Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1661: 1 side down

The loud voice from the mirror palace resounded throughout the mirror city.

This made Mu Qiujian's face change slightly. After he got what Sansan gave him, he made a loose oath and promised to help. This is why Sansan dared to believe him, but it didn't mean that he wanted to destroy one of his souls. it's here.

"Boy, don't let me meet you again." Mu Qiujian glanced at Zhou Fan's cold face, and flew out of the mirror without hesitation, ready to use his own methods to hide, in case that big Wei Tianzi Wake up and trouble him, that's bad.

In such a short period of time, even if he was a cultivator in the distraction realm, there was no way he could leave Wei immediately.

The Mu Qiujian, surrounded by six silver swords, flew away, and soon disappeared in front of Zhou Fan and the others.

Duanmu Xiaohong's primordial spirit disappeared in place, and had already turned around his body in the talisman formation.

The five Zhou Fans were immediately combined into one.

Duanmu Xiaohong quickly came out of the academy again. His face was pale, but he was a cultivator in the distraction realm. If only a primordial spirit had come, and if it wasn't for Zhou Fan's help, he might have been unable to support it. He was also injured to a certain extent, and the primordial spirit needs to be cultivated for a period of time to recover.

Zhou Fan is also relieved. He has various means such as Wang Zhiwei, and he looked very powerful just now, but that is a cultivator in the distraction realm. If it wasn't for Duanmu Xiaohong pulling in front of him, or he was alone in the spiritual realm In the face of a distracted monk, it is almost impossible to win.

After all, no matter how powerful his king's delusions are, he can't pull the cultivator into the deep illusion. The law of the heart also has a certain limit, and he dare not use it indiscriminately.

"Are you the real Zhou Fan or the fake Zhou Fan?" Duanmu Xiaohong looked at Zhou Fan with some hesitation, and he was also frightened by the illusion technique that Zhou Fan showed just now.

He has always looked down on the illusion technique, and he never thought that the illusion technique could achieve such a realm that it is difficult to distinguish between true and false.

"Of course I am." Zhou Fan smiled and said, "Mr. Da, are you alright?"

"I'm fine." Duanmu Xiaohong looked in the direction of Jinggong, "Let's hurry over to avoid any accident."

The two of them didn't say much, but ran towards the mirror palace with their body skills. At the speed of the two of them, they didn't spend too much time before they arrived at the gate of the mirror palace.

The people from the academy and the head office of the Yiluan Division are controlling large-scale instruments and bombarding the talisman formation at the palace gate.

The defensive rune at the palace gate has been destroyed dozens of layers, and there are not many left.

When Zhou Fan and Duanmu Xiaohong arrived, Chen Zheng walked over and said excitedly, "Senior brother, it's almost time."

Dongmen playing the flute, Huiyuan and Ao Gonggong also joined Zhou Fan and the others.

Before the war, Sansan only left a certain number of warrior monks on the palace gate to control large-scale equipment and basic guards, and the rest of the staff were scattered and rushed to various places in the city to help the patrol camp on their side.

But at the patrol camp, there were also warrior monks from the Yiluan Division of the Academy who rushed to help. Now that the opponent's morale is low, it is only a matter of time before they win.

Everyone waited patiently, and it didn't take long for the last layer of talisman formation to dissipate under the bombardment of the large equipment.

A huge mirror covered with blood-colored characters appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

The talisman masters who had been waiting for a while were all carrying buckets of refined talismans, jumped up and fell on the mirror, and washed them.

Zhou Fan and the others didn't pay attention to this, they all looked at the huge palace gate on the mirror.

It's just that no warrior monks rushed out from the palace gate to fight them to the death.

"Guard the palace gate, and don't allow anyone to come out." The east gate gave an order.

"I'm watching here, you go in." Duanmu Xiaohong thought for a while and said, so as to prevent someone from escaping from the inside and being unable to stop him, "Contact Eunuch Goose, tell him the situation outside, and ask him to help."

Zhou Fan, Dongmen Flute, and Hui Yuan all rushed in with people.

Instead, Eunuch Ao and Duanmu Xiaohong stood outside. He knew that it might be dangerous inside, but he didn't want to take such a big risk. Wang Daozi, Ye Gaoshan, and Prince Seventy-one couldn't escape inside.

It is impossible to teleport in the mirror palace. Now it is a turtle in the urn. He only needs to wait patiently to get his revenge.

The godfather said that as long as the enemy dies, it is considered revenge. As for who died in the hands or how, it doesn't matter... Eunuch Ao thought of his godfather, and he felt a little sad again.

As soon as Zhou Fan entered the Palace of Mirrors, he, Dongmen Flute, and Huiyuan searched in three directions.

Zhou Fan's spiritual thoughts continued to spread out, trying to find Wang Daozi and Ye Gaoshan. If they were found by him, he did not plan to leave any more alive.

The Mirror Palace is very big, but the carpet search just started, and soon met with resistance.

It was the chief executive who originally joined Sanxian and the warrior monks of the Sanxian family gathered together and killed them at the palace gate, trying to break through.

It's just that they met three masters: Zhou Fan, Dongmen Flute, and Hui Yuan. It is impossible for the chief executive to be as strong as Eunuch Long and Eunuch Tong. Even if they have more people, they are not as good as Zhou Fan and the others. , the battle is one-sided.

Especially after the father-in-law got the news and came out of the place where he lived, the morale of the father-in-laws collapsed even faster when they saw the ancestor of the father-in-law.

This resistance was quickly disintegrated, and the ground of the Mirror Palace was stained with blood.

The captives who surrendered were After a few quick questions, they learned that Wang Daozi, Ye Gaoshan, and even Prince 71 were not in the Palace of Mirrors at all!

"Did you escape?" Zhou Fan and the others showed a look of astonishment on their faces.

This is different from what they expected. They originally thought that Wang Daozi, Ye Gaoshan and the seventy-one princes would stay in the mirror palace and resist stubbornly before they were completely desperate, but who knew they would escape so quickly and so simply!

To know that they had the powerful monk Mu Qiujian in their hands at that time, they might not lose!

No wonder Jinggong didn't initiate any decent resistance, but just kept sticking to it. It turned out that there was no backbone.

Zhou Fan and the others quickly sent out the news, asking their men to close the gate of Jingdu City and search for Wang Daozi and the three.

It's really cunning, Zhou Fan's face is slightly cold, it should be after Xiao Hui was captured, Wang Daozi and the three resolutely gave up everything in Jinggong and fled, and now they want to catch them back, I'm afraid it's too late.

That's the case, Zhou Fan and the others still refused to give up any chance. They sent people to search all the corners of the Mirror Palace, but they still couldn't find the three Wang Daozi, which confirmed that the three Wang Daozi really escaped from the Mirror Palace.

They did not find Wang Daozi and the three of them. In addition to disappointment, everyone went to the gate of Ziyuan Palace to meet the Emperor of Wei.

The Great Wei Tianzi listened to the report of Dongmen's flute and others with a calm face. After listening, he nodded slightly, but he did not come out of the Ziyuan Hall, and Zhou Fan and the others did not step into the Ziyuan Hall.

They knew in their hearts that after the Sage experienced that change, he would not believe anything anyone said until he regained his hands on the Heavenly Mirror.

At the same time, there are many people who are vaguely worried about some things related to the Holy Spirit.

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