Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 700: life for the people

"Teacher, what did the Holy Master hide from us?" The scholar asked with a look of shock.

Only then did he know that the teacher was dissatisfied because the sage had concealed things from them.

The old man knew that he couldn't help but leak his mouth, he hummed: "How do I know this? If I knew, I wouldn't have to force him like this, don't you see it? He hides in the mirror palace all day, drinking and sleeping with women. , ignoring political affairs, there must be something hidden from us."

The scholar frowned: "But hasn't the Sage been like this since he ascended the throne?"

Scholars have long been accustomed to this, and no minister inside or outside the court would be surprised by this.

He does not agree with the teacher's statement.

The old man sneered: "That's because you don't know the old Li family. As long as you have read the notes on the daily life of the kings of the past dynasties, you will know that each generation of the old Li family's emperors act absurdly and are his mother's stupid monarchs."

"And it's more serious from one generation to the next. In this generation, it's even more of a stupefied monarch. It's a miracle that the Great Wei Dynasty can stand still."

"The little emperor said so nicely to me before he ascended the throne, he must be a wise monarch and something like that, and he coaxed me so hard to help him ascend to the throne, but turned around and became such a useless person. There's definitely something wrong with that."

The scholar's forehead oozes cold sweat. The current sage is actually the disciple of the old man. This is not a big secret. It is also not a secret that the academy helps the current sage to ascend to the throne. He is surprised that the old man has read the daily notes of the imperial family of Wei.

What is a living note?

It is a classic record of the words and deeds of the kings of the Great Wei Dynasty. No matter how small or small, they must be recorded. Of course, this is with the permission of the king, but general things will be recorded.

Not everyone can read this living note. Only the emperor who inherits the throne can view it or the emperor dies, and the royal family can view it with the consent of all important members of the royal family.

The daily life notes of the kings of the Great Wei Dynasty are placed in the mirror palace, which is related to the privacy and secrets of the kings of the royal family.

"Teacher, how did you see the daily life note?" The scholar asked solemnly.

"Of course he sneaked into the Mirror Palace to peek. That little emperor didn't expect me to peek. Besides, even in his territory, I already knew that he couldn't pay attention to everything in the Mirror Palace at twelve o'clock a day." The old man smiled smugly.

The Great Wei Mirror Palace is known as the safest place in the world. He can sneak in and check the daily notes. He is probably the only one in the world who has this kind of ability.

Even he has been preparing for this for a long time.

"I originally thought that only his father and him were the kind of people who couldn't support him, but I didn't expect his ancestors to be the same kind of people." The old man was amazed: "It's no wonder that except for the names of the kings of the Great Wei Dynasty, they are not allowed to be here. The rules of the history books to record anything about the king will become a joke once the record spreads out to the Wei royal family?"

"The Great Wei Emperor is not the most absurd, only more absurd." The old man commented, "If their ancestors hadn't been powerful and left them a legacy for the ages, the Great Wei would have died long ago."

"Teacher, you are too bold." The scholar took a deep breath, with a trace of anger on his face, "No matter how generous the saint is, if he finds out about this, he will definitely be angry. Where does this place the academy?"

This kind of behavior of peeking at the privacy of the ancestors of the royal family is tantamount to digging up the tomb of the Great Wei Emperor. He thought that even the most generous person would not forgive this kind of behavior, not to mention that he was still an emperor after all!

"I've always been bold, otherwise how can I be your teacher?" The old man said with a smile: "Xiaohong, don't be too angry, I don't think you would sell your teacher for that little emperor. Who can know?"

"Even if it's unfortunate to let the little emperor know, it's a big deal that I won't enter the palace in the future, what can he do to me?"

The scholar's face trembled, and he couldn't help laughing and crying: "Teacher, even if you risk reading the daily life note, what do you see?"

The old man snorted coldly, and he picked up a bunch of chicken wings cross-legged and gnawed it without answering. In fact, he told the scholar what he saw on the daily note. That secret was not on the daily note, nor could it be on the daily note. , for him this is just a confirmation.

"Teacher, everyone has some secrets of their own. The sage doesn't want to tell them, so why bother to force him to tell them?" The scholar sighed lightly, "Even if the kings of the Great Wei Dynasty are mediocre, it will not hinder the great strength of the Great Wei state. , the disciple really doesn't understand the reason why the teacher does this?"

The old man turned his head and glanced at his disciple, and he scolded with a cold face: "You are just a wooden head, just thinking about the mud, I naturally have my reasons for doing this."

"If it's really like the peaceful era you said, I won't be bothered to care about him when I'm full!"

"The old bald donkey's disciples and grandchildren are divided into two temples, the big Buddha and the small Buddha, for the sake of the **** Buddhism. They can't wait to punch their dog brains out!"

"Those three noble families headed by Guan Youzi hate our academy to death, thinking that our academy has broken their foundation, and they want to skin us and tear us apart!"

"The absurd little emperor only eats, drinks, plays and sows seeds every day, and gives birth to hundreds of princes. Those princes are all **** little trash, thinking about usurping the throne every day, dragging their Laozi down and splitting them into eight pieces, and dividing the big Wei. clean!"

"If it's just these, it doesn't matter, but everyone knows that the catastrophe is coming, and everyone can't see it. Is this what you mean by a peaceful and prosperous world?" The old man fiercely bit the chicken wings into pieces, swallowed.

"Yeah, when the catastrophe comes, no matter how many people die, it's just ordinary people. What does it have to do with you people? If you can't hold it any longer, you can hide in that broken mirror, and you won't die!" The old man with chicken wings sneered and said Duanmu Xiaohong, do you think so too? "

Duanmu Xiaohong was silent. He knelt down and kowtowed to the old man. He knew that the teacher was extremely angry, so he spoke to him in such a heavy tone. It is our constant pursuit of scholars to establish our hearts for the world and our lives for the people.”

"It's just that the catastrophe is unavoidable. The Holy Master did not ask about it, but he did not block it. The three-way family court, the Great Buddhist Temple, the Academy and other forces have been preparing for this. The Great Wei Dynasty has contradictions, and it is not impossible to coordinate... Teacher, what are you worried about?"

The old man was silent for a moment, the anger on his face faded, "Because I feel uneasy."

The scholar was stunned for a moment. Fear appeared on his face. He knew that people whose cultivation had reached the realm of the teacher, especially the monks of their faction, would always have some special feelings.

The fearless teacher said he felt uneasy?

"I used a divination to calculate a hexagram, and wanted to ask how dangerous this catastrophe was, but the hexagram was dangerous and pointed to the little emperor." The old man continued.

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