Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 747: cotton and mirror

The dark gray fishing line was pulled down rapidly, Zhou Fan grabbed the fishing rod with both hands and pulled it upward, the fishing line broke out of the water, and the end of the octopus-shaped fishing line was wrapped around a white box the size of a palm.

The fishing line swayed back with the white box, Zhou Fan reached out and grabbed the white box in his hand, and the dark gray fishing line disappeared.

Chefu looked curiously at the white box in Zhou Fan's hand, she hoped that it was a piece of garbage.

Zhao Yazhu walked over and said, "Quickly open it and take a look."

Do you want to see my joke... Zhou Fan twitched the corner of his mouth, but he still opened the box, and inside was a thumb-sized piece of cotton.

The cotton is no different from what is usually seen, except that the outermost layer is glowing with a touch of silver.


Zhou Fan was stunned for a while. He picked up the cotton and pinched it. It was very elastic. It was really a cotton.

Zhao Yazhu's face was calm and she didn't make any comments.

Shouldn't it really be unlucky to catch a piece of junk, right? Zhou Fan was speechless for a while.

Chefu smiled happily, calling you a dog that won't listen to me!

Zhou Fan put the cotton back in the box, and after closing it, he hurriedly threw out the second shot.

The dark gray fishing line hung down again, and the gray water rolled into a vortex. When the fishing line was stretched, Zhou Fan raised the fishing rod again. This time he also caught a white square box.

Could it be two pieces of cotton in a row... Zhou Fan's heart twitched, because the cotton looked too ordinary, he always felt that it was not a good thing, and he didn't want another one that was exactly the same.

After Zhou Fan took the white square box in his hand, he found that the two looked similar in size and color, but there was a big difference. At least the texture on the box surface was different. The cotton box was branded with trees. shaped texture.

Inscribed on the surface of this white square box are dense thin lines, which are sometimes parallel and sometimes converge on one point.

Zhou Fan didn't take a closer look, but opened the box, which contained an irregular triangular broken lens.

Chifu stared at the broken triangular lens, and she was even happier. What the **** was caught, a piece of cotton and a broken lens, at first glance, it was not a good thing.

The triangular lens is a very small piece, the widest part is only **** big, and the front is the color of golden glass. Zhou Fan flipped the back of the lens, it was only pure silver, and there was no such thing as runes on it.

He glanced at Zhao Yazhu next to him, Zhao Yazhu didn't look at him, just stared at the broken triangle lens, but when she noticed Zhou Fan's gaze, she turned her eyes away.

Miss Zhao's expression, is this lens a good thing? Zhou Fan thought to himself, he pushed both boxes to Zhao Yazhu, "Miss Zhao, please identify it for me."

This is not an exercise that can be understood at a glance, and only Zhao Yazhu can help with the identification.

If possible, Zhao Yazhu would of course want to refuse Zhou Fan's request, but she couldn't refuse, so she could only spread out her palm and let the glazed glass ball floating in the air fall into her palm, and she took out forty large gray worms from it.

After collecting the appraisal fee, Zhao Yazhu looked at the two boxes, she opened the first box containing cotton, she did not pick up the cotton, but said lightly: "This is a kind of spiritual plant called Tianmian. "

"One advantage of this kind of spiritual plant is that it doesn't need to be refined, as long as it is picked, it can be used as a tool. Of course, the difficulty lies in picking it. Its picking difficulty is no less than refining a tool of the same level..."

"What exactly does it do?" Zhou Fan interrupted.

Zhao Yazhu said: "It is the life-saving thing you want."

Chofu was stunned for a while, this cotton is actually a life-saving thing.

Zhou Fan's face showed joy and asked: "How is the life-saving level of Tianmian this time? How to use it?"

"It can defend against all attacks, including special attacks such as sonic waves, curses, toxins, etc. As for the defense power... Even the **** monsters will never be able to break through the defense of Tianmian." Zhao Yazhu snorted coldly: "But It can only last for half an hour, and after half an hour, it will shrink. It will shrink into a small ball and can no longer be used."

"The method of use is also very simple. As long as you swallow the Huitian Cotton, you will find that it exists in your internal organs. When you want to use it, you only need to mobilize the True Qi to activate it."

It can defend against **** savage attacks!

Half an hour!

Chufu's face turned black, she didn't expect this little cotton to be such a powerful thing, this dog thing is so lucky, she was mad at her.

"Enough." Zhou Fan let out a long sigh of relief. With Huitianmian, even if he really encountered a **** savage, he would not have no means of saving his life. "Where's the other box?"

Zhao Yazhu didn't rush to answer, but opened the box and took out the broken lens inside. The fat on her face shook, "I have 10,000 big gray worms, you sell them to me."

10,000 big gray worms... Zhou Fan only spent 8,192 large gray worms for this fishing. He quickly shook his head and said, "I want to first listen to the identification of this fragment before making a decision."

He felt that the broken lens could open the price of 10,000 big gray worms, so it would not be worth only 10,000 big gray worms, and he was not willing to sell it under the unclear circumstances!

Zhao Yazhu was silent for a while and said, "This is a fragment of the Great Karma Mirror."

Big causal mirror? Zhou Fan's face was shocked. In order to find the masked man who dared to deal with him in Tianliang City, he had obtained a copy of the small karma mirror from Rouge, and heard Rouge say a few words about the small karma mirror and the big karma mirror. thing.

Rouge said that the small karma mirror can be traced back to the cause, and through the mirror, a monk with a low realm can be easily obliterated, and the big karma mirror is even more terrifying.

Even Rouge mentioned the big karma mirror at that with a look of dread. The big karma mirror can trace the effect from the cause, even if it is just a beginning, you can see countless possibilities through the big karma mirror, so that you can master it. The monks seek good luck and avoid evil, such as a monk's battle, a monk with a big karma mirror can be invincible innately.

Of course, there are still a lot of great things about the big karma mirror, but Rouge didn't talk about it at the time, so Zhou Fan didn't know.

Instead, Chufu looked confused, she didn't know what the Great Karma Mirror was.

"Have you heard of the Great Karma Mirror?" Zhao Yazhu asked in surprise when she saw the change in the expression on Zhou Fan's face.

"I heard Rouge mention it." Zhou Fan looked at the fragment of the Great Karma Mirror with burning eyes. The value of Huitian Mian couldn't be compared with this fragment. "What is the use of this fragment? Can it play a small part of the Great Karma Mirror?"

Even if it can play a small role, it is a very powerful tool for Zhou Fan.

"You stop dreaming." Zhao Yazhu sneered, "This is just a waste product."

Scrap? Zhou Fan frowned: "You didn't lie to me, did you?"

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