Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 219: half man half deceitful


"What's the difference between an ancient cocoon tree and a cocoon tree?" Zhou Fan frowned.

"The ancient cocoon tree is a type of cocoon tree that has evolved to the extreme. Because it has survived for too long, it is called the ancient cocoon." Wu explained softly.

"The cocoon tree has evolved to the extreme?" Zhou Fan was stunned. "How is this possible? It doesn't mean that the cocoon tree has a great appetite. How can it evolve to the extreme without being discovered?"

The foggy face sneered: "Of course it is impossible in the human world, but most of the areas outside are wilderness, and there will always be some cocoon trees that can evolve to the extreme without being disturbed by some places that humans can't step on for a while. "

"Once it becomes an ancient cocoon tree, it has hundreds of millions of tree cocoons under its command, and once it evolves to the extreme, the ancient cocoon tree's food intake will be greatly reduced, so it does not need to invade other strange fields, with Hundreds of millions of tree cocoons, as long as they don't die, can have a place in the wilderness, enough to keep them alive for a long, long time."

When Zhou Fan thought that there were hundreds of millions of locust-like tree cocoons, his scalp tingled for a while. With so many tree cocoons, could he still be considered a blasphemy?

"Then what's going on with Xiao Liu's current situation? Is she a human being or is she weird?" Zhou Fan asked the question he cared about.

"Her state is very rare, the ancient cocoon heart is mixed with your deceitful blood..." Wu paused, a look of interest appeared on his face, "You said that she still maintains a human form, and the deception talisman It didn't work for her, so she shouldn't be blamed."

"She should have completed the leap in life, but this kind of leap is not the same as what I told you before. If Cocoon's life leaps forward, then her life quality will be greatly improved at most, and now... I can't. Said she was purely human."

"She's in a half-human state." Wu finally came to a conclusion.

"You mean cheating?" Zhou Fan instantly thought of the word, but he had already speculated on it before.

But Wu shook his head, "To be more precise, she is a deceitful person of a generation, very different from those of you who have inherited blood."

"There are many sources of deceitful people, but in any case, there is the first person who obtained the power of deceitful delusions by accident. This kind of person is called a generation of deceitful people. A generation of deceitful people is usually the saddest existence."

"I say they are sad because the power they get is so great that they can't control it, and then they will slowly turn into monsters that are almost weird. If this bloodline is lucky to continue..."

"After the second or third generation, the power becomes smaller, but it is also better controlled, and it is completely stabilized, which can leave the future generations..."

"The reason why she became a child is also a kind of self-protection of the human body. The power she has obtained is too great, and she can only block the strange power in her body through the degeneration of her body. In fact, her lifespan is still that lifespan, but Had to be a kid."

Zhou Fan's face gradually became serious, "Are you saying that she will inevitably get out of control and become a weirdo in the end?"

Wu smiled slightly: "That's not necessarily true. As long as you are careful and don't let her use her strange power, this situation can still be avoided."

"But she's unconsciously using the weird power even when she's sleeping." Zhou Fan said worriedly, now that Xiao Liu is just a child, how can she control the weird power in her body?

"This is very simple." With a smile on his face, he stretched out his right hand, caught the gray mist that happened to drift past him, and grabbed a crimson bracelet from the mist.

Wu glanced at the bracelet and said slowly: "This bracelet can be enlarged or reduced, the specific method is... if you let her wear it, you can suppress the strange power, so that she is no different from ordinary people... The price , I will only accept you a big gray worm."

"No problem." Zhou Fan took the crimson bracelet. As long as Xiaoliu can be a normal person, he is still willing to pay the price.

After taking a big gray worm from the glass ball, Wu Wu said: "But it is a pity to suppress the strange power, she has the combination of ancient cocoon and your healing power, this power is very powerful, Do you just give up using it?"

"If you are interested, I can teach you how to borrow her power. As long as you are careful, there will be no major problems. Of course, every time you use it, she will take a step forward in the path of delusion."

"No need, she's not my tool." Zhou Fan looked at the crimson bracelet and shook his head without hesitation. "People's desires are never-ending. Once there is a first time, there will be a second time and a third time..."

"If you don't want that, forget it..." Wu just smiled strangely and did not persuade him any further.

"What I want to know is whether her memory can be recovered?" Zhou Fan thought and asked again, he still hoped that Xiao Liu's memory would be recovered.

"I can't do this either." Wu shook his head and said, "Her memory was also sealed as her body degenerated. It is possible that when she grows up, her memory will recover, and she may never remember it again. "

Zhou Fan was silent for a while and looked at the glass ball. The glass ball has expanded a lot due to the increase in the number of gray worms. He now has twenty-eight large gray worms and three small gray worms.

"I'll exchange the nine big gray worms for your blood-gold anti-duan exercise "Zijin Bajia" and the blood-gold purple spirit golden dragon." Zhou Fan looked at the fog.

He has so many big gray worms now, of course he will not be stingy with nine big gray worms. Even if he goes forward 20 meters to catch the blood-gold anti-duan exercise, it may not be comparable to the blood-gold route in the hands of Wu. It's not as good as swapping with fog.

"Of course there's no problem with that." Wu smiled, and the gray mist floated towards him. He grabbed a rectangular wooden box from the gray mist and handed it to Zhou Fan, "Everything you want is inside."

Zhou Fan took the wooden and opened the wooden box. Inside the wooden box was a black leather book. On top of the black leather book, there was a small golden dragon with purple scales walking slowly. .

"No matter how spiritual the Ziling Golden Dragon is, it is just a metal. It will not move around at will, but will only stay in the wooden box obediently. As for how to use it, it is in the "Zijin Bajia". Think about it slowly." As Wu said, he let the glass ball float over.

He reached out and caught nine large gray worms, and then threw them into his mouth one by one. Instead of eating these gray worms, he hid them.

Getting nine big gray worms all at once made Wu smile with satisfaction. Today's harvest is not bad.

"With you, the lifespan of nine big gray worms is about two years, right?" Zhou Fan closed the box and asked, looking towards the fog.

"So to speak." Mist said with a shrug.

"Then I will exchange four and a half large gray worms for the information of the golden fishing rod, do you want to exchange it?" Zhou Fan asked with bright eyes.

He wants to know about the last fishing rod!

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