Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 742: open the door

Will it be a new weirdness?

Regarding Zhou Fan's idea, Huang Bujue raised his eyebrows and thought about it: "It's possible, but it's also possible that the monster is hiding in the wooden house. The wooden house is just a disguise for it."

If Wei Wei was hiding in the wooden house, then there was nothing strange about them not being able to recognize him.

"It appeared in front of us, but it didn't attack, why?" Gu Yan asked strangely.

"Is it some kind of weirdness that can't be seen directly?" Zhou Fan's face changed slightly.

There are also strange things that can't be looked at directly.

Zhou Fan's reminder, Huang Bujue and Gu Yan both quickly looked away.

Zhou Fan also lowered his head and stopped looking directly at the wooden house emitting silver light. He said anxiously: "There are some strange things that can't be seen directly, but they are very rare. Think about whether you have ever seen a monster that emits silver light that cannot be looked directly at. deceitful?"

"No." Huang Bujue said quickly: "But it's not that I can't tell the difference."

Huang Bujue reached into his talisman bag and took out a mirror. The mirror was only the size of a palm, with eight edges and corners. The copper-yellow mirror was engraved with a talisman.

Huang Bujue turned the mirror over and faced the direction of the wooden house for only three breaths. He quickly shrank back and looked at the mirror without any signs of cracking before he breathed a sigh of relief: "It's not that you can't look directly at the strange thing."

Zhou Fan and Gu Yan saw Huang Bujue so sure, and they looked up at the wooden house again.

"Be careful, it may have launched an offensive against us, hunting us." Huang Bujue reminded Zhou Fan and Gu Yan with a vigilant look on his face.

Next, Zhou Fan and the three tried every means they could think of, but they didn't find any signs of being attacked by strange things.

"It seems to be a false alarm." Gu Yan sighed.

It's just that the wooden house that emits silver light still exists, and there is no sign of disappearing at all.

They had to face the fact that they had to figure out a way to deal with the wooden house that appeared in their field of vision.

"Don't pay attention to it, you sleep first, if it dares to come over, we will find a way." Zhou Fan thought for a while.

It's better to do this than to take the risk to check the wooden house. After all, up to now, the wooden house of unknown origin has no intention of attacking them, so why risk it to provoke it?

"This is indeed more secure." Huang Bujue nodded.

Even in the Qi Gang section, outside the wilderness, they would not dare to rashly contact some strange things whose details are unclear.

"Then I'll sleep for a while, it's my turn, you call me again." Gu Yan also said.

It's just that the two of them haven't turned around, and the wooden house has begun to change.

The silver light of the wooden house shrank back and stuck to the wooden wall. The wooden house seemed to be coated with a layer of silver foil.

This change made Zhou Fan's faces slightly congealed. They did not rush to take any action, but put their hands in the talisman bag and patiently watched the changes in the wooden house.

The door of the wooden house opened slowly, and there was a dazzling silver light inside, and the arrangement inside could not be seen clearly.

But under the silver light, three figures slowly walked out.

After the three figures walked out of the shrouded silver light, Zhou Fan and the others could see clearly.

The three figures are exactly the same as they are now!

"Is it a bizarre person with the ability to copy?" Gu Yan's face showed a look of surprise.

Zhou Fan was also slightly taken aback. The Black Demon-level Deception Lord that he had encountered in Qilian Pond also had a similar ability to copy.

But Jing Lian-Jun can only copy warriors weaker than it, Zhou Fan can't copy it.

But now that the three replicas came out of the wooden house, Zhou Fan's replicas still showed no signs of falling apart, as did Huang Bujue and Gu Yan's replicas.

Seeing someone exactly like him in this dark night, if ordinary people would have been scared, but Zhou Fan and the three did not have much fear, they calmly stared at the three replicas in the wooden house.

After the three replicas came out of the wooden house, they did not run towards Zhou Fan and the others, but stood at the door of the wooden house, their three heads turning rigidly and mechanically, looking around.

The replica of Zhou Fan in the middle turned around and closed the wooden door.

"The replicas are often a copy of our strength, and I don't know how much of our strength they have inherited? If they rush over later, be careful, don't rush to kill them, and hurt the places on their bodies that are not fatal. "Huang Bujue reminded.

Zhou Fan and Gu Yan nodded slightly. They knew what Huang Bujue meant by saying this. Huang Bujue was worried that killing the replica would be equivalent to killing himself.

This kind of thing has also appeared in some weird stories that are good at making replicas.

It is still unclear what the origin of the monster in the wooden house is, so I have to deal with it carefully to avoid any curse or trap.

This new type of monster that has never appeared before is often more difficult than some powerful monsters, because it is not clear about its capabilities.

It's just that the three replicas still show no sign of attacking, and they are still standing within the silver light enveloped by the wooden house.

The more this is the case, the more cautious Zhou Fan and the others are, not daring to slack off. While paying attention to every move of the three replicas, they also pay close attention to their own bodies and the people around them, so as not to unknowingly be anything special. curse.

The three replicas didn't do anything, they didn't even look at the three Zhou Fans, but began to sit cross-legged.

The three of Zhou Fan looked at each other, wondering what the three replicas from the wooden house wanted to do?

"We can't stay here anymore, we have to get closer." Zhou Fan suggested with a solemn expression.

Now that the wooden house has changed and three replicas have appeared, when they can't see what the replicas want to do, if they stand in the distance like this, when there is a change, it seems that Zhou Fan has a speed of teleportation. , may not be able to deal with it.

After all, at this distance, Zhou Fan estimated that it would take three teleports to reach the wooden makes sense. "Huang Bujue and Gu Yanjing Zhou Fan said this, and they all reacted.

The three immediately took off the luminous beads hanging on the ice tree and began to approach the wooden house cautiously. They stopped when they reached a distance of two meters from the wooden house.

At this distance, if you want to shoot the three replicas next to the wooden house, you can do it in an instant, and you don't need to get too close.

When Zhou Fan and the others approached, they kept paying attention to the three replicas and the wooden house, but neither the wooden house nor the three replicas had any changes because of Zhou Fan and the others.

Whether it is a suspicious wooden house or a replica, it seems that the existence of the three Zhou Fans cannot be seen.

This made Zhou Fan and the three feel uncomfortable, and they didn't know how to get rid of the situation in front of them.

A grumpy martial artist would definitely not be able to resist directly attacking the wooden house and the replica, but a grumpy martial artist would not be able to survive for long outside the wilderness.

Zhou Fan and the others don't want to die yet.

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