Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1390: have something to say

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Zhou Fan ignored Eunuch Ao, who seemed to have been beaten with blood. He looked at Qian Feifei who was kneeling and said nothing, "Coach Qian, do you know the crime?"

"Xiaguan is guilty." Qian Feifei kowtowed with a pale face.

"Are you involved in this matter?" Zhou Fan asked coldly.

Qian Feifei was slightly startled. Zhou Fan's question made him feel a turning point. He knew in his heart that Zhou Fan was giving him a chance.

"The five of you tell me, is Staff Officer Qian involved in corrupting ink? Anyone who dares to deceive me will be severely punished." Zhou Fan looked at the five accountants again.

The five all shook their heads.

"Counselor Qian, then you are just dereliction of duty. I will give you a chance to take guilt and make merit. Do you want it?" Zhou Fan said slowly.

"Thank you, sir." Qian Feifei agreed without hesitation. He knew that he would be labeled as Daduhu from now on.

"Very good, now..." Zhou Fan sneered: "I think the five people have already received the news of the audit. If the five people were smart enough, they would have escaped long ago, and the arrest order will be issued to arrest them and bring them to justice. As for the bounty, I personally pay out of my own pocket, and if I catch one, I will be rewarded with one million profound coins.”

Qian Feifei trembled again, and this time he took out five million profound coins, which was really terrifying, but this was mostly paid by the protector himself, and the government couldn't say anything more.

Zhang Li Xiaohu's eyes are green, for him, this is a big deal.

It's just that even if the Heishui Duhufu is a frontier land, it is not a weak hand to be the deputy headguard of the Daduhufu. The five deputy guards are all monks who have already crossed the threshold of the Taoist realm. Easy to deal with.

But it's not that the cultivator of Huayuan can't kill him. Zhang Lixiaohu is not too far away from Huayuan in the Taoist realm. He glanced at Wen Xiao and Du Ni and exchanged softly, hoping to get a few more helpers to be safer. .

Qian Feifei immediately went to pass on Zhou Fan's order, and immediately sent someone to lead a team to the homes of the five deputy guards.

In order to avoid accidents, Zhou Fan guarded the mansion, but also sent Zhang Li Xiaohu and Du Ni to search the homes of the five deputy governors.

Even if those five were monks in the Yuan Dynasty, Zhang Li Xiaohu and the others were very strong, and this was Blackwater City. There were many warriors in the patrol team and the Great Protectorate. In front of the advantage of the number of monks in the Yuan Dynasty, they could How long will it last?

Zhou Fan wasn't worried about what kind of trouble these five people could cause. He was the chief protector. In this situation, even the five deputy chiefs' trusted subordinates wouldn't dare to resist openly, otherwise they would be viewed as be rebellious.

This is the benefit of his status as a great protector.

It didn't take long for the news to come back. Not only did the five deputy governors leave, but before the incident, the five deputy governors swept away all the property in their family, and took their wives and children.

Before the order was given, the five deputy governors had been operating in the city for many years, and it was not too easy for them to leave the city.

"It seems that they have always been in Blackwater City." Zhou Fan immediately understood that if he really searched for snow thieves outside the wilderness, even if someone tipped off the news, he would not be able to act so quickly.

But this is also a helpless thing, because there are not many people who can use it before, and the house is full of their eyeliners. It is difficult to find out where the other party is in advance. Besides, he did not expect the auditing to be so smooth.

But at least now the tide has turned.

Under the circumstance that the evidence of the corruption case was conclusive, the five deputy governors fled immediately without even making a defense. Then their charges had been completely settled, and it would no longer be difficult for them to turn over. In Blackwater City, very few people really dared to contact them. .

If it is discovered, Da Wei's legal order is not a joke.

Zhou Fan asked Qian Feifei to gather all the middle-level members of Blackwater City, including the newly appointed commander and deputy battalion commander of the patrol battalion, as well as various officials from the Civil and Political Department.

Dozens of people gathered together.

Zhou Fan sat on the main seat, with Eunuch Ao on his left and Lei Tianyang with a calm face on his right.

Lei Tianyang didn't run away, and there was no evidence that he was greedy for ink. He had completely distanced himself from the five missing deputy governors.

He could even explain why the five deputy chiefs, Mingming, who were supposed to be with him to search for traces of Xuelian City, appeared in Blackwater City so quickly.

The reason he gave was that he was a little uncomfortable that day, so he stayed in the city, and he didn't know when the five deputy guards sneaked back.

Zhou Fan also knew that it would be impossible to pull Lei Tianyang in here.

"Everyone." Zhou Fan activated his infuriating energy, causing a serious and low voice to reach everyone's ears.

He first briefly recounted the fact that the five deputy governors of Dynasty Mahan Zhan were greedy for five million Xuan coins. Everyone in the room listened quietly. No one didn't know what happened after so long.

As soon as Zhou Fan finished speaking, Lei Tianyang chuckled lightly.

The laughter was harsh, and the faces of the people in the room froze.

As if he hadn't heard it, Zhou Fan continued: "Blackwater City is already hard. The five of them committed such a big crime and fled outside..."

"Lord Zhou, I have something to say." Lei Tianyang interrupted impatiently.

All eyes fell on Lei Tianyang.

"No matter how good your relationship was with them in the What have they helped you, but remember, they are already fugitives!" Zhou Fan continued in a deep voice: "I don't want to find out who is secretly Contact them to help them, and once you find out, you must…”

Lei Tianyang's face flushed, and he shouted angrily, "Master Zhou, I have something to say."

"Commander Lei." Zhou Fan then stopped to look at Lei Tianyang and said, "You can't speak here."

"Why can't I speak?" Lei Tianyang sneered: "Can you still stop me?"

"Because this is the Great Protector's Mansion, you are only here to supervise. If you see something wrong with me, you can go back and report it to the Taoist master, but you can't interfere with my work." Zhou Fan said slowly: "This is It's a rule, do you want to overstep your authority? Who gave you the power?"

Lei Tianyang's face became gloomy and uncertain, and he didn't have the courage to say that Hua Feihua gave him the power. In front of everyone's eyes, he said this would only provoke criticism. After a pause, he said coldly, "I have a suggestion. There is always power, right?"

"No, you don't, you can only make suggestions if I allow you." Zhou Fan dismissed it mildly: "Now I don't want to listen to you, so you can't speak, this is Heishuicheng, I am Daduhu, without my permission. Permitted, you can't interfere in anything, you can't point fingers at anyone in the Datu Protectorate, and you can't speak."

I won't let you talk, you can't talk!

Lei Tianyang was so angry that he almost vomited blood. It wasn't that Zhou Fan was higher in rank than him, but that Zhou Fan was the Great Protector. He had arbitrary power in the Great Protector's Mansion, and it was difficult for him to argue.

"Since you don't dare to speak, then hurry up and shut up." Eunuch Ao snorted: "Don't waste everyone's time."

Grandpa Ao was already upset when he saw this Lei Tianyang, thinking that Grandpa Ao had been in Blackwater City for so long, that Lei Tianyang didn't come to visit his Grandpa Ao, it was too much!

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