Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1682: monster

The old farmer looked at Zhou Fan who had melted into a pool of flesh and blood, and he laughed wildly.

It's just that the flesh and blood began to reshape very quickly, Zhou Fan returned to his original appearance, and the old farmer's laughter stopped abruptly.

"After all, you are just a farmer in the countryside. You don't understand how terrible this world is. You think you are strong, but you are actually weak." Zhou Fan walked slowly towards the old farmer.

"It's impossible." The old peasant exclaimed, punching Zhou Fan with punch after punch.

Huge energy raged from the fist, blasting the entire city to dust.

But the terrifying damage caused by that fist couldn't affect Zhou Fan, so he still walked slowly towards the old farmer.

The old farmer waved his fist, his eyes were full of horror, and he looked at Zhou Fan who walked in like a phantom.

He stopped throwing his fists, gasping for breath, he thought it was illusory, otherwise this would not have happened.

"It's really strange, you don't look like a human being and you don't seem to be a jerk." Zhou Fan stretched out his palm and placed it on the old farmer's head.

The old farmer threw his fist to try to block, his fist passed through Zhou Fan's arm, fake?

Zhou Fan's palm rested on the old farmer's forehead, and his true essence surged out.

The old peasant's head exploded, and he became a headless corpse. The headless corpse staggered back, and his head quickly grew out.

Zhou Fan asked curiously, "You still have such a strong self-healing ability?"

The old peasant didn't answer, and the blood swept over him and disappeared in place.

He was able to move Zhou Fan in because he had the ability to move, and he could also move himself away. This was also the reason why he dared to stay here.

However, he quickly landed on the spot again, looking at Zhou Fan in amazement, his move failed.

Zhou Fan was surrounded by dark sad knives. The law of his heart prohibited the old farmer from moving. Of course, in order to avoid exceeding the limit, he set a ban on the old farmer's move.

"I said, you're just a country bumpkin, and you don't understand how terrible this world is." Zhou Fan drew out the Xing Frost knife: "If I don't let you go, you can't go."

The old farmer's face twisted and roared, and the blood-colored cloak suddenly tightened. He punched out, and the punch exploded, and even the space was faintly distorted.

It's just that Zhou Fan stood in front of him unharmed and slashed down with a knife, dividing the old peasant into two halves.

Countless blood gushed out from the two halves of the old farmer's separated body. His body quickly closed again, and he quickly retreated. He wanted to escape from here, from this man whose attack would be ineffective.

The speed of the old peasant's rush has reached the teleport level, which is frighteningly fast.

Zhou Fan was able to follow him like a shadow, slashing at him again and again, and the gray blade cut his body open, but it healed quickly.

From time to time, the old peasant turned his head and punched him. He shattered the mountain and dried the lake, but he couldn't hurt Zhou Fan.

He finally gave up the counterattack and just shouted: "You can't kill me, what's the point of following me?"

Zhou Fan waved his knife, and countless knife beams swept past, slicing the old farmer's body into dozens of pieces.

The old farmer's body healed again, and the same goes for the blood robe on his body.

Zhou Fan's eyes narrowed slightly, he knew that it might be the blood coat on the old farmer's body that caused such a situation.

"You said it didn't make sense for me to do this, but your knowledge is too shallow." Zhou Fan said, "There is nothing in the world that is immortal, at least you are not, otherwise why would you keep running away like this?"

"The more you cut, the more you will die!"

The old farmer looked at Zhou Fan in fear, Zhou Fan said exactly what he feared in his heart, his strength was indeed constantly losing, and he didn't know how long he could last.

"I will kill you even if I die!" The old peasant stopped and killed Zhou Fan.

He went crazy and fought with Zhou Fan, but all his attacks hit the air, but Zhou Fan's knife kept slashing at him.

Huge cracks appeared on the ground, and the ground continued to sag, and the rocky ground was broken into rubble, forming huge rock pits.

And all of this was almost caused by the old farmer alone.

Zhou Fan's knife was getting faster and faster, the old farmer's body was constantly being split and reorganized, his body gradually became withered, and finally when he was broken into dozens of pieces, he could no longer be reorganized.

Zhou Fan stopped the knife and just looked at the stone pit that was stained red with blood. The blood came from an old farmer.

The old peasant, who was broken into dozens of pieces, with bulging eyeballs, stared at Zhou Fan with resentment, and blood continued to spurt from his broken body.

"You are really a monster." Zhou Fan said.

You are such a monster!

This was what the old farmer wanted to say, but he couldn't say it anymore. His consciousness was dissipating, and the blood-clothed fragments, like wriggling worms, left the old farmer's body, and then assembled into the blood-suit.

The bright red clothes are eye-catching.

Zhou Fan looked at Xue Yi, and he said lightly, "If I guessed correctly, you are the weird one who can parasitize people."

An ordinary old farmer suddenly became so powerful and terrifying. If he hadn't already entered the Primordial Spirit Realm and Wang Zhixuan had become more powerful, the old farmer couldn't see through his illusion, and it would have been a fierce battle.

Hardly anyone in Hanbei Dao can win against this old farmer.

When an ordinary person is parasitized, his strength suddenly becomes so terrifying?

This kind of strength is probably comparable to that of a human It's just that Zhou Fan has never seen a blood robe before, so this may be a new and strange thing.

There are many new and strange signs of the catastrophe, but this blood-clothing is too strange.

There was no response from the **** suit, it was lying on the ground like a dead thing.

Zhou Fan didn't let his guard down. He was always on guard against the blood robe, because he wasn't sure whether the blood robe would see through his king's delusions.

He also didn't dare to touch the blood clothes easily. This blood clothes can make the old farmer stronger, but it will also make the parasite's temperament change greatly, making him less human.

This is weird, and being parasitized by a monster is definitely a nightmare.

Zhou Fan's thoughts turned, he slashed out with a knife, the gray blade slashed to the ground, there was a knife mark on the ground, and the blood robe was divided into two halves, and the blood robe quickly fused together.

He slashed again, but the **** clothes suddenly shrank into a ball, avoided the slash, and rushed towards him.

Zhou Fan just watched it quietly. This was just his phantom. If the blood-clothed clothes couldn't see through his illusion, it would not be able to harm him at all.

The blood-clothing jumped in front of his phantom and suddenly unfolded, wrapping his phantom.

At this moment, Zhou Fan felt an extremely bad feeling in his heart. He immediately stopped the illusion and let the phantom disappear. At the same time, his real body appeared thousands of feet away, but as soon as he landed, he found that the bright red blood clothes had been covered. On him, it suddenly shrank.

"Go away!" Zhou Fan shouted angrily, his true essence burst forth, and his true essence tore the blood robe, but the blood robe quickly healed, and the bright red blood robe as thin as a cicada's wings formed a huge circle, wrapping him up.



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