Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 730: Cross Country Preparation for Candidates

Huang Bujue was dressed in a blue scribe's uniform. He was holding a folding fan and stood leisurely in the corner of the crowd.

Zhou Fan quickly walked over and cupped his hands and called, "Master Huang."

"Why are you wearing a headscarf? No wonder I can't find you." Huang Bujue chuckled.

"It's a long story, my bald head is too big to be targeted." Zhou Fan took a closer look and found that Huang Bujue only carried a golden charm bag, not even a weapon.

Of course, if the folding fan is also a weapon... But Zhou Fan didn't say much about it. In terms of experience, the envoy to the East of Yiluan is much richer than him.

Huang Bujue's appearance was not obvious, all the people present were young people, and no one noticed for a while that the Zhendong envoy of the Yiluan Division was also coming.

Huang Bujue coughed lightly, he covered half of his face with a folding fan, and he didn't want people to find him to be Zhou Fan's squire.

"By the way, do you still have a squire? Could it be that you haven't found a suitable one?" Huang Bujue asked with a smile, "It's really hard to find someone as strong as me, but find someone weaker to bring you more things. Not bad either."

Just as Zhou Fan was about to speak, a voice sounded: "Aunt Huang, do you mean that I am not as good as you?"

Zhou Fan and Huang Bujue followed the voice and found that it was Gu Yan. In addition to carrying a talisman bag, Gu Yan also had a dozen wine gourds of various sizes hanging around his waist. The gourds were as big as fists. Small is only **** small.

"Master Gu." Huang Bujue's face became weird, "Could it be that Zhou Fan's second squire is you?"

"Can't it be me?" Gu Yan said lightly.

"Teacher Gu, you've come." Zhou Fanxi smiled, so that his two squires had arrived.

"Zhou Fan, you are so talented." Huang Bujue looked at Zhou Fan in surprise, "Even Master Gu can be hired as a squire."

In order to invite the two of you, I have paid for it... Zhou Fan twitched in thought.

"It's good now, Zhou Fan, you have the two of us, not to mention the first, the top three must be no problem." Huang Bujue smiled confidently.

If Zhou Fan can enter the Class A, it will definitely be a good thing for Yiluan Si.

However, Gu Yan shook his head and said: "Huang Shiyi, don't be too blindly confident, there are not only me in the academy, there are many professors like me who have been invited by candidates to be squires in various ways. Many powerful warriors, I think they were almost invited."

"If you don't believe me, take a closer look at the crowd. How many acquaintances are there?"

Huang Bujue looked at it quickly, and soon he found out that there were four or five acquaintances who were no less powerful than him, which made him look slightly condensed: "I am too arrogant, it seems that this year's candidates are not only strong, but Even the ability to dig squires is strong."

"This is originally a connection. Which of the candidates who dare to take the Class A exam is a good candidate?" Gu Yan smiled and said: "And those who know it are good to say that candidates from other places want to come and bring a lot of experts, Huang Shiyi, you Both of me have to be careful, otherwise it's easy to capsize in the gutter."

"Of course." Huang Bujue nodded with a wry smile: "Master Gu, can you not call me Aunt Huang?"

Zhou Fan was a subordinate, and Gu Yan called him this nickname, he felt quite uncomfortable, but Gu Yan was much older than him, so he couldn't help calling him a nickname.

Gu Yan just smiled, he took out a wine gourd and took a sip of wine, neither agreeing nor disapproving.

Zhou Fan thought he couldn't hear it, so he found Huang Bujue and relaxed a lot, but began to observe the candidates present.

The first thing he saw was Wrinkle Shenshen, who also had two middle-aged servants beside him.

The two squires had no beards on their faces, one black face and the other white face, giving people a gloomy feeling.

"Master Gu, Master Huang, do you know those two squires?" Zhou Fan asked secretly, pointing at the two squires beside Zou Shen Shen.

Huang Bujue twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "The black-faced one is Eunuch Zhang, the envoy of Zhenxi in our office, and the white-faced one doesn't know him."

Eunuch Zhang... Zhou Fan thought of Eunuch Ao for no reason, why did Wrinkle Shen get entangled with the eunuch? When did he meet Eunuch Zhang?

However, being able to invite experts such as Eunuch Zhang, the envoy of Zhenxi, is not to be underestimated.

Zhou Fan also saw two middle-aged and one elderly warriors standing beside Du Ni. Zhou Fan asked and learned from Gu Yan that the two warriors were both professors of the academy, and their strengths were at the Qi Gang level.

The monks in Baiyi and his party were accompanied by two old monks. According to Huang Bujue, the two old monks were masters of the White Elephant Temple, and each of them was on a par with him in terms of strength.

It seems that Zhang Li Xiaohu, Bai Xuanyu, and Ye Lai Tianxiang are all accompanied by Huang Bujue and two masters who may or may not know.

Li Chungniang was surrounded by Liu Sanhuo and a thin middle-aged woman in blue cloth.

This middle-aged woman was carrying a vegetable basket in her hand, just like an ordinary housewife visiting a vegetable market. This person, Huang Bujue and Gu Yan, could not be recognized.

This made Zhou Fan sigh for a while. If he hadn't invited Huang Bujue and Gu Yan, I'm afraid he would fall behind this time, and even if he invited Huang Bujue and the two, he would be better than him in this cross-country test. It's even harder to imagine.

"It's been a long time since it was so lively." Huang Bujue teased with a smile: "The number of masters gathered here is beyond what I thought before. Zhou Fan, please forgive me for taking back the top three words just now."

Zhou Fan could only helplessly smile.

At this time, the door of the academy was pushed open, and four teachers from the academy came out, indicating that the candidates could enter with two squires.

The candidates began to line up, and they were taught to check the candidates' identities. As long as the number of squires was confirmed, they could enter the academy with the candidates who passed the inspection.

After entering the academy, another academy student led them into the wide square in the inner courtyard.

After more than 200 candidates entered the wide square with their entourage, Zhou Fan stood in a corner and looked around. He couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth again, because he noticed that some people were carrying luggage Even more exaggerated than him.

It was a tall, fat man who was dragging a huge iron box the same height as him, and the two squires behind him were also dragging a similar iron box.

Did this move everything from the house? Zhou Fan couldn't help but think.

The second rule of the cross-country test is that you can only walk on foot, but there is no limit to how many supplies you want to bring.

In addition to the fat man, there were also those who pushed in carts of supplies that were piled high, and some who were pulling cattle, sheep, horses, and donkeys with supplies on their bodies.

Zhou Fan didn't notice it when he was outside before, because the carriage and the lawn were narrow and crowded, but now he entered the vast square, and it was easy to see it.

After all, the cross-country test can only be done on foot, but there is no rule that you are not allowed to bring tools such as cattle, sheep, horses and donkeys.

It's just that this is a cross-country test. When you bring these things, your speed will definitely be greatly slowed down. Don't these people think that?

I didn't expect that they might have a solution... Zhou Fan thought about it while observing.

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