Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1653: The best way

The general father-in-law looked at the people in the house and said without any hesitation: "Everyone who is so cautious is the collaborator our family is looking for."

"Pan-in-law is really generous, it's just that you haven't entered the Taoist realm, so why can you become the adopted son of Long-Eunuch?" Someone couldn't help but said.

They would be suspicious of Eunuch Pan, just thinking that a big man like Eunuch Long in the Jinggong Palace, how could he accept such an adopted son of Eunuch Pan?

"You don't know the godfather in our family." Eunuch Ban smiled and said, "The godfather in our family has always accepted his adopted son according to his preferences. All kinds of things, if you hear about our family's eldest brother Ao Gong Gong Ao, the eldest son of the godfather, you won't be surprised."

Eunuch Ao?

Everyone is far away from Jingdu and has never heard of Eunuch Ao's deeds, but Eunuch Pan's strength has been checked, so there will be no problem.

The father-in-law took out a ghost oath, and according to everyone's request, he simply made an oath.

"From now on, we will be our own people." Everyone said with a smile on their faces.

"Of course we are our own people." The father-in-law also said with an affectionate expression: "Whether I can become the chief administrator of the mirror palace depends on you, and you will also become the great saviors of your family, and will be recorded in the genealogy forever."

Everyone laughed. Their house was equipped with a soundproof talisman, so that no one was afraid that someone could hear the sound in the room.

"Also ask Gong Gong to teach us." Everyone said solemnly.

The father-in-law's smile faded, and he said solemnly: "The most urgent task now is to lift the ban on behalf of the sage, and lifting the ban requires you to control the three families of King Xiao Ye, so that you can issue orders to the people owned by Jingdu Sansan, so that they will no longer listen to Sansan. order, and even capture the three-phase.”

"I don't hide it from my father-in-law." Someone sighed and said, "There are only a few people like us who can win over, but most of the clan elders in the ancestral house trust San San, and it is not easy to convince them. Maybe we will be arrested as soon as we speak. stand up……"

The father-in-law said coldly: "Those are all stubborn old fools. If you only want to convince them, you won't be able to achieve great things. What you need is to seize the control of the family with lightning speed and let those neutral Everyone joins you, so it can happen.”

"There must be more than you in the clan who are dissatisfied with the three relatives of the clan elders, but they just didn't show it. Once you succeed, they will not oppose you."

The people in the house all showed fear on their faces, this was to make them rebel.

"What Eunuch said makes sense." Wang Zhe said loudly, "We can't hesitate any longer. Do you want to accompany the patriarch and them to die?"

"Of course we don't want to, but our strength is still limited. Although the clan elders are old, their strength is not weak." Someone frowned.

"As long as you guys dare to do it, how can our family just sit back and ignore it?" The father-in-law smiled and said in a low voice.

Everyone was shocked when they heard it, but they soon showed hesitation.

"This..." Someone couldn't help but say, "Can this work?"

"Of course you can." Eunuch Pan said categorically: "This will also better preserve the strength of the three of you. There is no better way than this."

"We need to think about it." Someone soon took a deep breath.

"It's a big deal, and you should think about it seriously." The fair said: "But hurry up, I heard that the army on the Hanbei Road has already set off. If it is preempted by the Hanbei Daoist, it doesn't matter if the credit of our family is gone. , the future of the three families is uncertain."

Eunuch Pan said a few more words before Wang Zhecai got up and sent Eunuch Pan away.

When Wang Zhe turned around and came back, everyone in the room surrounded Wang Zhe and asked.

"How did you get in touch with him?"

"He found me." Wang Zhe said, "It's been half a month. I've been testing him and I think he's credible."

Wang Zhe told in detail how he met Eunuch Pan, but he didn't say something. Eunuch Pan had promised him that after the ban was lifted, Eunuch Pan would ask the sage for him to take the place of Wang Daozi. , became the prime minister of the dynasty.

When he thought of becoming a prime minister with great power, his heart became hot, so he tried his best to say good things for the father-in-law.

"Do you think he is really credible?" Some people still have doubts.

"Stupid, he has already made a ghost oath, how could he lie to us?" Wang Zhe retorted.

"I also think Eunuch Pan is credible. He made a ghost oath not to say it. This man is very ambitious. After the event is completed, he will be the most powerful general manager of the Mirror Palace. He has no reason to lie to us."

"Yes, when he helped us, he was actually helping himself."

"That said, you still have to find out the identity of this person. You can't trust a stranger at this time."

"It's fine to check."

"If there is no problem with this person's identity..."

"We just do as he says, there's no better way than this!"

Everyone's eyes are flickering, and the more they think about it, the more likely it is that this will happen.



As the father-in-law left the house, he walked slowly until he was far away from the three ancestral houses and confirmed that no one was following him. , He carefully checked the surroundings, and after confirming that there was no one, he quickly patted his left shoulder three times.

A somewhat illusory shadow floated out from his body and turned into a somewhat rustic woman. This is the little barbarian left by Eunuch Long.

"Xiaoman, thank you." Eunuch Ban said to Xiaoman, and then he sat down with his legs crossed and started to run his true essence, trying to force out the ghost oath talisman force that he had been suppressing just now.

Taoist monks can evade the ghost oath, as long as they use the real energy to suppress the ghost oath, they can force out the ghost oath's talisman after the event.

Eunuch Pan was a cultivator who entered the Taoist realm. No one in the Mirror Palace knew about this matter except Eunuch Long and his righteous brother.

The key is how to deceive the monks of Xiao Yewang's three families and make them believe that he did not enter the Dao Realm!

And this problem can be solved by attaching Xiaoman to his body. As long as those people have not reached the spiritual realm, it is impossible to see through Xiaoman's attachment to him.

There are many ways to avoid the ghost oath in the palace. These methods were thought up by those who tried to enter the palace with ulterior motives, but it was difficult to hide the monks who entered the realm of Taoism. Method.

Xiaoman guarded the surroundings for him, his body began to emit wisps of black smoke, and the black smoke dissipated with the night wind.

It wasn't until there was no black smoke coming out of his body that the father-in-law opened his eyes and breathed a sigh of relief. If it dragged on for too long, he would be in danger. Fortunately, the plan went smoothly.

He let Xiaoman attached to him again and rushed back in the direction of the ancestral house. He couldn't leave for too long, otherwise Wang Zhe would come back and he would not be able to explain it.

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