Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1417: swallow fruit

om, the latest chapter of the strange world of immortality!

Ying Jiufen quickly left.

Zhou Fan regained control of his body. Holding Mengmeng in his arms, he hurriedly wrapped her red gold padded jacket around her to prevent her from being affected by the cold weather.

He held Mengmeng's small hand, and then carefully input his infuriating energy to check his body for Mengmeng.

It's just that he frowned quickly, Mengmeng's body is very healthy, and he can't check anything.

Yingjiu didn't seem to have left anything on Mengmeng.

However, Yingjiu said that the container method was successful, so there should be no problem.

This is an oath, and if something really goes wrong, Yingjiu will definitely not fall.

Zhou Fan looked down at Mengmeng, he sighed, being a parent is really not easy.

He didn't think much about it, and asked the boat to send Mengmeng back for him.

Mengmeng quickly turned into a gray mist and dispersed.

Not long after Mengmeng was sent back, Li Jiuyue contacted Zhou Fan.

"Brother Zhou, Mengmeng is back, did it work?" Li Jiuyue asked.

"It should be a success." Zhou Fan said, "But we still need to observe it again. You guys take good care of Mengmeng."

"But we didn't find any difference between Mengmeng and before..." Li Jiuyue couldn't help but said.

"Don't worry, this technique is very mysterious and cannot be detected by ordinary means..." Zhou Fan said a few words of comfort, and he disconnected from Li Jiuyue.

He couldn't talk to Li Jiuyue in detail.

He didn't want to waste the opportunity to enter the ship once a month, but waited patiently until late at night before laying on the bed and falling asleep.

After he appeared on the boat, he saw Ying Jiu with an evil smile on his face.

Yingjiu glanced at Mengmeng in the cradle, "My container method has solved your daughter's problem flawlessly, I have fulfilled my promise, it's your turn."

Zhou Fan raised his eyebrows slightly. He wanted to ask some more things, but Yingjiu said first, "I won't say anything. If you want to say anything to me, you have to survive to be qualified to do so."

Zhou Fan didn't ask any more. He looked at the fruit on the white jade plate on the square table. Tonight's fruit changed to another shape. It was a round indigo-blue fruit with criss-cross lines on its body.

Yingjiu said that this fruit can be eaten on the boat, so he can only eat it on the boat, and even if he takes it outside, it is impossible to hide it and not eat it. This is the binding force of the transaction.

He walked over, picked up the fruit, and asked in a low voice, "Ship, has she really fulfilled her promise?"

He was still a little worried, but the boat gave him a positive answer.

Yingjiu watched from the side, her eyes glowed with a strange light, and her heart was faintly excited.

"Ship, will this thing really not poison me?" Zhou Fan asked worriedly again.

Yingjiu said angrily: "Don't talk nonsense, eat it quickly, even if it is poisonous, you have to eat it. Do you think you can violate the agreement of the transaction? Do you want me to help you?"

Yingjiu was really impatient to wait.

The boat gave a positive answer again, Zhou Fan smiled bitterly, he also knew that he could not go back on it, he opened his mouth, took a bite of the indigo round fruit, and then slowly chewed it.

If his mouth is big enough, he would like to swallow the whole fruit, but the fruit is not small, he can't swallow it in one mouthful, he can only eat it separately.

The pulp is sweet, and Zhou Fan is still uneasy.

From the moment Zhou Fan took the first bite, Yingjiu laughed wildly, she stopped urging Zhou Fan, and let Zhou Fan devour the fruit slowly.

The laughter made Zhou Fan more nervous, but he had no choice but to speed up and eat the whole fruit.

Even if I die, I won't be a hungry ghost... After he ate the fruit, he hurriedly ran the exercises and checked his body.

Yingjiu was still making that unpleasant laughter.

If possible, Zhou Fan wanted to spit out all the pulp he ate, but his face changed quickly, the pulp had disappeared without a trace, and it was impossible for him to induce vomiting.

"When will this thing happen?" Zhou Fan asked anxiously.

"Come on, come on, don't worry." Yingjiu laughed absurdly: "Soon, come on, do you know that you are the thirty-seventh person I know who swallowed this fruit. Except my thirty-five people are dead, why don't you call the boat to save you?"

"Ship, don't hurt me." Zhou Fan sighed.

But the ship did not respond.

After a while, Yingjiu's harsh laughter finally stopped, and she began to look at Zhou Fan with dead eyes.

Zhou Fan's heart sank, he knew that this might be the time when the poison of the fruit would strike, and he could only hope that he could endure it.

"Now tell me there should be no problem, right? How did the thirty-five people who swallowed this fruit die?" Zhou Fan asked.

"None of them died in the same way, some turned into a pool of blood, some died peacefully with a smile on their faces, and some just disappeared into the air..." Ying Jiu said, "There are all kinds of bizarre ways of dying. ."

Zhou Fan's scalp was faintly numb: "Then how did you survive?"

"I made complete preparations. I swallowed this fruit whole, but I kept wrapping it with laws. When I found something wrong, I cut it off with laws and spit it out." Yingjiu's eyes were bright. With Zhou Fan.

Zhou Fan felt that his heart was beating violently, and he was startled for a moment. It was not because he was afraid that his heart was beating, but his heart was beating by itself.

Oops, the fruit was working, and his face became a little ugly.

"Did you have a seizure? How do you feel?" Yingjiu asked.

What does it feel like? Looking at Ying Jiu, who looked like a curious baby, he resisted the urge to scold him, but just fought his fate and tried to find out what bad changes had happened to his Even if the boat assured him again He won't die, but when things come to an end, Zhou Fan is inevitably afraid.

He felt his bones trembling faintly, and it seemed that something terrible was brewing, but he was running infuriatingly and couldn't find anything.

These powers of the Dragon God's blood also did not play any role.

He didn't care so much, he transformed into a chaotic old demon body, and wanted to hide in the old days, but he found that it was impossible to do so on the ship.

Yingjiu looked at Zhou Fan who was struggling, and she let out a frantic smile, "Ship, hurry up and save him, or he will be killed by me."

Zhou Fan ignored Yingjiu, he just kept the state of the old chaotic demon body, until the state of the old chaotic demon body reached the limit, he released the old chaotic demon body, his heart and bones were trembling faintly, but other than that Other than that, nothing seems to have changed much.

Yingjiu's laughter gradually stopped, she looked at Zhou Fan in confusion, why is this person not dead yet? (The strange world of immortality.. 151151060)--(The strange world of immortality)

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