Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1084: big day

Zhou Fan in the soul sea watched countless silver threads like needles stab at his body, and his face changed slightly.

But he didn't have time to think about it, the silver thread passed through his body, but he was fine.

Zhou Xiaomao swore an oath not to hurt him. After Zhou Fan stabilized his mind, he was curious about the use of these silver threads.

Even if he didn't use his own eyes in the soul sea, he could see the situation around his body, and soon he saw the silver threads that pierced his body and disappeared into the space.

There was no exception after that.

The boat kitten still kept her eyes closed.

After a while, the end of the silver thread stretched out from the space again, and the silver thread curled up into a tadpole shape, emitting a faint silver light in the air.

Zhou Fan just felt inexplicable, is this the end?

Zhou Xiaomao opened her eyes, and her face showed extreme anger, "You can hide like this, are you a turtle?"

Everything she did just now is very complicated, but it is very simple to say, that is to use her own laws to sink into the space and search for her own body.

This is her law, and her soul is also here. Combining the two, it stands to reason that no matter where her body is hidden, the spells she casts can be found in an instant. Her body and her plan were halfway through.

It's just that she couldn't find the position of the ship at all, let alone rescue the body.

But no matter how angry she was, it was useless. The anger on her face eventually turned into confusion, regret and depression.

This is already the best one of the so many ways she can think of at the moment.

Who knew that even the position of the ship could not be found. The silver thread wandered in the space, but without any sense of direction, her body seemed to not exist.

It is difficult for her to imagine that there is anything in the world that can shield the silver wire to perceive her own existence. There should be nothing that can do it.

But she quickly understood that the ship was not an existence that can be guessed by common sense, and she can't understand now what this old guy is and what is the origin.

Failure is not surprising.

"Since you have all lost, then learn your lesson and try again after the next possession, maybe you will succeed?" Zhou Fan comforted carefully.

He was afraid that Zhou Xiaoxiao would give up on herself and go crazy, and then any oath would be useless, and she might die with him.

"Are you mocking me?" Zhou Xiaoxiao shouted angrily.

"No, in fact, I really hope that you will succeed. After all, you have succeeded. Maybe I will be able to get out of the control of the ship according to your ideas in the future, but you also know that this kind of thing is very difficult, not this time. Come again next time." Zhou Fan coughed softly.

Now he can't wait for the little cat to get out of here and return his body to him, and don't do anything irrational.

"I still have time." Zhou Xiaomao sneered: "Don't think I'll just go back like this, I promised to possess, as long as there is no time, the time will be mine."

"Of course." Zhou Fan said with a bitter face, he couldn't drive away Zhou Kitten before the time came.

Zhou Xiaomao said so, but she was depressed. In fact, she understood that she couldn't do anything in the remaining time.

As long as she has to return to the ship, she will not dare to make any violation of the rules set by the ship, otherwise she will just seek her own death.

She reached out and picked up Zhou Fan's talisman bag, turned Zhou Fan's talisman bag over, and poured out everything inside.

"Hey, you're going too far, how can you rummage through my things?" Zhou Fan protested.

But Zhou Xiaomao ignored his protest, and Zhou Fan made her oath, but there was nothing that couldn't borrow his strength and his things.

So she can watch it whenever she wants.

Zhou Fan's protest was ineffective, so he could only twitch the corners of his eyes a few times and watch silently, but he thought to himself that he couldn't like these things, and even if he liked them, he wouldn't be able to take them with him.

She likes to look at it, and if she dares to damage it, she will pay for it.

Regarding compensation, among the oaths Zhou Fan asked to make, he asked the guides to swear to the boat and swear with their Taoism. Those oaths became more and more complicated and could be said to involve various aspects.

Because the leaders were unwilling to make a promise that they couldn't borrow his power and things from him, Zhou Fan forced them to make compensation clauses.

The items in Zhou Fan's talisman bag are all talismans and medicinal pills, and the most conspicuous is the book of storage.

"You actually have this thing." Zhou Xiaomao picked up the book of storage with a strange expression.

Zhou Fan raised his eyebrows and said, "It was caught from the river, isn't it surprising?"

Just a storage utensil, what's so weird about a boat kitten?

"If it was caught in the river, it would not be surprising at all." Zhou Xiaomao looked at the book of storage and said lightly, "Open the book of storage."

"Xiaoshu is very happy to serve those who love books, may I ask: Why doesn't the fox stand up?" There seemed to be some cautious voices from the book of storage.

Xiao Ling had already received Zhou Fan's advice, and she didn't dare to jump out at this time.

Why doesn't the fox stand up?

Zhou Kitten said with a cold face: "If you don't open it again, I will destroy you."

"No, the answer is because it's cunning." Zhou Fan quickly told Zhou Xiaomao the answer.

It's just that Zhou Xiaomao ignored Zhou Fan, she just looked at the book of storage coldly.

"Congratulations to those who love books, the answer is correct, the book of storage has been opened." The book of storage replied with a voice.

Zhou Fan: "..."

He was sure that the Book of Storage should not be able to hear him. Could it be that the Book of Storage also knew how to bully the soft and fear the hard?

This book of storage is too strange.

Zhou Xiaomao understood what was going on, she just snorted coldly and let go of the book of storage to browse Zhou Fan's collection.

Zhou Fan looked at Zhou Xiaomao looking at his things, he sighed, and he had no privacy. Fortunately, Zhou Xiaomao was not a pervert, or else she wanted to play with some unspeakable parts of his body, it would be miserable .

No, I will add this to my oath next time, or else I will meet a perverted leader, then... he thought with a faint nausea in his heart.

He found that Kitty Zhou quickly stopped turning the page, and he followed Kitty Zhou's line of sight.

There are a lot of things stored on this page, but the thing that can catch the attention of Zhou Xiaomao is...

That dragon egg!

No, to be more precise, it should be Longsu Egg.

As expected, Kitten Zhou reached out and touched the pattern of Long Su Egg in the Book of Storage.

Long Sudan quickly materialized and appeared in front of her. She stretched out her hand to hold Long Sudan. She looked at Long Sudan with a dark yellow eggshell mixed with golden lines, and her eyes showed surprise: "Is this the Longsu Egg Secret Technique of the Dragon God Clan?"

"You also know about Longsudan." Zhou Fan said in surprise, he originally thought that this kind of secret technique would not be spread by the Dragon God family.

"Shenlong can't see the head but not the tail. The Dragon God family has always been hard to find. I haven't seen any dragons in my memory, but that doesn't mean I don't know anything about them." Zhou Kitten looked at Long Sudan and sighed: "With your realm, there will be a dragon egg. This is absolutely impossible, but you have the blood of the dragon god. Obviously, this dragon egg was made by the leader called the dragon master."

"It's really what you think." Zhou Fan didn't hide it, he looked at Long Sudan, his mouth twitched, and he thought of Bai Lengsun and Li Chungniang again, why are these people always like this!

"She will keep Longsudan, probably because she wants to give herself a chance." Zhou Xiaomao pointed out Heilongmu with a sigh, "What's the difference between just like this and dead?"

Zhou Fan quickly became frightened again. Wouldn't this bring some inspiration to Zhou Xiaomao? Shouldn't she be thinking...

"Hey..." Zhou Xiaoxiao suddenly let out a small sigh, and she leaned closer to Long Sudan and sniffed: "No, how can someone's breath, yin and yang match, why is this breath so familiar..."

Zhou Xiaomao was stunned for a moment, and she quickly woke up and said furiously: "This is Zhou... It's the life breath of your younger dog, it's really courageous."

Zhou Fan: "..."

Are you a dog nose? This can be smelled, even if it is my life breath, what happens? It's me who should be angry! Zhou Fan felt that Zhou Xiaomao was really capricious, and his temper was too strange.

"You gave it to her voluntarily?" Zhou Xiaomao decided to ask clearly first.

"What is voluntary, she didn't ask to pick it up, I couldn't stop it if I wanted to." Zhou Fan replied angrily when he heard this.

Zhou Xiaoxiao's face was as cold as frost, and she suddenly sneered: "It's your business to do Long Sudan, but you can't count the weeks... Since you dare to do this, I will make you regret it for the rest of your life."

This is all messed up... Zhou Fan was stunned, he understood every word Zhou Xiaomao said, but he only understood half of it together, and a very bad feeling rose in his heart.

"Hey, it's all in the past, forget it, I'm not angry anymore, don't mess around." Zhou Fan quickly persuaded him.

But Zhou Xiaomao ignored him at all, she just spread out her left hand, and all the silver tadpoles that had been floating in the air all gathered in her hand.

"If I didn't have my law, I might not be able to do anything to you, but now..." Zhou Xiaoxiao laughed, and the silver tadpole in her left hand turned into silver liquid.

The silver liquid is constantly changing into mysterious runes.

The silver liquid was compressed into a thin drop, and was pressed into the Longsu egg by Zhou Kitten.

The Longsu Egg sometimes emits golden light, and sometimes it emits silver light.

The golden yellow and silver light echoes each other and becomes faster and faster.

Until the light completely disappeared, the drop of silver liquid flew out from the Longsu egg.

Zhou Fan could faintly see that the silver liquid contained fine golden spots.

After the silver liquid flew away from the dragon element egg, it quickly dispersed with a puff and disappeared without a trace.

The Longsu egg in Zhou Xiaomao's hand began to have cracks.

Zhou Fan was stunned when he saw Long Sudan, who seemed to have come out of the shell.

Zhou Kitten giggled, she said happily: "I will help you again."

She puffed out her mouth and blew a breath, and the silver breath melted into Long Sudan.

At this time, Zhou Fan found that he had finally mastered the control of his body, and Zhou Xiaoxiao left.

He looked stupidly at the Longsu Egg he was holding in his hand, and watched more and more cracks on it, and then burst open with a click.

The first thing he saw was the lizard-like black tail turning, and the little head of the little guy hatched from the egg was still staring at the tip of the shell, and he couldn't see its little head at all.

But soon it bowed its head slightly, and the tip of the shell fell off.

It looks only half the size of Zhou Fan's palm, with black scales all over its body, and thin black wings on its back. The wings are gathered on its back, and a pair of clear golden vertical pupils are staring at Zhou Fan curiously.

Zhou Fan opened his mouth slightly: "..."

The puppy seemed very happy, wagging its tail and barking.

The little black dragon was attracted by the sound, and it also shook its tail: "Wang."

Zhou Fan was stunned, you are a dragon in the dragon family, and you learn to bark. Is it really appropriate for you to do this?

The little black dragon fluttered its wings, and the broken eggshells suddenly turned into golden rays of light and inhaled into its mouth, then its lower abdomen swelled slightly, and it was full again, obviously it was full.

"..." Zhou Fan stared blankly at the little black dragon, he still couldn't come back to his senses, what's the matter?

What is the boat kitten doing?

What is the little black dragon she hatched doing?

Is this little dragon still related to me?

He felt that his head was going to explode. He once remembered that Heilong said that unless she died, the Longsu eggs would never hatch... But now...

The little black dragon pushed Zhou Fan's palm with its slightly round head, and made two barks again, appearing to be very affectionate to Zhou Fan.

Zhou Fan looked at the little black dragon, he had no reason to have a feeling of blood fusion.

This feeling is very strange, it seems to be doomed.

He was a little stunned, this seemed to be really his... daughter?

His daughter is a dragon...

Xiao Yan couldn't help but get out of Zhou Fan's head. She saw the little black dragon at a glance, and called out with a slam: "Master, the little master is born, congratulations to the master."

"What a lovely little master." Xiao Qian giggled: "I knew that the master lied to me before, saying that he couldn't hatch, but now he didn't?"

"Don't talk about it." Zhou Fan said with some heartache.

" Since today is a big day, I want to eat thirty duck legs." Xiao Qian patted her carefully and said, "In the future, the little master will take care of her. "

"Shut up." Zhou Fan said with a dark face.

Xiao Ling pursed her lips, she trotted along Zhou Fan's shoulders and arms, and when she reached Zhou Fan's palm, she carefully reached out to touch the little black dragon, but she was a little worried that the little black dragon would not agree.

As a result, the little black dragon's little head came over, it didn't even recognize that it was on the palm of the little 绻, and it barked.

The dog at Zhou Fan's feet also barked a few times.

Xiao Ling gave Zhou Fan a strange look. She didn't dare to speak, but the meaning in her eyes was obvious: "So the dragon's bark is the same as that of a dog."

The corners of Zhou Fan's mouth twitched. He was too lazy to pay attention to Xiaoxuan, and wanted to put the little black dragon on the ground to play with Xiaoxuan. He had to think about it calmly.

Who knew that as soon as the little black dragon landed on the ground, the golden eyes immediately burst into tiny dragon tears, staring at Zhou Fan with wide-eyed eyes, fluttering small wings, flying awkwardly, and landed on Zhou Fan's palm again.

Obviously, he didn't want to leave Zhou Fan for a moment.

Zhou Fan: "..."

Weird world of immortality

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