Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 293: speed segment

Zhou Fan bought some food on North Street before taking his brother back to the small house where he lived.

After filling my stomach, it was already afternoon when I took a break.

Zhou Fan stood in the courtyard, with a serious face recalling what happened in the villa today, the ups and downs in that nightmare, especially the third nightmare, was really dangerous and dangerous.

But fortunately, the speed segment exercise "You Four Seasons" he wanted has already been obtained.

He slowly closed his eyes and carefully studied the "You Four Seasons" exercise in his mind.

After a full half of the incense stick, Zhou Fan slowly opened his eyes, and a strange look appeared on his face. The practice of "You Four Seasons" is very difficult and obscure. When you inhale the vitality of heaven and earth while running the exercises, the practitioner will fall into the four seasons. in fantasy.

Step by step in the illusion of the four seasons, the steps taken in the illusion are the bottlenecks encountered in the operation of the mind.

Even if you take the wrong step, you will be in chaos, and you will be injured by the backlash of inhalation of vitality.

The more solid the foundation, the easier it is to pass the illusion.

If the foundation is not solid, I am afraid that even getting started is very difficult.

Zhou Fan thought about it seriously, and after confirming that it was correct, he went back to the room and closed the door and sat cross-legged to start the "You Four Seasons" mental method, and bring the vitality into the body.

He slowly closed his eyes and thought deeply.

Soon Zhou Fan appeared on a meadow with green grass, the breeze was blowing gently, and he could even smell the faint fragrance of green grass.

Everything seemed so real.

But Zhou Fan knew in his heart that this was just an illusion.

He looked down at the green grass, and eight messy footprints appeared in front of him.

Zhou Fan took a deep breath with a dignified expression on his face. He raised his foot and took the first step towards the footprint.

It was just that the light and shadow flowed backwards, and he seemed to have done nothing, and he still stood there.

Zhou Fan was stunned for a while, then he tried again.

But still, he stood still again.

Only then did Zhou Fan know that this step was more difficult than he thought.

He started trying again and again, and in this vision, he was sweating profusely.

It wasn't until after hundreds of times that he stepped on it and stepped on the footprint on the grass.

There was a buzzing sound from his body, Zhou Fan opened his eyes, and his mind stopped working.

This step brought him into the initial stage of speed.

Zhou Fan stood up with a happy expression on his face and came out of the house. He glanced at the small apricot tree in the courtyard. He just flicked it, and then volleyed up and hung on the branches of the small apricot tree.

He could see the dark ridges of the surrounding houses, but because of his unsteady breath, his feet were heavy, and with a click, the branches broke, and he fell from the tree as a whole.

There is nothing wrong with this height, just a few green leaves on the clothes.

Zhou Fan smiled and reached out to sweep away the fallen leaves from his body.

What is the speed segment?

The speed segment is that after the strength segment, the explosive segment, and the resistance segment continue to absorb the vitality and transform the body, the body can finally store the vitality between heaven and earth.

This kind of vitality provides the body with an unparalleled speed base, whether it is movement or attack speed.

As for how fast the speed can be, it depends on the different cultivation methods.

It seems that Zhou Fan is practicing the most top speed stage exercise "Four Seasons Tour", which made him reach the top of the ordinary speed exercise that Rouge said when he first stepped into the speed stage.

But in terms of movement alone, Zhou Fan can do things that ordinary high-speed warriors can do, such as flying on grass, floating on water, and stepping on snow without a trace.

Zhou Fan stood in the courtyard and didn't try to climb the tree again. His knife quickly unsheathed, and a smear of light passed through the air. With a flick of his hand, the rusty knife instantly turned into three shadows.

His knife is faster than before. He originally practiced the fast knife. With the gain of the speed segment, the fast knife is naturally faster.

For Kuaishou, the faster the knife, the stronger it is.

If it wasn't for the speed segment martial artist standing in front of Zhou Fan, now he is even confident that his opponent can kill him with his knife before he draws out his weapon.

It can be said that stepping into the speed section has greatly enhanced Zhou Fan's movement speed and knife skills.

He restrained his mind and began to practice swordsmanship.

The Streamer Quick Silver Saber Jutsu that Wu gave him had ten layers. Before, he practiced the wind-chasing style in the strength section, and the breaking wind style in the burst section.

He has been practising Lightning Strike in the fight against the enemy, but he has never had the opportunity to use it against the enemy.

Now it is not only the lightning strike in the resistance stage, but he also has to start practicing the lightning strike in the speed stage.

When the realm is raised, the swordsmanship naturally cannot fall.

But after practicing for a while, the sky has gradually darkened.

Zhou Fan could only stop and take his brother to eat, and after he came back, he continued to practice.

After arriving in Tianliang City, during the day, it is not as easy as being in the village patrol team. There is still time to practice while patrolling. Now it is rare to have time. Of course, we must hurry up to practice.

It was not until late at night that Zhou Fan stopped and went to wash up and sleep. Today, he has entered the gray river space, and he can no longer enter the gray river space when he sleeps at night. There are heavy knives and light knives on board, and it is more effective to practice with less effort.

He just slept for a while, and I don't know if it was because of the new breakthrough. Even after practicing the sword technique for so long, he was still in good spirits and didn't feel sleepy for a while.

He thought about it and got up.

Seeing Zhou Fan getting up, the old man raised his dog's head and glanced at Zhou Fan.

"I'm going for a walk on the roof, so don't follow me." Zhou Fan said with a smile.

The old man snorted and squinted his eyes.

Zhou Fan picked up the talisman bag and the rust knife, pushed open the door and walked out.

A faint starlight fell from the night sky, making the courtyard filled with a strange blue light.

He didn't plan to practice the sword, but planned to practice the body technique in the dead of night.

As soon as his foot stepped, it swept up out of thin air and stepped on the wall. As soon as he stepped on the wall, thin black and green lines spread out from his body, shrouding him in the Inside the vine armor.

Zhou Fan didn't want the patrol to recognize him. After all, he hadn't slept around in the middle of the night, so it's hard to tell.

Zhou Fan jumped down from the wall, his figure was like a light smoke, sprang from the streets and alleys, and soon reached North Street, and with another step, the whole person jumped into the air and stepped on a shop. On the eaves, the figure danced in the air and fell, and it has reached the ridge.

He stood on the roof ridge and smiled when he looked at the face under the starlight visor. The feeling of running fast in the wind made him feel very happy.

However, Zhou Fan quickly faded his smile, he quickly crouched down, and hid sideways on the steep tiles.

He saw a few shadows jumping away on the roof ridge in front of him, and the speed was not lower than him.

The shadows didn't notice Zhou Fan's existence, and quickly went east, disappearing from Zhou Fan's sight.

Zhou Fan thought about it for a while, but still followed quietly.

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