Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1893: Hua Liuzong

Zhou Fan didn't look at the little girl. After he finished eating the fruit, he closed his eyes and seemed to be sleeping.

The lake water outside the boat was rustling, and everyone on the boat already knew that it would take a long time to get to the pier in the drifting land this time. The boat departed at noon, but it will not arrive until noon tomorrow.

The night fell quickly, the rune beads inlaid on the ship lit up, and the light was soft, which not only played a role in lighting, but also played a role in dispelling the shadows.

The boats that can travel through the lake are specially designed. After all, there are monsters under the lake, and they will attack the boat at any time.

In addition to the special design of the boat, there are formations, and there are also special warriors and even monks on the passenger ship to deal with the weirdness that may sneak into the boat.

If this is the case, the ticket is not expensive, and it may even lose money. In fact, there are subsidies from some forces in the drifting land behind the passenger ship.

Because the population of the drifting land is too small, in order to maintain the development of the drifting land, immigration has become a necessary means.

The bottom of the ship is simple, and of course there will be no beds. People sit or sleep on the floor, and many people don't even sleep.

Even if the world does not know that the catastrophe is coming, they can clearly feel that the wilderness is much more dangerous than in previous years, and they tend to travel more cautiously at such times.

In such a crowded environment, Zhou Fan came out the moment he entered the ship.

He had explained to Xiao Ling in advance that Xiao Ling would wake him up quietly.

After Zhou Fan got out of the boat, he continued to rest his eyes with squinting. His eyebrows suddenly twitched, but they quickly spread out.

The night passed like that.

The next morning, someone whimpered and cried.

The one who cried was the woman with the little girl. The belongings in her package were gone. She stayed up all night last night and didn't dare to sleep, but the money was still gone. The money was her mother's drifting place. The cost of living on the land was stolen now, and she couldn't even imagine how they could survive.

The little girl was also frightened, and soon followed her mother to cry.

Everyone watched indifferently.

There were several warriors hired by the passenger ships, and they didn't mean to come to ask. The passenger ship would not be responsible if the property disappeared. This is the passenger's own business. On the ship, such things are not uncommon.

Even people with good hearts just sigh, they can't help with this kind of thing, the bottom is poor.

At this time, an ordinary-looking middle-aged man walked up to the woman, and he handed out a purse.

The woman was stunned, it was her purse, and she hurriedly snatched it over.

The middle-aged man knelt down and said loudly, "I stole your purse, I'm not human."

After he finished speaking, he kept slapping himself, his face was swollen like a pig's head.

Everyone on the boat was stunned. Could this thief be stupid?

The woman hugged her daughter and didn't dare to make a sound. She also thought it was very strange. How could a thief stole something and return it in a fair manner, and slap her in the face like this?

The warrior hired by the passenger ship rushed over at this time and told everyone to back up. They looked at the thief carefully and shouted: "Don't move."

The thief really stopped to slap himself, but burst into tears, "I'm not human, I'm just a scum..."

The passenger ship hired a warrior to approach slowly, using the equipment on his body to confirm that the thief was not possessed by strange things, and then quickly took the thief away. This inexplicable farce ended.

Zhou Fan didn't open his eyes from beginning to end, the thief was taken away, and the corners of his mouth were only slightly tilted.

After the thief was stolen, there was no major incident on the ship. Those thieves who were hiding in the dark did not dare to make any small moves when they saw such a strange thing happened.

The bottom of the passenger ship was safe for a while, until someone shouted, Zhou Fan opened his eyes and saw the huge land floating on the lake.

Even Zhou Fan couldn't see the horizontal boundary of the land with his eyesight.

A boat on the lake is approaching the big pier.

There are a lot of people on the big wharf. The cargo ships are separated from the passenger ships, and they dock at different positions according to the command of the wharf.

The cargo ship was unloading, and the people from the passenger ship also stepped off the ship.

A detection array is set up on the dock to confirm that the people on the boat are not possessed by strange things. Of course, it is just a simple check. As long as the detection array is passed, the people on the boat can go wherever they like.

The woman and the little girl passed the detection array, and the little girl looked at the back of Zhou Fan who was about to disappear, "Mother, maybe that uncle helped us."

On the boat just now, the woman whispered to the little girl that someone of great kindness had helped them.

The woman laughed dumbly and shook her head.

There are many carriages waiting on the big wharf, ready to pull people to the nearest wharf city.

Zhou Fan didn't sit. After he left the pier, he used his body technique to fly. The borders of the drifting land and the high altitudes were covered with formations or patrolled by monks, but as long as they didn't fly too high, they were still allowed to fly.

Three days later, Drift City.

The Drift City is the core of the Drift Land and the largest force in the Drift Land, but the Drift City is also divided into three factions and nine factions, which are not exclusive to one family.

However, the three sects and nine sects are of the same spirit, and whoever has the highest cultivation level will be headed by whoever is.

The strongest of the three sects and nine sects of this generation is the North Sea, the main sect of the Hualiu sect.

The three sects and nine sects are headed by Hua The astral teleportation formation is also under the control of Hua Liuzong.

Drift City is very large, and the three sects and nine factions have their own clear distribution of forces.

Zhou Fan was already standing in front of the sect of Hua Liuzong.

He waited for a while, and soon someone invited him in. He saw an old man in white clothes in the reception room. The old man smiled and introduced his identity.

Only then did Zhou Fan know that the old man was Du Xiuyuan, the vice suzerain of Hua Liuzong, while Zhou Fan called himself Li Bufan.

His Zhao Ba and Zhou Fan names were known to a lot of people in the Gray Star Realm, so in order to avoid trouble, he simply changed them.

"Does Li Daoyou want to use the astral teleportation array?" Du Xiuyuan and Zhou Fan exchanged a few words and turned to the topic.

"Exactly." Zhou Fan nodded and said, "It's troublesome for you to send, and the cost of transmission is easy to discuss."

"Let's not talk about the transmission cost." Du Xiuyuan waved his hand and said, "But I am afraid that you will disappoint Li Daoyou. Our astral teleportation array has long been unable to operate."

The news from the Secret Pavilion is true... Zhou Fan frowned and said, "I don't know why it doesn't work?"

"I'm ashamed to say it, because some seniors of the three sects and nine sects thought that the cost of maintaining the astral teleportation formation was too high, and we have never had any contact with the wild star realm, so there was no maintenance, and later felt that it was not good and would be cut off. When I want to maintain the connection with the barbarian star world, I find that the core of the formation has been damaged." Du Xiuyuan said with a wry smile.

"Is the core of the formation impossible to repair?" Zhou Fan asked.

"Of course there is a way to repair the core of the formation. In fact, we have collected a lot of materials, but the virtual gold crystal, one of the main core materials, has never been found."

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