Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1611: suspend

Xiao Hui and No. 3 in the world stopped, and they looked at Eunuch Goose in horror.

The two of them joined forces or lost to Eunuch Goose. If Eunuch Goose hadn't stopped suddenly, they would have died.

Eunuch Goe didn't look at Xiao Hui, No. 3 in the world, but just looked at Mu Qiujian who came over. He sighed a little: "I still lost."

Mu Qiujian rarely showed a dignified expression on his face, "I didn't expect to meet a big monster here."

Egong said: "The expiration time of the Tongtian Mirror is so short, you are here. I think you have already come. You are invited by the three families of Xiao Yewang."

"Exactly." Mu Qiujian said frankly: "You are not my opponent. As long as you promise me not to interfere in this matter, I will not attack you."

"Okay." Eunuch Goose was silent for a while, then turned and walked towards his yard. He took a few steps and then turned around again.

Mu Qiujian asked calmly, "Is there anything else?"

"I advise you to leave early. You are not invincible in Dawei." After Eunuch Goe said this, he turned around again and returned to the courtyard.

Mu Qiujian raised his eyebrows slightly, he didn't do anything, because the price he had to pay for killing Eunuch Goose was very high. He didn't see Xiao Hui and No. 3 in the world, and turned to leave. Now go do your own thing.

"What's the situation now?" The Third Under Heaven asked.

"It's a very bad situation." Xiao Hui frowned and said that Mu Qiujian appeared, indicating that there was a big problem with their plan.



Dongmen played the flute and panted heavily. He won, but he couldn't keep Yinquesi's first battle, Wuji.

He didn't stop, entered the general office of Yiluan Division, and eliminated the traitors.

After clearing the traitors, he received information from all quarters, which made him silent.

Shi Jiayuan took advantage of the rebellion and escaped from the General Office of Yiluan, but this is just a trivial matter now...

He looked in the direction of Jinggong and whispered to himself, "Your Highness."

"Sir, what should we do now?" The subordinates looked at the east gate and played the flute with anxiety.

Dongmen played the flute with a cold face, his fat body exuded a **** smell, and he killed too many people tonight.

"Gather people to quell the rebellion." Dongmen piped and ordered.

As for Jinggong, he had no choice but to wait and see what happened.



Mu Qiujian stood in front of the Ziyuan Hall, and he looked at the great emperor Wei who was sitting and drinking.

The Emperor of Wei said calmly, "The three families of King Xiao Ye are so bold, they dare to collude with foreign forces."

He learned about this because it was still possible to communicate with each other in the Mirror Palace, Eunuch Eun told him.

Of the eighteen chief executives of the Mirror Palace, less than half of them survived.

On the contrary, after his sons rushed into the mirror palace, seeing no hope of getting the throne, they quickly withdrew.

Now the mirror palace has fallen into the hands of Xiao Yewang's three families.

"I think you are bluffing?" Mu Qiu Jiandao.

"What if it is? What if it is not?" Emperor Wei asked disdainfully, "Do you dare to come in?"

What the Great Wei Tianzi said was right, Mu Qiujian did not dare to step into the hall, because he might die.

"I don't need to go in." Mu Qiujian said coldly.

The six silver swords flew into the hall and formed one sword.

There was a buzzing sound, and the killing intent sword energy filled the hall.

Dawei Tianzi just chuckled, the killing intent sword qi instantly dissipated without a trace, and the six-handed silver sword also shattered into pieces of silver.

Mu Qiujian's heart was shocked, a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, and the silver powder flew out of the temple, and it condensed into six silver swords again.

"It's a pity that you didn't dare to come in." Emperor Wei said lightly.

He knew in his heart that Mu Qiujian would not dare to come in anyway, and there was no need to disguise and hide his strength.

Mu Qiujian wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and said, "But you are also imprisoned in a palace, and you can't do anything now."

"So we might as well make a deal."

"What deal?" Dawei Tianzi asked.

"I can swear by Daoxin to sweep away all rebellions for you, but after this is done, you must give me the Mirror of Heaven. What do you think?" asked Mu Qiujian.

Dawei Tianzi smiled and said, "It's impossible, but if you're not afraid, you can stay in Dawei for a while longer."

Mu Qiujian frowned and said, "The Eunuch Goose said the same thing, except you, who can kill me as a little big Wei?"

Emperor Wei didn't answer.

Seeing that Mu Qiujian failed, he turned and left, and saw San San again.

Wang Daozi, Xiao Hui, and Ye Gaoshan bowed their hands together.

"Senior Mu, how is it?" Wang Daozi asked.

"He still controls the Tongtian Mirror." Mu Qiujian said with some regret: "Even if the sect master comes, I am afraid there is no way."

"Senior, then we won't let him eat anything, how long can he last?" Ye Gaoshan asked.

Mu Qiujian glanced at Ye Gaoshan and said: "If this method works, I won't be so worried. He has such a treasure, and he can naturally absorb vitality through the treasure. If you want to starve him to death, I'm afraid I can't wait for a lifetime."

The three were silent.

"I'm leaving." Mu Qiujian floated away.

He faintly felt that neither the Emperor Wei nor Eunuch E was lying, so it would be a very dangerous thing for him to stay. Besides, since the plan failed and he couldn't take the Tongtian Mirror, what was the point of him staying?

After all, Dawei is a very unusual country. If he hadn't learned about Dawei by chance in the sect, he would not have bothered to make such an attempt.

Better to leave early.

When the three three saw Mu Qiujian leaving so simply, they all looked at each other, but they were also relieved at the same time. Mu Qiujian could not take away the Heaven-reaching Realm, which was what they expected, but if Mu Qiujian stayed, it would be very difficult for them. It's definitely not a good thing.

"Senior Mu is gone, what should we do if Zhou Fan goes and returns, and the people in the academy do anything else?" Xiao Hui asked.

"If we don't say it, who would know that Senior Mu has left?" Ye Gaoshan coughed, "How can Zhou Fan have the courage to come back? Duanmu Xiaohong, Eun Gonggong and others will also be scruples and dare not take action any more, we must as soon as possible. Get things sorted out."

"When the overall situation is settled, we don't have to worry about anyone anymore."

"Why don't you two ask Senior Mu to kill Duanmu Xiaohong for us?" Xiao Hui asked in Daozi and Ye Gaoshan just asked Mu Qiujian to do two things, the first one was After killing Zhou Fan, the second thing was to kill Eunuch Goose.

It's just that neither of these two things was successful, but no one dared to say anything to blame Mu Qiujian. Mu Qiujian was willing to help because it was a small promise he made to the three-phase family to open the box, but he didn't promise to do it before. to what extent.

"Senior Mu is not our sword." Wang Daozi sighed: "Besides, even if Senior Mu is willing to kill Duanmu Xiaohong for us and Lin Wuya comes back, what should we do?"

"Even if the new emperor is in power, it is impossible to kill everyone in the academy. Dawei can't be separated from the academy for a short time. We can't completely turn against the academy. It's not good for us."

Xiao Hui was silent for a while, because he didn't think thoroughly enough. Even if he could win the Tongtian Mirror, he would no longer be afraid of Lin Wuya's strength, but the academy could not be solved in a short time.

Ye Gaoshan coughed a few times and said, "Now we must first settle the overall situation."

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