out to be a slingshot, no wonder I didn't see him with a bow and arrow." Seeing this, Mrs. Zhang Li whispered to himself.

"Do you think this is a child playing a house?" Zhang Li Xiaohu snorted coldly, and he rushed towards Xiong Feixiu.

Xiong Feixiu moved faster. He quickly stuffed a dark red projectile into the slingshot leather block, pulling and shooting.

call out!

The dark red projectile shot directly at Zhang Li Xiaohu, who was rushing away.

Zhang Li Xiaohu's pupils shrank, and a crimson flame emerged from his body, forming a flame wall.

The dark red projectile shot in the flame wall and exploded directly. With a loud bang, countless tiny flames splashed out of the arena.

Many students' faces changed drastically and they retreated.

It's just that when the flame flower falls on the edge of the ring, the talisman at the boundary of the ring is activated, and the golden light curtain intercepts the flame flower.

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