Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1689: Cold adult

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Wei Cang River is located in the snow-capped mountains, where everything is frozen, but the river is not frozen, reflecting a magnificent light in the sunset.

Even weirdness is rare here.

Zhou Fan did not dare to use his spiritual sense to search recklessly, for fear that Lord Han would find him. After all, the current condition of that Lord Han was unknown.

Zhou Fan walked along the source. According to the official records, Lord Han was above the snow-capped mountains. It was extremely cold here for thousands of miles. Few warriors from the North Han Road set foot here, because there were rumors of Lord Han all over the place, and I was afraid of encountering legends. Mr. Han in .

He carried his little sister, like a phantom, and quickly arrived at the snow-capped mountain.

It's just that before he went up the mountain, he saw a child standing at the foot of the mountain.

The child has silver-white hair, and his pupils are as cold as ice. He is colder than snow and colder than ice.

He looked at Zhou Fan.

Zhou Fan stopped, he felt a chill, as if his true essence had been frozen.

Zhou Fan immediately became vigilant. He vaguely guessed who the child was, "Who are you?"

"It's a solid foundation." The child said with a strange look, "I'm Han."

"It turns out that Lord Han." Zhou Fan said with a smile: "I am the Daoist Hanbei, and the sage asked me to see Lord Han."

He was vigilant in his heart, this person could see at a glance that he had a solid foundation, and his strength was likely to be far superior to him.

"Big Wei Tianzi." The expression on Master Han's face was a little complicated, but he shook his head quickly, "I know what you are worried about, but I am not blasphemy, you don't have to worry."

It's not a joke... Zhou Fan had doubts in his heart, he couldn't help but said: "Master Han, don't misunderstand, it's just that the sage saw that you didn't reply to his words, and I was worried that you would let me come over to take a look."

"My injuries are all healed." Master Han said: "My memory has also recovered a lot. I was just thinking about some past events, so I ignored your voice transmission."

"It turns out that it is." Zhou Fan said, "Then I will go back and tell the Sage, so that the Sage can rest assured."

Zhou Fan did not leave Dawei Tianzi in three sentences, just to remind Lord Han not to mess around.

Lord Han shook his head and said, "No, I will tell the Great Wei Tianzi in person, how did you lay such a solid foundation?"

"There is no sect in this land that can cultivate people like you."

Zhou Fan was even more vigilant in his heart, but he still said with no expression: "It's just luck."

"If you don't want to talk about it, forget it." Master Han showed a mocking look on his face. "I was in a good mood after my injury, and I wanted to give you a chance. Since you are afraid that I will hurt you, you can leave now."

Zhou Fan didn't say goodbye and left. He couldn't tell anyone why he had a solid foundation. As for the chance, he didn't want it either.

Master Han watched Zhou Fan disappear into the wind and snow. What Zhou Fan didn't notice was that Master Han's eyes occasionally fell on the fat dog.

It wasn't until Zhou Fan disappeared that Master Han looked back, with a look of surprise on his face: "The dog next to this boy is also a little strange, and it actually makes me feel dangerous."

He quickly shook his head and sighed: "Da Wei can't guess with common sense. What's so surprising about such people and dogs?"

"Maybe this is the current Great Wei Emperor's deterrence against me, but what's the point of such deterrence?"

"How dare I attack Da Wei?"

He took out the sound transmission jade talisman, and after activating the sound transmission jade talisman, the voice of the Great Wei Emperor came from there, "Master Han?"

"It's me." Master Han said: "The sage doesn't need to call me that, just call me Han."

"Master Han is my senior after all, so it is appropriate to call him that." The Emperor Wei said slowly.

"According to the agreement, Da Wei sheltered me and let me recover, but I also helped Da Wei, so I don't owe Da Wei anything, right?" Lord Han asked.

The Great Wei Tianzi said: "Exactly."

In fact, the Great Wei Emperor and Lord Han had such an agreement back then, but the Great Wei Emperor did not know the origin of this Lord Han, but Lord Han was very strong and had a good attitude, so he agreed to such an agreement. .

"I lost a lot of memories after being injured." Master Han suddenly said: "But now I know, I was chasing a secret before I was injured."

"I found some clues, but then a powerful cultivator appeared and almost killed me. I have never encountered such a powerful opponent since my cultivation."

When Master Han said this, a faint fear appeared on his face.

Dawei Tianzi just listened silently.

"When I couldn't escape, a senior told me that I only hid in Dawei, and when I entered Dawei, the cultivator didn't chase after me again." Master Han looked at Xueshan, "After that, my memory was because of I was injured and kept losing, I used my special technique on the snowy mountain to recuperate, and since then I was drowsy and half asleep.”

"This sleep is two thousand years."

If it is a human being who has lived for two thousand years, such a person is definitely a very terrifying existence. This is why Zhou Fan is so afraid of Lord Not only that, Lord Han is at the source of the Wei Cang River. Affecting all the tributaries in the Great Wei territory, this kind of strangeness can also make people feel jealous.

"There are still a few memories that I haven't remembered yet." Master Han tapped his head in pain, "That person's laws are really powerful, and they have such a serious impact on the memory of a human soul."

"But when I came to Dawei, after recovering from an injury for so long, I suddenly wanted to understand something."

"What's the matter?" Dawei Tianzi asked.

"That person wanted to kill me because I was chasing that secret." Lord Han said slowly, "Before I fell asleep, I knew that the emperors of the Wei Dynasty kept a secret in all dynasties."

"I thought to myself that this is probably the same thing."

"Unfounded conjecture." Emperor Wei commented.

"Your strength comes from the Tongtian Mirror, and you don't know enough about monks." Master Han said: "You don't know, people in my realm often have good hunch."

"Even if it's the same secret, I can't tell you." Emperor Wei said lightly, "Unless you can beat me."

"I can't beat you." Master Han said frankly, "Can't you really tell me?"

"No." Dawei Tianzi said.

"That's such a pity." Master Han said with regret: "Although I really want to know what's going on, but I can't win against you who owns the Mirror of the Sky. Even if you fight and get hurt, it doesn't make any sense."

"I just recovered, and I don't want to stay in Dawei for two thousand years of injury, but I have a question, I'm very curious, can you tell me?"

"It depends on what the problem is." Emperor Wei's voice was still calm.

"The person who hurt me is very strong. Even if you have the Mirror of Heaven, according to my estimation, you can't be his opponent. Why doesn't he dare to enter the Great Wei to kill me?" Confuse.

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