Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1001: i curse you

"Is it still inside?" Zhou Fan grabbed a warrior and asked as he looked at the manor.

"I don't know, the people who climbed over the wall just now have no movement." The warrior said with fear, "but I didn't see it coming out."

The reason why these warriors stopped was because the people who went in had no movement.

That nightmare wing is too scary.

Zhou Fan ignored these warriors. He closed his eyes and stomped the ground. He jumped up, climbed over the high fence, and entered the manor.

There are countless corpses lying in the manor.

The nightmare monster was still there, and its three tentacles were piercing the head of a standing warrior, sucking his brain.

As soon as Zhou Fan landed, it stared at Zhou Fan coldly.

The blue-green insect body was stained with red blood, making the Nightmare Monster look even more ferocious and terrifying.

Xiao Ling was trembling all over, but she just stared at the nightmare without blinking.

The Nightmare Monster made a sharp whistling sound.

At the same time, there were also two whistling sounds not far away.

Zhou Fan's face was dignified, and the two whistles obviously came from its two companions, who also entered the Northwest Third Square.

There was a commotion outside.

Zhou Fan pulled out the rusty knife, and he had to clean up this nightmare as soon as possible. If it was allowed to join the two companions, who knows what would happen.

Just as Zhou Fan rushed towards the Nightmare Monster, the Nightmare Monster suddenly grew bigger and bigger.

As soon as it rotates, the huge six-legged sickle also rotates, and the surrounding houses are completely separated and collapsed.

Zhou Fan was also swept away by the blue-green sickle as wide as a human body, but he was not injured, he just rolled in the air and stopped.

Not far away, there are also two huge nightmare monsters rushing towards them, and they are about to converge.

There are warriors attacking them outside.

This nightmare near Zhou Fan ignored Zhou Fan, but spread his wings and swooped towards his companion at a low altitude.

Could it be that the three of them have to come together to enter the hidden state, no, no matter what, they cannot be allowed to converge, Zhou Fan's mind is changed, and his whole person is also rushing out, just a few teleports to the back of this nightmare. superior.

The nightmare is too big, and the current Zhou Fan is only the size of an ant to it.

However, when Zhou Fan jumped on its back, the nightmare felt that it had six senses similar to that of a martial artist. Even if his body was huge, he could still find Zhou Fan. Its four wings suddenly changed, like sharp The blade cut towards Zhou Fan.

It's just that Zhou Fan disappeared on its back and appeared on its neck, raised the German word sword, and the German word sword chopped down.

Nightmare screamed, it grabbed its claws to the ground, and smashed two houses. It stopped quickly and tried to use this force to throw Zhou Fan down.

Zhou Fan's German character knife was not able to split, but the rusty knife in his right hand stabbed into Nightmare Monster's back, making him stay on Nightmare Monster's head.

Nightmare shook his head like crazy.

Zhou Fan snorted coldly, and a syllable broke out between his lips and teeth.

The golden ripples spread out, covering the huge head of the nightmare monster, and it stopped.

Taking advantage of this moment, the German word knife made a slight stroke and slashed on the head of Nightmare Monster.

The blue-green metal-like head could not even be cut by a German sword, but it was enough for Zhou Fan.

Weihai Blood Waterfall!

Chi Chi sounded.

The blue-green liquid from the monster's head continued to splash out and sprinkled toward the ground.

Nightmare's monstrous body was shaky, and it let out a wailing sound.

The other two nightmare monsters who were fighting with Yiluan Si Huang Bujue and others also made a neighing sound. They seemed to be crazy, ignoring Huang Bujue and their attacks, and rammed towards this side. Countless buildings were destroyed. destroy.

The attacking arrows from three different corners shot towards the two nightmare monsters, but they were slapped away with their four wings.

Zhou Fan didn't look at the two nightmare monsters rushing madly. He was afraid that the monsters were not dead, and the German character knife kept slashing at the nightmare monsters.

Every knife fell with a blood waterfall, and countless blue-green blood splattered out.

It was like a unique blue-green rain.

Until he reached the tail of Wei Jing, Zhou Fan, who fell to the ground, gasped slightly, and he confirmed that the nightmare Wei Jing was dead.

That leaves two.

Zhou Fan looked up at the two nightmares that were about to rush to this area. At this moment, his soul suddenly throbbed, and his body teleported away from the place and appeared dozens of steps away.

But the danger signal sent to him by his consciousness still hadn't been lifted, and his soul tingled faintly.

He kept teleporting and retreating like crazy, and the danger was like a shadow.

"I curse you to have no hands." A voice sounded faintly in the dark.

Zhou Fan felt the severe pain of being cut from his wrist. He endured the severe pain, and the rusty sword's martial power spread out, but the martial power was useless, and the severe pain was still there.

"I curse you without hands." The voice seemed to ring in his mind.

A shallow blood line appeared on Zhou Fan's wrist, as if his hand was about to break.

This is the technique used by Taoist monks!

Zhou Fan immediately understood, he snorted coldly, his six senses were fully opened, and his nose and ears were all trying to find the cultivator who was hiding.

"I curse you to have no hands!" The voice seemed to be With the sound, Zhou Fan soon heard a slight movement, and he suddenly teleported towards the slight movement. Crazy slashing with double knives.

There was a clanging metal crash in the darkness.

Zhou Fan's severe pain in both hands was relieved, but there were red blood lines left on his wrists, but because of the self-healing body, the blood lines were healing at a speed visible to the human eye.

The man in the dark was beaten by Zhou Fan's offensive and kept retreating.

But Zhou Fan's heart was tense. He knew that this person might be the Taoist cultivator who had always wanted his life, and his double knives slashed faster.

At the same time, a strange dragon language burst out between his lips and teeth, and the rusty knife and the giant knife slashed wildly.

At first, the cultivator with the weapon could use his special ability as a Taoist cultivator to defend against Zhou Fan's offensive, but Zhou Fan's dragon language and Weihai martial arts were too terrifying. The annihilation fell on the monks.

Half of his body burst with blood, and half of his body was cut off like a mummified corpse.

But this cultivator didn't die for a while, he fell to the ground and shouted sternly: "You can't kill me, otherwise the face will be sure..."

Before he finished speaking, the whole person was divided in half by the giant knife.

Zhou Fan divided the cultivator into two halves. Even though the cultivator had stopped moving, he was not at ease. He slashed a dozen times before he stopped and picked the talisman bag that the man was carrying not far away. .

Zhou Fan's rusty knife ignited a cold blue flame with a snort, and the flame fell.

The monk's body immediately burned.

Looking at the faint fire, Zhou Fan breathed a sigh of relief.

The book says that the cultivator of the realm has tenacious vitality, and Zhou Fan, who does not know much about the cultivator of the realm, can only rest assured if he has achieved such a level!

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