Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1208: black and white

Both Du Canyang and Gong Laogui were loudly questioning Zhou Fan.

Many people on the Blood Grass are still hesitating.

"I don't dare to say that I'm right!" Zhou Fan said solemnly: "But do you really believe these two people who are obviously dead?"

"Go out first and leave the dangerous Thousand Machines Giant Pit, and then we can try according to their method. I have been taking you to the direction of the pit before, which is not far from the giant pit."

"I think what Daoyou Zhao said makes sense." Liao Banyan glanced at the party and said.

"I don't agree." Li Gaofeng shook his head and said: "There is still a long time before the closure of the Thousand Machines Giant Pit. The first thing to do is to lift the curse."

"I also think that this giant pit is not quite right, let's leave first." Mu Sanying said with fear.

Before she went into the pit, she never thought that things would become so dangerous.

"Are you all crazy? I don't know the situation of Fellow Daoist Gong, but I'm not dead. How many times do I have to tell you before you understand?" Du Canyang roared, his face turned hideous.

"But we all saw that you were dead." Feng Gui Jiang said coldly.

"That's because you were hallucinated!" Du Canyang said angrily.

"I'm not dead either, don't waste time and start breaking the curse."

Some people are in favor and others are against it, but for a while, no consensus can be formed.

Zhou Fan just glanced at these people coldly, and then he lifted the little sister up without hesitation and teleported away in the direction outside the pit.

Everyone was stunned when they saw Zhou Fan's back disappearing from their field of vision.

"Come after him, if anything happens to him, we'll all die." Wei Yun said with a pale face.

Du Canyang and Gong Laogui both said that this is a collective curse, and only together can the curse be lifted. Once there is one less person, no one can say whether the curse can be lifted.

Even if Wei Yun didn't say anything, everyone immediately reacted and chased in the direction of Zhou Fan.

Zhou Fan looked back and found that Wei Yun and the others had followed him as he thought. He relaxed slightly, and then continued to teleport forward.

The reason why he dared to do this was because he believed in his own judgment and did not want to listen to those people arguing any longer.

And because this may be a collective curse, Wei Yun and the others are very likely to follow.

But even if Wei Yun and the others didn't follow, Zhou Fan wasn't afraid, it was a big deal that he would go into the pit alone.

What if his judgment is wrong?

Even if it's wrong, it's okay, he still has money to redeem his life, as for what will happen to Wei Yun and the others... Zhou Fan doesn't care, he only needs to care about his own life and death, and they are responsible for Wei Yun and the others.

In short, there is hope that you will get rid of the danger if you do it. If you do nothing, will you continue to quarrel and wait for death?

Those people didn't dare to make a decision, he made the decision himself, and he couldn't put his life into the hands of these people.

It didn't take long for him to walk out of the **** meadow.

Originally, when he was chased before, he fled to the pit, so it was not surprising to walk out of the grass.

The group of people in the back were obviously forced to make the same decision as Zhou Fan, but after all, some people were very dissatisfied with Zhou Fan, swearing while chasing.

It's just that they can't help Zhou Fan, let alone the vortex curse, even if there is no vortex curse, even the golden cultivator Zhang Benben would not dare to say that he can win Zhou Fan.

Zhou Fan took another look at the black line vortex on his arm. The black line vortex still existed without any change.

He didn't look much, because the black line vortex would give people a sense of dizziness and affect his speed.

When I went, I was careful, but when I came back, because of the curse and oppression, the speed was full.

It only lasted for a short period of time, and the terrain became steeper and steeper, which meant that he was infinitely close to the outside of the pit.


Zhou Fan's heart beat violently for a few times, his face changed slightly, and he stopped quickly.

His body became a little stiff, and he let go of the little sister.

Xiaomei and Momo both looked at Zhou Fan with concern, Zhou Fan confirmed that he could still move, and his left hand was holding the redemption money, which made him calm down a lot.

Is the vortex curse happening?

This was the first thought in Zhou Fan's mind.

He looked back at the people who followed him.

The crowd also stopped not far away, and they looked at each other face to face.

But when no one spoke, the vortex of black lines tattooed on their bodies spun.

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