Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 740: big sister head

The sky was getting darker.

The talisman barrier set up by Zhou Fan can block the light in the barrier from leaking out, but it cannot prevent the chill from seeping in from the outside world.

Even though Zhou Fan purchased a lot of various talismans, he still missed something because his destination was unknown before: he didn't have anything to ward off the cold.

The reason for this was because he had previously thought that even in winter, he could make a fire to keep out the cold, and even if he couldn't make a fire, with the physique of a martial artist, he was not afraid of this little cold.

But who would have thought that the cross-country test for the Grade A class of Gaoxiang Academy would be in Qianhuan Snow Mountain.

Fortunately, even in this extremely cold environment, the three Zhou Fans are all martial artists with a high level of martial arts, and they can still withstand the cold of minus ten degrees in the ice forest.

Especially when the three of them drank the spirit wine brought by Gu Yan and ate dry food, they felt their bodies were warm, and they would not feel cold.

The talisman barrier set up by Zhou Fan only blocked the leakage of his own light, but it did not prevent them from looking at the outside world.

Not far from this dark night, the three scythe-like horns on the six-hoofed black beast were adorned with three blood-colored lanterns transformed by small black shadow beasts. The blood-colored light shone on the blood-red coffin and three gray shadows.

If a team of candidates attacked the ghost burial coffin without seeing it clearly... Zhou Fan didn't think about it any more, because the picture was too beautiful.

"That kid from the Xiong family didn't shout anymore." Huang Bujue said with a smile.

Xiong Feixiu's voice had not stopped before, but it has stopped for a while now.

"I have to take a breath when I hang myself, maybe I'm tired." Zhou Fan said with a smile.

"Why do you need to breathe when you hang yourself? If you want to breathe, don't hang yourself." Gu Yan asked a little puzzled.

Zhou Fan: "..."



Xiong Feixiu was indeed breathing heavily, but it wasn't because he was tired of scolding. Sitting on the ground, he watched as his two squires were restrained by the black-faced man and the middle-aged woman, **** with special strings, and threw them on the snow. .

This made his face look dazed. The two squires he brought from home were both masters of the Qi Gang section!

Moreover, it is a martial artist who has been in the high-level Qi Gang for many years. If it is not too old and has no hope of hitting the Dao Realm, it is impossible for the family to bring him.

Such a Qi Gang Duan martial artist, generally Qi Gang Duan will not be an opponent at all!

But from the appearance of the girl in the blue shirt with her two squires to the start, his two squires lost in just a short while, and it was so fast that he couldn't come back to his senses.

He slumped to the ground in fright, and it was all over.

Now that girl in the blue shirt is looking at Xiong Feixiu with a smile, she smiled in a sweet and sweet voice: "You bear boy is average in strength, but you are not small, don't you say that no one dares to pay attention to you? Now? I am coming."

Xiong Feixiu was crying and sad. He wanted to put on a cute expression to deceive this girl who didn't know the name but had some impressions, but he had never done such a thing before, and his facial expression looked rather funny.

"Sister, I was wrong, please forgive me." Xiong Feixiu said pitifully. Although he was domineering, he could not hesitate to ask for mercy.

This made Li Chungniang a little surprised. She thought Xiong Feixiu would be the kind of child who would not cry and be lawless when she saw a coffin, but she still smiled: "That's not good, we are competitors, and besides, I have no relatives and no reason. You have to be eliminated."

"Now you hand over your Profound Light Jade Talisman and let me ruin it." Li Chungniang's smile converged.

She won't kill Xiong Feixiu, this Xiong Feixiu can take two Qi Gang martial artists as squires, and he must have a high status in the Xiong family. Killing it will inevitably cause trouble, destroying his Xuanguang Yufu and eliminating him is enough.

As soon as Xiong Feixiu heard that his Xuanguang Jade Talisman was going to be destroyed, he was so anxious that his tears almost burst out. Said: "Sister, please don't destroy my Xuanguang Jade Talisman, you will be my eldest sister in the future, can I only follow you?"

"What a mess of eldest sister." Li Chungniang snorted, she didn't expect Xiong Feixiu to be so cowardly.

"I'm serious." Xiong Feixiu glanced at the two comatose servants at home with a bitter face.

Anyway, they can't see it, and it's okay to be embarrassed. The key is to keep the Xuanguang Jade Talisman.

"You said you were serious?" Li Chungniang chuckled, "Do you mean to be my little brother?"

Xiong Feixiu nodded quickly with a sad face again.

"Have you ever done bad things, killed any innocent civilians?" Li Chungniang asked with a serious face.

"I haven't killed anyone, and I haven't bullied those who are incompetent. It's boring to bully them." Xiong Feixiu pouted with disdain.

"That's fine." Li Chongniang thought for a while and shouted, "Old Liu, give him a ghost oath to make him swear allegiance to me."

"I have to swear..." Xiong Feixiu said after a while.

"Otherwise, do you think I can spare you just by calling me casually?" Li Chungniang wrote lightly, "If you don't want to swear, just hand over the Xuanguang Jade Talisman."

Xiong Feixiu's face was cloudy and uncertain, he struggled for a while, but still felt that the Class A class was more important, so he agreed with a sullen expression.

The black-faced man Liu Sanhuo immediately handed the ghost oath to Xiong Feixiu, and monitored Xiong Feixiu to make the ghost oath.

Just asking Xiong Feixiu to swear allegiance to Li Chungniang, but as long as there is no help of any kind between the two candidates, it is not a violation of the rules.

After discovering the ghost oath, Xiong Feixiu called out with a bitter face: "Big sister."

"Hey." Li Chongniang held back a smile, "You can't act so arbitrarily in the future, or you won't know how to die."

"I see." Xiong Feixiu wanted to cry without tears, how could he not know that if he kept a low profile, he wouldn't be in the current situation.

"Do you know where Yelaitianxiang is?" Li Chungniang asked I don't know. Xiong Feixiu was slightly startled, and he quickly added: "Eldest sister, even if I know, I can't tell you. "

If he said it, it would be equivalent to providing help, and then his Xuanguang Jade Talisman would be broken directly.

"I almost forgot if you didn't say it." Li Chongniang smiled and shook her head: "So the two teams of candidates who know each other should not get too close, or you won't know when the ghost oath was violated."

"Did Tianxiang offend the eldest sister that night?" Xiong Feixiu asked curiously. After getting along for a short period of time, he felt that the eldest sister was a very scary woman, even more terrible than his mother.

If Tianxiang offended the eldest sister that night, I am afraid it will be bad luck.

"I hate her very much." Li Chongniang frowned slightly: "But she didn't offend me. I asked her to tune and teach her, lest she really become..."

When Li Chungniang said this, there was a very complicated expression on Wuxia's face, and she didn't say any more.

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