Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1409: Scarlet Test

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Ten times the compensation!

"You are blackmailing our Flying Skulls!" the old man roared, his thick neck seemed to be a little thicker.

Zhou Fan said with a cold face: "The winner is the king and the loser is the thief, I don't want you to surrender to me, do you think you don't have to pay any price if you want to survive?"

"If you don't give it, then you don't need to talk about the rest. It's a big deal to kill you all, and then take all your things back."

Zhou Fan just wanted them to pay a big enough price. If it weren't for the fact that the Flying Skull Clan was still useful, he would have killed him long ago. How could he still talk nonsense to them, do you really think that his knife is not sharp enough?

Of course, if the Flying Skulls do not agree, then kill them, and find another tribe, which will be very troublesome.

He couldn't leave Blackwater City for too long.

The old man was stunned, Wu Sang had already asked him what Zhou Fan said.

The old man could only tell Wu Sang what Zhou Fan said, and Wu Sang was furious when he heard it, but the old man kept speaking in a low voice to Wu Sang, and Wu Sang gradually became silent.

The Flying Skulls are all looking at their patriarch, fighting or not fighting is between Usan's words.

Wu Sang looked at Zhou Fan, his big head shook, and another mouthful of blood spurted out. Only he who had played against Zhou Fan knew how terrible Zhou Fan was.

This is not an enemy that the Flying Skulls can resist. He said a word to the old man with a sullen face, and the old man looked at Zhou Fan and said hurriedly: "We agreed to your first condition, and said your second condition, but I I warn you, if your second condition is too excessive, our Flying Skulls would rather die than agree to it."

"Before I say the second condition, I want to know if your Flying Skulls will keep your promise?" Zhou Fan asked.

"Promise?" The old man said lightly: "It depends on what it is, what is your second condition?"

"Do you have any connections with other barbarian demon tribes?" Zhou Fan asked.

"Of course, but if you want us to sell information about other tribes to you, don't think about it." The old man frowned: "Even if we don't see each other, some of us still have a lot of blood feuds, but there is an agreement between our tribes. Yes, this kind of thing is not allowed..."

"I didn't ask you to sell information about other tribes." Zhou Fan shook his head and said, "I hope to eliminate the battles between you foreign tribes and our Heishui Protectorate. These battles are not beneficial to us."

"I don't know about other tribes, but our Flying Skulls have never been afraid of war!" the old man said coldly: "Only the weak are afraid of war."

"I'm not afraid of war, but what is the benefit of war?" Zhou Fan asked: "Even if we don't understand the language, our customs and concepts are very different, but you know human language, and there should be people in other large tribes who understand human language. There is no shortage of food to survive, so why do you have to fight?"

"Wild survival, survival of the fittest, is a very normal thing for us." The old man narrowed his eyes and said: "I understand what you mean, you want to sign an armistice agreement with the tribes, right? You have not done this before. Have you tried? Do you still want to continue trying like this?"

In the past, there were indeed many guardians who knew that these barbarian monster tribes could not be wiped out, so they wanted to sign an armistice agreement and were willing to pay a certain amount of property or food to these barbarian monster tribes, but many barbarian monster tribes swallowed all the property and food in their stomachs. If you are here, turn around and do whatever you need to do, you don't care about the armistice at all.

So this method doesn't work.

Zhou Fan said with a cold face: "Of course I know this method won't work. You savage monsters don't believe in anything, only your own clansmen, and the savage monsters from other tribes will not believe it, let alone our Dawei people."

"Then what do you want us to do?" The old man felt more and more strange.

"As long as it's a living being, it can't get rid of the **** of the oath. I hope to sign a blood-written oath that cannot be broken with the chiefs of the 300 tribes of the barbarian iceland." Zhou Fan said slowly.

The old man was stunned, he laughed dumbly and said: "Although you are strong, why do you think we will sign such a **** oath with you? Even if you kill everyone in the Flying Skull Clan, the patriarch will not be with you. signed."

"As for other tribes, I don't think so."

Such a **** oath bound by an oath must be signed. Whoever violates it will die, and who dares to sign it?

The clan chief represents the honor of the clan, and it would be a huge humiliation for the clan to be forced to sign such an oath.

"I won't force you to sign with me, you will voluntarily sign such a **** oath with me." Zhou Fan said lightly: "It can be agreed in the **** oath that we will decide the outcome in the form of a competition, if we win , we will truce with us for three years, and we must provide us with a certain amount of materials for the savage ice field, if we can discuss what you want first."

"But if you want more, the bigger the price you will pay if you lose. This is a fair oath."

"The oath in blood to determine the outcome of the competition..." The old man looked at Zhou Fan in disbelief. He didn't expect Zhou Fan to come up with such an idea.

"This kind of thing is definitely not something that your clan can decide." Zhou Fan added: "My second condition is that you Flying Skull clan must inform all clans for Said that the black water is all There is such a proposal as the new chief protector of the protectorate, let's see if they are interested in it."

Zhou Fan would make such a **** oath because he knew that these savage monsters were combative by nature, and since they were combative, he would try to use a test to decide the outcome with them.

Of course, this may not be achieved. It is very good to achieve it. It doesn’t matter to him if it can’t be achieved. It’s good to talk. Negotiation is very time-consuming and of course there is a truce during the negotiation. Maybe he has left the Heishui Dufu.

He made such a request with two intentions.

"I think the second condition is not too difficult for you, right?" Zhou Fan asked with a smile.

The old man did not answer. He whispered about Zhou Fan's second request with Wusang and the Flying Skulls. After hearing these, Wusang and the Flying Skulls had complicated expressions on their faces, and then started chattering.

Finally, Wu San turned around and said with a serious face.

"We agreed to your second condition. We will tell all the tribes about your proposal for you, but whether they are interested or have a response, we don't know. When we get the exact information, how should we tell you?" The old man translated it for Usan.

"Thank you so much." Zhou Fan said with a sigh of relief: "Do you know how to use talismans?"

"Of course." The old man frowned and said: "Our cultivation is different from your human race, but we also absorb the vitality of heaven and earth, and there is no problem in urging these gadgets."

Zhou Fan gave them a thousand-mile sound transmission.

The people from the Flying Skull Clan quickly took out ten times the compensation, and Zhou Fan rudely put it into the storage bag, and then left.

As soon as Zhou Fan left, the members of the Flying Skull Clan quickly returned to the clan and moved out of the canyon. The canyon was no longer safe, and they had to move to a safer place.

Weird world of immortality

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