Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1446: vanishing ice storm

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Zhou Fan ignored Yingjiu's schadenfreude, but asked the boat with anticipation, hoping that the boat could provide him with an effective way to make the three guys in his belly quieter.

It's just that the boat didn't respond.

"It seems that the boat won't help you with everything." Ying Jiu smiled and said, "Didn't you just ask why the three little lives in your belly prevent you from covering up your belly growing? I have a guess now."

"What guess?" Zhou Fan asked in confusion.

"After all, they are beings with first-born consciousness. First-born beings have the desire to show their existence. If you cover up their existence with runes, you will hurt their self-esteem." Yingjiu explained: "Of course they won't allow it."

This sounds like some truth... Zhou Fan raised his eyebrows slightly and thought, otherwise it doesn't make sense, why is there no problem with other illusions, but the illusion that specifically covers the stomach has a problem.

If so, you can cast a full-body illusion to cover your stomach, so they won't make trouble, right?

But they are conscious, maybe they can already tell his intentions, and trying to deceive them may not be an easy task, Zhou Fan felt a bit of a headache.

Zhou Fan didn't think about the thing that annoyed him, but started to practice seriously.



In the blink of an eye, one month has passed in winter. In the winter of the Heishui Duhufu, the days of white snow are very frequent. For the woodcarving brothers and sisters in the Fuzhong, this kind of scenery is very romantic and sad.

But for the people of the Heishui Duhufu, the winter when the cold and snow were pouring out was very difficult, the cold wind roared day and night, and occasionally the ice lumps fell, causing a large and small snow disaster.

When it snows heavily, they can only hide in the dry and cold house, unable to do any work. If the grain storage for the winter is not enough, they can only support themselves in the state of hunger and cold, and they will die if they can't survive.

The snow this year is more frequent than in previous years, but fortunately there was only one ice storm that was the most daunting, and it was not big, it just covered Canglin Township, and other places were only slightly affected .

In the early morning, the villagers of Xiaozhai Village came out of their houses, all used shovels to clear the snow in front of their doors, and chatted with their neighbors while clearing the snow.

The children in the village were not playing snowballs, but threw snow in small baskets into the open space in the distance.

"It's rare that the weather is clear today." The villagers said, looking at the rising sun hanging in the sky.

Even if the sun in winter does not give people much warmth, it is a very happy thing to see the sun.

There was a heavy snowfall last night and it stopped just before dawn.

"That's not it." His neighbor laughed with a shovel and threw it in the dustpan. "It's snowing every day during this time, and it's driving people crazy. Fortunately, the family has enough food rations."

"If it's not enough, I'll lend you a little." The villager responded with a smile: "I have a lot of stock in the winter, and I shouldn't be able to finish it."

His neighbor responded with a hello, but quickly said, "But it shouldn't be needed. Now, every once in a while, food is delivered. It is estimated that no one in the village will be short of food."

"Yes, I heard that there is a new high-ranking official in Heishui City. This year, so much food will be distributed. That high-ranking official is a good person." The villager sighed a little: "This can save a lot of people. ."

"Dad, can a high official eat ten flat cakes?" the villager's six-year-old son asked curiously.

The villager glared at his son and said, "Jing is talking nonsense, how can a high official only eat ten big cakes at a time, and he eats at least a hundred big cakes at a time."

The son let out a squeak of admiration.

After clearing the snow, the villagers took advantage of the clear sky and went to work on their own.

At noon, the village is asking people to notify all the households that there is more food coming, and ask them to take their share back.

The patrol camp in the village suddenly became lively, and the villagers lined up, happily waiting to receive food.

It's just that before half of the food was received, the sunny day suddenly changed its face quickly, thick dark clouds came, and the wind whistled.

They looked up in amazement and saw dozens of snow-white spiral wind columns forming in the extreme distance of the horizon.

"Come on, the ice storm is coming." Someone shouted in the crowd.

The camp was a mess in an instant.

"Don't worry, don't mess up." Xiaozhai Village is shouting in a loud voice: "Take the food here, whoever takes it is who, and hurry home to pack up and hide in the snow-proof cave."

"Remember your snow shelter, don't go to the wrong place, or there won't be enough food for you."

In the past, when ice storms came, there would always be villagers and their families who went to the wrong snow shelter in a panic, but the food in each snow shelter is fixed. If there are too many people, the food will definitely not be enough. Not only food problems, but also all kinds of problems occur.

The villagers grabbed a small bag of grain and ran towards the village. They had to go home first and take their families to escape the disaster.

Every household will make an appointment with its own family, and in the event of an ice storm, they will go home first, so as not to be separated by then.

Go home and pack some After everyone gathers, they will rush to the snow hole that has been dug.

Not only Xiaozhai Village, but all the villages and Licheng in this area are prepared to guard against the ice storm in the cold winter, but this time the ice storm came without any warning, and it came too suddenly, making the people in this area seem flustered. untie.

The wind is howling, the snow is getting bigger and bigger, and the people running need to shout loudly in order to hear each other's words.

The wind stopped as men, women and children panicked or ran or screamed.

Snow did not fall again.

It took a while for people to react, and they subconsciously turned their heads to look in the direction of the tornado snow column formed in the extreme distance.

The snow tornado was found missing.

Has the ice storm gone?

Similar thoughts came to their minds.

But they soon saw that the dark clouds in the sky turned orange-red together, like gray iron being scorched red.

The orange-red clouds began to converge in the same direction, and they gathered into a group, shrinking and shrinking.

The clouds are shrinking, and people in many villages can no longer see the orange-red cloud.

The direction where the clouds gathered was near Xiaozhai Village, and the villagers could clearly see the shrinking orange-red clouds.

The cloud was rolling and changing, and it fell towards the earth, landing on Xiaozhai Mountain outside the village.

"what is that?"

"Who knows?"

"Could it be some kind of joke? Will they come to our village?"

The people in the village were talking a lot. The village chief, patrol leader, and Master Fu of Xiaozhai Village all gathered together to discuss the same thing.

It's just that they also couldn't tell what was going on.

"This may not be a good thing. Let the patrol members in the village be careful. If there is any discovery, let us know as soon as possible." The middle-aged Master Fu said with a serious face.

Not long after, a deer came from outside the village.

A deer with only one foot.

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