Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 759: villa in the woods

The cries of the children in the human-faced woods came in bursts.

Zhou Fan froze in place, who... who is crying?

He wanted to turn around and leave, but the small intermittent cries seemed to grab his heart, so that he not only did not leave, but stood quietly and listened to the cries.

He lifted his feet and walked towards the bright red woods like a ghost, until he entered the woods, only to realize that he had entered the woods.

He looked around at a loss, looking at the twisted and wrinkled bark of the human face on the trunks around him, his heart was like the fallen leaves on the tree, falling into the abyss.

He ignored the crying, turned around and ran out, but after running for an unknown amount of time, he found that the road in the woods seemed to have no end, and he could never see the bright red snow outside.

He clearly remembered that he had not been in the woods for a long time, and he still walked in slowly. Why can't he go out now?

He was tired of running and had to stop.

The cry kept ringing in my ears.

Who is crying?

Where is the crying person?

He became more and more afraid, afraid of the child's cry, he stopped running, just went in the opposite direction of the cry, as long as he got rid of the cry.

But wherever he went, the cry seemed to follow him, neither getting stronger nor weaker.

After walking in the Human Face Woods for a long time again, he couldn't help but look back. This time he saw a bright red empty snow field that was rarely seen in the woods. On the snow stood a boy of about six years old.

The little boy had short hair and was wearing a blood coat, and the cry came from the blood coat.

The little boy had bright red pupils, and he was staring at Zhou Fan coldly.

This kind of gaze made Zhou Fan feel his bones tremble.

He wanted to run, but his feet seemed to be filled with lead.

The little boy grinned suddenly. His smile gave people a strange and cold feeling. He bowed gracefully and said, "It's a long-lost reunion, welcome back."

Long-lost reunion? Welcome back?

Zhou Fan was a little puzzled, and he kept silent.

"We haven't played games in the villa for a long time." The little boy said again.

Villa? Where are the villas? Zhou Fan was stunned for a while, only then did he realize that there was a manor surrounded by bright red walls behind the little boy at some point.

The blood-red iron gate had slowly opened, and the little boy turned around and walked into the villa, disappearing from Zhou Fan's field of vision.

Zhou Fan involuntarily entered the blood-red villa.

When I walked in, I still saw a little boy in blood. He stood on the snow and asked indifferently, "Do you want to play snowman?"

Zhou Fan didn't know how to respond.

"If you don't want to play, then go inside." The little boy in blood showed a cold expression on his face, and then he didn't look at Zhou Fan again, but started to build a snowman by himself.

Zhou Fan walked forward again, and in front of him was another wall, with a bright red door on the wall.

The world seems to be only red.

He pushed open the door and walked in.

It was still bright red snow, but the space was much wider than before. There were three little boys in blood standing on the snow. Their faces were exactly the same, but their heights were different.

The three little boys in blood were holding a bright red snowball in their hands. The tallest little boy asked indifferently, "Are you going to have a snowball fight?"

Zhou Fan remained silent.

"If you don't play, then go inside." The shortest little boy said.

Zhou Fan continued to walk forward, and the three little boys on the snow began to frolic. They threw snowballs at each other and hit each other. The bright red snowballs scattered into countless fine snow, like blooming blood.

Zhou Fan didn't look anymore, but encountered a bright red wall again. He pushed open the door on the wall, walked in, and the door closed automatically.

It was still snow, but there were eleven little boys in blood with the same appearance standing on the snow, and the difference between them was still only a slight difference in height.

"Would you like to play with the wooden figure one two three?" Eleven little boys in blood asked in unison.

Zhou Fan didn't answer, he told him in his heart not to play, not to play any games.

"If you don't play, then go inside." The eleven little boys in blood said coldly in unison.

Then they automatically separated one person with their backs to the others, and the others walked outside the boundary drawn by the snow. The little boy who turned his back to the others said one, two, three wooden people, and the other ten little boys walked quickly. , when the little boy who turned his back to the others turned his head to look, they remained still.

It looks like a very ordinary little game.

Zhou Fan didn't look any further, but continued to move forward. He came to a blood-red wall again, pushed open the door and walked in.

This time he walked into a room made of bright red wood. There was only a little boy in blood. He looked at Zhou Fan and asked, "Do you want to play guessing?"

Zhou Fan still shook his head.

The little boy in blood said, "Then please leave."

Zhou Fan nodded and walked past the little boy in blood. He walked to the other door of the house.

The little boy in the blood shirt lowered his head and played guessing with his left and right hands, never looking at Zhou Fan again.

Zhou Fan pushed open the door and walked in. He found that he was still in a house.

There was still only a little boy in blood in the house, holding a paintbrush in his hand, standing in front of the canvas stretched by the wooden frame to paint, but his paintings were blurry, and Zhou Fan couldn't see what he was painting.

"Want to paint with me?" The little boy asked without turning his head.

Zhou Fan still didn't answer.

"It seems that you don't like playing with anything." The little boy sighed.

With this sigh, Zhou Fan felt as if his whole body was on fire, his body began to melt, and droplets of flesh and fat fell on the ground, causing him to cry out in pain.


Zhou Fan was sweating profusely and sat up in His shrunken pupils saw Gu Yan and Huang Bujue.

He was horrified to find that the sky did not know when it was light, and it was bright when he fell asleep.

Gu Yan and Huang Bujue were relieved to see Zhou Fan wake up.

"Last night, after you slept for half an hour, I woke up Aunt Huang Shi, but I couldn't wake you up. Later, the two of us kept trying to wake you up, but to no avail." Gu Yan said solemnly.

"After that, I can't, I can only let Master Gu go to sleep, I will guard the two of you, especially keep an eye on your situation, but your breath is even, I can only watch, you won't wake up until dawn ..." Huang Bujue continued.

After listening to the words of the two, Zhou Fan realized that he had been in a deep sleep since then. He still remembered the clear dream, what the little boy in blood said in the dream, and the games in the villa that invited him to play.

What caught his attention the most was what the little boy said to him when he first met.

Long-lost reunion? Welcome back?

The little boy seemed to know him?

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