Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1650: powerless threat

Zhou Fan was not at all surprised that the first flower-burning party in the Incense Hall came.

He soon saw Ranhua in the hall of the Taoist Lord's Mansion.

"Master Ranhua, long time no see." Zhou Fan greeted him with a smile and asked him to sit down.

The two chatted for a while over tea, and then Ranhua's face became solemn, and he said back to the serious business: "Amitabha, why did Lord Zhou target our Great Buddha Temple like this?"

Zhou Fan took a sip of tea and said lightly, "Why did the master say this? I didn't target the Great Buddha Temple."

Ranhua showed anger, "Master Zhou, why do you have to say such a thing? The Taoist Palace does not recognize the status of the Great Buddha Temple and does not allow people to enter the temple of the Great Buddha Temple. What is this not aimed at?"

"It's just different ways of doing things." Zhou Fan calmly said, "The Great Buddha Temple is unwilling to admit me, the Hanbei Daoist, why should I admit the status of the Great Buddha Temple?"

"This is just a demarcation of boundaries, no more communication. Hanbei Dao is my territory, and of course I don't want a force that doesn't recognize my status to do anything in my territory, so I don't think this is aimed at."

"If it is really targeted, I have already had all the branches of the Great Buddha Temple demolished."

Ranhua said with a cold face: "Master Zhou, Hanbei Dao is not yours, but Dawei's."

"Hanbei Dao is of course a part of Great Wei." Zhou Fan said, "But the sage appointed me as the Hanbei Daoist, and I'll have the final say on Hanbei Dao."

"Could it be that Master Ranhua still wants to talk about that fake imperial decree?"

The imperial decree of the fake emperor... Ranhua frowned slightly. He knew that Zhou Fan did not recognize the existence of the new monarch, and that imperial decree would not have any binding force on Zhou Fan. Taking that imperial decree was just self-inflicted humiliation.

"Amitabha." Ranhua said, "There are differences over the matter of the new king. Let's not talk about it for the time being. Please revoke the ban on the Great Buddhist Temple. As long as the ban is lifted, the Buddhist temples in Hanbei Dao will recognize the adult's status in Hanbei Dao in the future."

Zhou Fan put down the teacup, and he said solemnly, "Master Ranhua, look at my face."

Ranhua was puzzled, but just looked at Zhou Fan's young face, "Sir, what do you mean?"

"Judging from my face, am I easy to bully?" Zhou Fan asked.

Burning Flower: "..."

Zhou Fan said coldly, "The Xiliang Army is here, and the Dafo Temple refuses to obey the orders of the Taoist Lord's mansion. Do you think this ban is because you said that I should be obediently withdrawn?"

"Do you think I still need the Great Buddha Temple to recognize my status in Hanbei Dao?"

Ranhua was slightly silent. Judging from the current situation, Zhou Fan led his troops to repel the Xiliang Army. His prestige in Hanbei Road was unparalleled for a while, and no one could shake his status. It doesn't matter whether the Great Buddha Temple accepts his status or not. .

Ranhua said solemnly: "Master Zhou, do you really want to treat our Great Buddha Temple like this? Have you ever considered the consequences?"

"What are the consequences?" Zhou Fan asked.

"Master, do you know how many of the Yiluan Division in the three prefectures of Hanbei Road belong to our Great Buddhist Temple?" Ranhua asked.

Zhou Fandao: "At least one-fifth, but even if they were born in the Great Buddha Temple, or supported by the Great Buddha Temple, since they are members of the Yiluan Division, they should obey the orders. Luan Si works, I allow them to resign and leave."

"Your Excellency, aren't you afraid of the shortage of manpower in Yiluan Division, is something wrong?" Ranhua frowned.

"Don't be afraid, I have a large number of people who can fill this vacancy." Zhou Fan said with a smile, his Little Silk Daxian Religion was not a decoration.

"Sir, are you talking about the Daxian Sect of Xiaoshuang?" Ranhua's face was solemn, and she guessed what Zhou Fan was thinking.

That Xiaoshuang Daxian is a real god. He already knew that Zhou Fan was able to win this time because he had the support of the Xiaoshuang Daxian Sect, but he didn't understand why the Xiaoshuang Daxian Sect was willing to support Zhou Fan?

Is that the meaning of the little fairy? Isn't she just passing by?

"Yes." Zhou Fan nodded and admitted.

"What's your relationship with her?" Ranhua said with fear.

"Xiaoxian Daxian doesn't want to see the living beings from Hanbei Road, so he asked the believers to help me." Zhou Fan put the teacup on the table and said: "Master Ranhua, I still have things to do, please forgive me for not being able to accompany me. "

Zhou Fan directly issued an order to evict the guests.

Ranhua stood up and said with a cold face: "The poor monk hopes that the adults will think about it more, it will not do the adults any good."

Zhou Fan was silent for a while and smiled: "Is Master Ranhua still trying to use the Great Buddha Temple to press me?"

"But what threat do you think the Great Buddha Temple can pose to me? The warriors from the Great Buddhist Temple in the Yiluan Sifu you mentioned earlier, even if you don't tell me, I will consider whether to remove them from the Yiluan Sifu."

"The relationship between the academy and the Great Buddha Temple is so bad now that the Great Buddha Temple is even less likely to use the academy to oppress me, right?"

Zhou Fan was able to say the words completely.

Ranhua said sharply: "I know that the adults can kill the primordial spirit with the spirit realm. Of course, the poor monk will not be the opponent of the adults. It's just that the adults want to break the faith of the Great Buddha Temple in Hanbei Road. Do you think our Great Buddha Temple will agree? ?"

"The first one may not be able to help you, sir, but don't forget, the strongest in our Great Buddhist Temple is not the first one, but the old one."

"Don't say that your old boss is closing in." Zhou Fan sneered: "Even if he really goes out and comes to Hanbei Dao to trouble me, as long as I don't leave Hanbei Dao City, he dares to enter the city to find me?"

"Even if I leave the Ling Daxian will protect me, can the old boss be stronger than Xiao Ling Daxian?"

Ranhua stopped talking and left with a swirl of sleeves.

He left the Hanbei Daoist Mansion, and he soon showed a look of despair. He knew that the temple of the Great Buddha Temple in Hanbei Dao would enter a cold winter. In fact, he had such an expectation before coming to the Hanbei Daoist Mansion, but he was lucky. , thinking that Zhou Fan would not see the situation clearly this week, who knew that Zhou Fan would see it more clearly than he thought.

The Dafo Temple really can't help Zhou Fan. Because of the problem of the Great Wei Emperor, Zhou Fan of the Academy's faction and the Dafo Temple are actually on the opposite side.

Zhou Fan's attack on the Great Buddha Temple is a normal thing.

He looked up at the fine snowflakes floating in the sky, and sighed in his heart. The first one thought about cooperating with the family. The first one of the eighteen halls knew about it, and there was a lot of quarrel about it. In the end, the first one decided to choose to cooperate with the family. He is also one of the supporters.

Now it seems that their original decision was reckless, and that will make the situation change to what it is now.

Dawei Qidao, if Dafo Temple loses Hanbei Dao believers, this kind of loss may not be a big deal in the short term, but in the long run, the cost will be too great.

But now in this situation, he has no better way. He got into the carriage, closed his eyes, and the look of worry on his face became heavier. What he was worried about was not only the issue on Hanbei Road, but also I am worried about Qinglian Prefecture, where the Great Buddha Temple is located.

A mad monk appeared there, and more and more people gathered around the mad monk, and they gradually became the climate.

Even the first one had to leave the mirror and rush back to deal with the matter.

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