Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1646: poor road

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As soon as Li Cuiwei died, the situation on the battlefield also changed.

This is a change in morale. Zhou Fan killed their great national division with a terrible knife, which made the morale of the Xiliang army greatly demoralized.

The drop in morale was directly reflected on the battlefield, the original equilibrium situation was broken, and the balance of victory began to fall to the Hanbei Army.

At this time, a blue light rose to the sky, exploded in the sky, and turned into a blue wolf pattern.

Xi Liang withdrew his troops and retreated.

Zhou Fan took a pill to restore the empty true essence in his body, and he landed on the ground.

This is also the reason why he rarely uses the kitten's three-style ground splitting style. The consumption of this knife is too terrifying, and even the recovery speed of the Dragon God's blood is difficult for him to recover in a short time.

But the situation on the battlefield was changing rapidly. He could only use the quickest way to quickly solve Li Cuiwei. Otherwise, he and the Primordial Spirit Realm cultivator would enter a stalemate, and the Hanbei Army would enter a decline or even lose a lot. Even if he won, it would be useless.

So he deliberately made a flaw in his illusion to let Li Cuiwei know that he didn't enter the Primordial Spirit Realm and looked down on him. Only then did he find an opportunity and cut out the knife that established the victory.

If it weren't for this, it would not be easy for Li Cuiwei to see through his illusion. Although it was safe to use Wang Zhiwei to slowly trap Li Cuiwei, it would take too long, so he chose the fastest method.

And in order to be safe, he also tripled his true essence with the law of his heart. Of course, Li Cuiwei could not survive such a knife.

Zhou Fan stood on the edge of the battlefield, observing the changes on the battlefield. Before his true essence recovered, he couldn't do more.

It is not easy for the Xiliang Army to withdraw its troops and retreat. Many soldiers were left behind by the Hanbei Army during the retreat.

If it weren't for the well-trained Xiliang Army and its large numbers, I'm afraid they would all be wiped out.

Xi Liang's army has reconvened and pulled a long distance. At this time, the sky is also a little dark. Zhou Fan is afraid that something will happen to the pursuit, so he asks Godhead to issue an oracle, and does not pursue it.

Today, the Xiliang Army has lost 300,000 soldiers, and the army is less than 1 million. The most terrifying thing is that the 2,000 elites they gathered have all been killed by the other's 1,000 elites, and the great national master Li Cuiwei also died. .

The loss of Xiliang's army this time is too great, and the army's heart has begun to be unstable.

If it weren't for the dark, the Hanbei Army could no longer pursue, and the situation of the Xiliang Army would have been even worse.

After the Xiliang Army was stationed, the twelve generals secretly gathered in the main office and looked at Luo Zhengtian on the main seat.

Twelve generals because one general was killed in battle today.

They fought a one-day defeat. Even though they still had an army of one million people, the people in the army were panicking. This was a situation they tried their best to maintain. If it wasn't for this, the Xiliang army would have collapsed long ago.

Luo Zhengtian's expression was calm, and this calmness made the restless hearts of the twelve generals calm a lot.

They all understood that the biggest problem was how to deal with the thousand-man team led by Zhou Fan.

Under the leadership of Zhou Fan, the thousand-man team was simply invincible. The elite tactics they came up with to deal with the elite had completely failed. people team.

Once dawn, if they can't think of a way, they will once again face the rush and division of the thousand-person team led by Zhou Fan.

"We will use human life to pile it up, and we will also destroy this thousand-person team." A general gritted his teeth.

"Even if we want to spend human life, they won't follow us foolishly." An old general frowned and said, "We can't keep them."

If they can be retained, then it will consume human lives, and of course, this thousand-man team can be completely consumed.

"Then we simply don't leave and stay in place to spend with them!" Another suggested.

As long as they are stationed in the same place and have a good formation, the thousand-man team will not dare to attack their camp again, otherwise it will just seek death.

"This can't be done. This is Hanbei Dao. They have an endless supply of food and grass. We will consume it with them. When our food is finished, what should we do?"

One method was proposed, but it was quickly rejected.

Luo Zhengtian still maintained his usual listening posture.

The twelve generals finally fell silent. They had to admit that under the leadership of Zhou Fan's powerful strength, it seemed that no way could deal with the cutting of the thousand-man team.

"I've fought a lot of battles." Luo Zhengtian saw the silence of the twelve generals, and he slowly said, "It's not that I haven't encountered difficulties, but it has never been as difficult as today. Everyone, it's my fault."

"General, how can I blame you?" The twelve generals all said similar words of comfort.

In their opinion, this really can't blame Luo Zhengtian, because who can think that Hanbei Road can gather such a large number of troops, who can think that the assembled army is like an arm, who can think of their great national division Was it solved so easily?

These unexpected factors have caused such a situation.

"Accidents in wars are a common thing, but solving accidents and winning is what we coaches have to do. How can we attribute all this to accidents?" Luo Zhengtian shook his head and said, "No matter what, I am responsible for all this."

The twelve generals looked at each other, they didn't know why Luo Zhengtian said such depressing words?

"Even if I don't want to admit it, I have to admit that we lost." Luo Zhengtian said indifferently, "We can no longer capture Hanbei Road, and may even bury everyone in Hanbei Road."

The twelve generals all looked panicked. If the sixteenth battalion of Xiliang and the thirteenth battalion could not return to Xiliang, then according to the severe situation of Xiliang's frequent occurrences of strange things, only the three battalions of the west were left. Liang Ke couldn't hold on for so long.

Xiliang may destroy the country because of this.

"The most important thing at the moment is to let the millions of troops we brought out be withdrawn." Luo Zhengtian looked at the twelve generals, and he said solemnly, "Even if I have to lose my life, I have to do it, it can't be like this today. Lost something."

" What should we do?" Someone asked.

"Peace talk." Luo Zhengtian spit out two words.

peace talks?

In the dead of night, a ten-man team walked out of the Xiliang Barracks. The ten-man team held torches so that the Hanbei Army could easily see them.

This ten-member team did not make any resistance in the face of the surrounding Hanbei Army. They directly stated that they represented their general and hoped to see the Hanbei Daoist. Their general had something to say to the Hanbei Daoist.

Zhou Fan was quickly awakened, and when he learned of this, he had the ten-person team brought over.

The ten people knelt down in front of Zhou Fan, and one of the staff officers trembled, "Our general wishes to have a few words with Lord Zhou."

"What do you generals want to say to me?" Zhou Fan asked.

The staff officer took out a sound transmission jade talisman and handed it to a warrior of the Han North Army in the tent. The warrior checked it and confirmed that there was no problem before handing it over to Zhou Fan.

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