Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 813: 2 halves

The snow fell like a roaring dragon.

The seemingly insignificant Zhou Fan shouted, and when the snow line hit, his feet sank suddenly, nailed to the rock, and his swords slashed out.

Two knives, one large and one small, slashed into the snow wave formed by the collapse, but the snow wave still hit Zhou Fan.

The snow waves quickly covered him, and layers of snow rolled down, making the snow on the ground thicker and thicker.

The snow was still rolling, and it didn't stop at the foot of the mountain. It destroyed and buried the ice forest trees that surrounded the foot of the mountain. The specific appearance of the ice forest could no longer be seen, and it became a vast expanse of white.

Layer after layer of snow rolled down the mountain, rushing farther and farther and accumulating thicker and thicker.

On the snow, a golden circle of light broke out from the snow, and the golden circle spread out. It was Li Chungniang and the three of them.

Aperture converged into Chen Peiping's vegetable basket.

The three looked up at the mountain.

There was still a loud rumbling sound from the high altitude of the snow-capped mountains, as if a **** was hammering the sky.

Chen Peipi's face was solemn: "What happened above?"

She didn't know, and neither did Li Chungniang and Liu Sanhuo.

"Old Liu, contact outside to see if the cross-country test is over?" Li Chungniang said.

"Young Master, if it's not over, then we have violated the exam rules and will be eliminated." Liu Sanhuo hesitated.

The off-road test stipulates that if there is no contact with the outside world before the end is confirmed, it will also be eliminated.

"It's not important in the first place, ask." Li Chungniang shook her head.

Liu Sanhuo didn't say any more. When he took out the sound transmission from the talisman bag and was about to communicate with the outside world, the Xuanguang jade talisman on Li Chungniang's waist exuded a faint blue light, and Zhong Tian's voice came from the jade talisman: " The cross-country test has ended, and the snow-capped mountains are in unusual conditions, so candidates please stay away from the snow-capped mountains.”

The Xuanguang Jade Talisman dimmed.

Instead, there is no need to ask. Li Chungniang took out a message symbol from the talisman bag and began to try to contact Zhou Fan, but there was no response from there for a while.

This made Li Chungniang frown.

"Young Master, let's get out of here first, it's too dangerous." Chen Pepi looked at the loud noise from the high mountain and took a deep breath.

Li Chungniang watched Xue Shan frown in silence, and suddenly the message talisman in her hand emitted a faint yellow light.


The avalanche passed, and Zhou Fan emerged from the thick snow covered in the mountain. He shook the snowflakes on his body, put his two knives in the sheath, and pulled out the package from the snow. He couldn't help coughing out a mouthful of blood.

This mouthful of blood spit out, Zhou Fan just felt that the suffocation in his heart and lungs was gone, and his limbs felt severe pain, because of the huge impact just now, his limbs had endured most of them.

At that moment, he could only try his best to remove the impact of the snow waves.

After being buried by Bengxue, his consciousness was still awake. The martial artist breathed a long time, and holding his breath for a while was nothing. He waited patiently for a while to confirm that the avalanche had passed before struggling to break through the snow.

Not being able to avoid the avalanche, Zhou Fan felt a little depressed, but he looked up at the still roaring mountain, and was glad that he had already descended to such a height, otherwise he would be affected by the terrifying battle on the mountain, and he might never get down.

Zhou Fan stretched out his hand and put it into the talisman bag, ready to take out a bottle of medicinal herbs to treat trauma and take it. Only then did he realize that there was a talisman in the talisman bag emitting a faint yellow light. message character.

Zhou Fan took out the message sign and saw that it was Li Chungniang who was asking about his situation.

Wouldn't she care too much about me, but if she cared about me because I was a friend of September, it wouldn't be strange... Zhou Fan didn't think about it, but sent a message of peace to Li Chungniang through the message symbol. information.

After Zhou Fan did these things and briefly dealt with the injury, he hurriedly fled down the mountain.

Perhaps because of the avalanche impact, he didn't encounter any strange attacks when he went down the mountain, but it only took a short time to go down the mountain.

Zhou Fan stood at the foot of the mountain, watching that the magnificent ice forest had disappeared, and all that came into his eyes was the vast white snow. The power of the avalanche was too terrifying.

It's just that he couldn't feel it.

There was another loud bang from above the snow mountain. This loud noise was louder than all the previous sounds. The sound spread to the distance, and the Thousand Illusionary Snow Mountain came out, echoing in the nearby villages.

Zhou Fan didn't look back. He used the teleportation technique to move several hundred feet away before he dared to look back, which made his pupils shrink.

Qianhuan Snow Mountain literally broke in half from the middle, and a unique canyon that could only accommodate one person appeared in the middle.

What exactly did the ghost burial coffin do on the mountain, and I don't know what it is now... Zhou Fan didn't dare to think about it any more, but used the teleportation technique to sprint outside.

Because no one is sure what kind of dangerous changes will take place here.

The warriors who survived in the snow mountain also made a similar choice as Zhou Fan and fled outside the snow mountain.


"How's the situation?" Mrs. Zhang Li asked calmly. He just confirmed that Zhang Li Xiaohu was all right, but he didn't know what happened to the other candidates, so he asked that.

"As far as I know, five candidates have died, and the rest of the situation is still unclear." A teacher replied.

The death of five candidates was still detected through the special talisman of the Xuanguang Jade Talisman.

Fortunately, the cross-country test was over when the avalanche broke out. At that time, many candidates went down the mountain. Even if they did not come down completely, they were also in the lower half of the snow mountain. Even if the avalanche broke out suddenly, it did not cause major casualties.

The three of Nakata confirmed again and again that the top 12 in this cross-country test were all safe.

Just when they breathed a sigh of relief, the candidates in front sent another message to the academy that made them nervous: Qianhuan Snow Mountain was split in two.

Zhongtian took a deep He didn't know what happened to Qianhuan Snow Mountain, but he quickly calmed down and said: "Let Yiluan Division send a team to investigate why the snow mountain has undergone such changes, and let the neighboring The townships of Qianhuan Snow Mountain remain vigilant and report the situation as soon as possible."

There must be a special change on the top of Qianhuan Snow Mountain. If one is not good, disasters may come to the villages of Gaoxiang County, so they have to be careful.

Soon someone left quickly and went to notify the Yiluan Division of Gaoxiang County.

Yuan Hai and Mrs. Zhang Li had heavy expressions on their faces. If something went wrong in Gaoxiang County, they would inevitably be implicated.

The three let the instructors handle the follow-up matters of the cross-country test. They quickly left here in a hurry and returned to a quiet reception room in the academy.

When there were only three people left in the room, Mrs. Zhang Li opened his eyes slightly and looked at Zhongtian and asked, "Has the catastrophe begun?"

When he said this, his heart inevitably beat sharply.

Such a change in Qianhuan Snow Mountain, the most dangerous place in Gaoxiang County, may be a symptom.

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