Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 738: Snow corpse

Every old corpse of Xue has the strength of blood fiend, and now surrounded by three old corpses of Xue, Huang Bujue and Gu Yan both became solemn.

If it was just one blood fiend, of course they wouldn't be afraid, but now there are three here, and Huang Bujue felt troubled. He didn't expect to encounter a blood fiend like Xue Lao Zhe when he stepped into the ice forest. deceitful!

"Zhou Fan, be careful yourself, we will solve them as soon as possible and come back to help you." Huang Bujue said solemnly.

Zhou Fan nodded lightly and said, "Okay, I see."


The ice surface where the three were standing suddenly cracked, and countless pieces of ice splashed up.

Zhou Fan, Gu Yan, and Huang Bujue's bodies turned into phantoms and jumped in three different directions.

Gu Yan was just standing on the branch of the tree, and the old snow corpse on the tree changed from slow to fast and rushed towards Gu Yan.

Gu Yan laughed wildly, stepped on his feet lightly, and flew towards the old snow corpse. The thick infuriating energy in his body exploded, causing the snow on the top of the ice tree to rust.

Huang Bujue jumped in the direction of the old Xue corpse standing on the ground. He had a cold face, a fan in his hand, and countless infuriating qi turned into pure white knives and cut them away. , the wind and snow were all twisted together with the cut tree, and the old corpse of Xue was completely covered by the astral blade.

Zhou Fan didn't have time to take a closer look at the battle between Gu Yan and Huang Bujue against Xue Lao Zhe. The Xue Lao Zhe had already broken through the ice and rushed towards him.

With a bang, the rusted knife from Zhou Fan's waist was unsheathed, and the rust on the rusted knife disappeared in an instant, green-black ghost gas, crimson flames, and black thunder arcs spread out from the hilt.

A thin knife as fast as a gleam of silver slashed out.


The thin knife slashed on the forehead of the rushing old corpse of Xue and pulled it down, but it only smashed dozens of white pustules, leaving a small knife mark in the middle of the old corpse of Xue, from which the white blood was slowly flowing. Flow out slowly.

The pain caused the old corpse Xue to go crazy, and its rotten palms suddenly stretched out and grabbed towards Zhou Fan.

Zhou Fan's figure became blurred for a while, and he appeared not far from the snow. His face was slightly cold. The combination of the three forces only slightly injured Xue Lao Zhe. This Xue Lao Zhe's body was too tough.

The old corpse Xue with a hunched back let out a roar that shook the ice forest, and it flew towards Zhou Fan, spewing blood-colored liquid bubbles from its mouth.

The blood-colored liquid bubbles evaporated in the ice and snow, and the ice trees that were unfortunately hit were corroded into tree holes in an instant and collapsed.

Zhou Fan's face was slightly cold. He knew that the blood-colored blisters were so powerful that even if he was wearing purple gold armor, it would be easily corroded and hurt his body.

He stamped his feet, leaving two footprints on the ground, and the man disappeared again.

Xue Lao Zhe had to stop his rushing footsteps, his eyes kept rolling, searching for Zhou Fan's figure.

Zhou Fan suddenly appeared behind him, and the rusty knife in his hand had stabbed straight at the heart of the old corpse Xue, which was a key point of the old corpse Xue mentioned in the book.

It's just that the three-colored force stabbed into the air, and the old corpse Xue suddenly shrank sharply, and its entire body was swallowed up by the huge stomach bag in its body!

Zhou Fan snorted coldly, and the rusty knife that was stabbing was changed from stabbing to slashing horizontally towards the stomach.

Before the knife could reach it, the **** stomach bag suddenly spun and disappeared into the air.

When the stomach bag reappeared, it was already beside an ice tree three feet away. The stomach bag was turned over again, and the old corpse of Xue reappeared on the snow again. The drum shrank, and it spewed out corrosive liquid bubbles towards Zhou Fan again.

Zhou Fan stepped back and dodged, and the ice trees that were implicated collapsed one after another.

The old corpse Xue rushed up to fight with Zhou Fan. Zhou Fan tried to slash the vital points of the old corpse of Xue several times, but the old corpse Xue absorbed it through its stomach and avoided it.

For a while, Zhou Fan seemed to be at a disadvantage, but Zhou Fan was still calm, and soon he figured out what to do.

When the old corpse Xue was devoured by the stomach bag again, and when the corpse was regurgitated and vomited in one place, Zhou Fan was already beside the old corpse Xue, and the rusty knife in his hand slashed down.

Old Xue's mouth spewed a mouthful of blood-colored liquid bubbles to meet Zhou Fan, but Zhou Fan's figure once again disappeared from the range covered by the liquid bubble and reached its back.

The old corpse Xue reacted instinctively, and the stomach began to prepare to devour it quickly.

It was just a strange syllable between Zhou Fan's lips.

Dragon God Language!

Xue Lao Zhe's body completely froze.

The three-colored rust knife in Zhou Fan's hand stabbed straight out.

This time Zhou Fan didn't hold back any more, the nine green-black ghost qi, yan yang qi, and empty sound ghost thunder were all poured into the rusty knife under the fusion of true qi, and they were able to pierce through the incomparably strong rotten body of the old corpse Xue. The power exploded at the heart of the old corpse Xue, directly crushing its heart!

A strange howl spread through the icy woods.

Zhou Fan drew his knife and stepped back several feet, not giving Xue Laozi any chance to fight back before he died. This Xue Laozi fell to the ground, and his body continued to emit a rotting white stench.

Zhou Fan breathed a sigh of relief. It only lasted for a short while from the start of the battle. He looked at the fluctuations in the battle coming from both directions of Huang Bujue and Gu Yan.

Under the shroud of wind and snow, coupled with the raging rage, Zhou Fan, who was standing in the distance, could only see the figure swaying violently in the wind and snow, unable to see the real situation.

Just when he was about to run over to help, Huang Bujue and Gu Yan ended the battle at about the same time.

Huang Bujue and Gu Yan saw Zhou Fan standing not far away, and they were both slightly stunned.

Just now, the two of them can be said to have exerted their full But the strength of Xue Laozi lies in its unique stomach pocket movement, so even if the two of them belong to the top level in the Qi Gang segment, they have to It took some time to solve the Xue Lao corpse of the blood evil level.

But Zhou Fan is actually faster than them?

This really surprised the two of them. They must know that the one who can fight against the blood fiend must at least be a martial artist. They all know that Zhou Fan only has the strength of the link, not even the martial arts.

That's why they will do their best and come to help Zhou Fan, who is in danger in their imagination, but they almost ended the battle one after another, but they saw that Zhou Fan had already cleaned up the old Xue corpse on his side and was ready to come and help them. The two are busy, how can this not surprise them?

"You kid, you really have a little way, no wonder you are willing to pay such a high price to invite us, it seems that you are determined to win this class A exam." Huang Bujue laughed.

Gu Yan picked up the gourd and took a sip of wine and sighed, "This class is known as the strongest class, if it's your kind of gangster who can kill **** evil spirits, then it's really the strongest class. , ten times stronger than the previous one."


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