Weird Wizarding World

Chapter 98 Stupidity

He didn't wait for Erica's response in his heart...

But I waited until a majestic sonoration came from nowhere!

Like a flute or an orchestra, or like a roaring lion or a whale.

In an instant, everything within his field of vision began to change.

It was as if the cold breath of winter blew across the calm lake surface, instantly condensing the originally flowing clear lake water and turning it into white frost.

Everything in front of him also gradually changed its appearance.

Just not ice.



Dazzling dazzling gold!

As far as the eye can see, everything is gradually turning golden.

The rough floor beneath his feet, the gray stone wall in front of him, and even the white glimmer of the crystal above his head were all covered with brilliant gold.

The vine-like embossed patterns decorated on the left and right walls turned into continuously flowing golden lava under a certain force.


At this moment, Erica's vague voice finally came through her heart.

She explained intermittently:

He is...using McIntosh...the energy pool of the wizard tower to speed up his arrival.

Without energy, I way to open...the teleportation stone wall of the Wizard Tower for you...

At this point, the sound suddenly stopped again for some unknown reason.

Colin's heart suddenly sank.

But he no longer had the time to think too much,

Because another change occurred in front of him.

The liquid like golden lava that appeared on the stone walls on both sides quietly seemed to be slow in front of him, but in fact it was quickly entangled and gathered.


The next moment, a monster that seemed to be made of gold appeared in front of him.

The monster is generally human-shaped, but its body is thick, three meters tall, and has hard edges and corners like rocks.

At the same time, Erica's intermittent and weak voice came again, and she said quickly:

“His coming has entered the second stage, and these are His dependents.”

Take out the crystal ball I gave you to engrave knowledge on. It contains knowledge about the coming of the gods and a structural map of the McIntosh Wizard Tower.

The McIntosh Wizarding Tower has been in disrepair for a long time and now has many broken holes. Many of them lead to the outside world, respectively...

Uh-huh! !

The golden monster waved its huge fist and attacked him.

Colin exhaled inaudibly while listening carefully to Erica's words.

While holding tightly the scepter with dark golden lines in his hand, he fired a special giant cone bullet.

boom! !

The cone bomb hit the golden monster's chest hard with a power far greater than that of the apprentice.

The monster's seemingly hard body was instantly shattered into half by the cone bullet.

Then it exploded and shattered under the attack of more cone bombs, turning into a pool of golden gravel.

But it didn't take long for him to be happy.

The remains of the golden monster that were originally broken and scattered on the ground turned into flowing lava.

It seems that it will be condensed and resurrected again soon.

Colin couldn't help but feel nervous.

Although with the bonus of the rare items given to him by Erica, the golden monster can be easily solved by him.

But it doesn't come without a cost.

This scepter is called Foolishness.

It was the last rare thing that Erica took from Harrington.

Strange objects are miraculous objects, often possessing unexplainable and incredible abilities.

Of course, there are usually different costs, light or heavy.

The Scepter of Folly was originally owned by McIntosh, but was later acquired by the Blackstone Family. But as its first owner, McIntosh naturally recorded its detailed use.

So under Erica's guidance, Colin quickly mastered the scepter and had a preliminary understanding of it.

The effects and costs of the Scepter of Folly are very simple.

Its effect is to amplify and amplify the effects of witchcraft, which is equivalent to a witchcraft power amplifier.

The increased power has no upper limit in theory.

But in fact.

Its price limits the upper limit of its growth.

The price of the Scepter of Deception is simple, as its name suggests, it is stupidity.

It makes users forget the knowledge they have already mastered.

The scope of knowledge includes all.

Often, however, forgetfulness begins with the knowledge of the sorcery through which it was cast.

Although there are many thoughts in my heart, the reality only passes for a moment.

Colin glanced at the golden monster not far away that was about to take shape and be resurrected. Without hesitation, he blessed himself with agility and left quickly.

It is obviously not a wise move to consume this kind of immortal monster.

But he didn't wait for a few steps.

Suddenly a familiar voice came from the road ahead.

Martha, be careful! came Berkeley's voice.


The next moment, a fireball exploded, mixed with the roar of the golden monster.

Thank you, Lord Berkeley. came the female apprentice's grateful voice.

This golden monster has the power of a peak wizard apprentice. Don't get entangled with it and leave quickly.

This is the voice of Peak Apprentice Fina.

Colin's expression remained unchanged and he continued to run forward.

Soon, the figures of five apprentices came into view.


Colin's appearance made all the apprentices look at him with suspicion.

Colin... Flower on the far right recognized him first and said in surprise, You also survived?

He was filled with doubts.

You know, no matter among the nine remaining people in the second half of the ceremony, or at the end, when they woke up from the nightmare of hunger and followed the guidance in their hearts to escape, Colin was never seen!

Colin nodded imperceptibly, not too surprised by their presence.

After all, according to Erica’s last words——

In order to slow down His coming, she created as much time for him to escape as possible.

All the wizard apprentices who survived the ceremony and were supposed to be the fuel for His coming have been released.

At this time, the golden monster on the side attacked them again.


boom! !

Berkeley ignored his doubts and shot fireballs again to block the golden monster's attack!

At the same time he said in a deep voice:

Go quickly!

Then he chose the passage on the left without hesitation and ran.

The other four apprentices did not hesitate and followed closely.

The next second, Berkeley glanced out of the corner of his eye and saw Colin still standing there. He paused and turned around and said hurriedly:

Colin! Follow me quickly!

When Colin heard this, his indifferent expression softened slightly, and his steps towards the right path also stagnated slightly.

After a pause, he was about to turn around and call Berkeley and the others.

Roar! !

But in front of Berkeley and others, another golden monster suddenly appeared.

Not good! Berkeley's expression changed drastically and he stopped.

But before he could come up with a countermeasure.


Another golden monster appeared behind them.


It's three heads!

Including the original golden monster, a total of five golden monsters surrounded them.

Each one is at least equivalent to an ordinary peak apprentice.

Berkeley and others felt their hearts sinking.

After hesitating for a moment, before the golden monster attacked, he said in a deep voice:

Fina! I'll hold them back, you take the other apprentices and leave quickly!

After saying this, he paused slightly and said softly:

Find a new place to settle down, and rebuild the Lapp School if you can.

If not... just live well.

After saying that, a trace of confusion flashed across Berkeley's eyes.

When they woke up, only the golden liquid that was constantly surging and approaching them was left in the gray-white cave hall.

There is nothing else.

Under the threat of the approaching golden liquid, they could not think too much and could only follow the instructions in their hearts and flee in panic.

But before they could take a breath, they encountered such a desperate situation again...

Berkeley... Fina looked at him with a complicated expression.

She took a deep breath and moved her lips:

I promise……


boom! !

Before she could finish her words, the golden monster in front of them suddenly exploded.

boom! !

The next second, the other four golden monsters around them also turned into rubble.

Berkeley turned around and looked at Colin who was attacking, his expression was inexplicably shocked!

Colin, you... Needham on the side muttered unconsciously.

And Fina, who was immersed in emotions and was about to lead everyone to escape desperately, looked even more confused.

The originally unbearable life and death crisis actually burst like a bubble? !

Those golden monsters will come back to life.

Colin said calmly. He had no intention of explaining, but continued concisely:

I know the way out, come with me.

Since we met on the road.

As a member of the same school, I can help if I can.

What's more, what if these firewood in Berkeley who had taken the magic potion were devoured by the gods again.

Then wouldn’t Erica’s previous efforts be in vain?

It would be a wise choice to escape with them along the way.


Colin and others ran all the way, and everything they saw was flowing gold that was constantly being eroded.

A faint and depressing power accumulated in the air.

Colin remained silent, leading everyone to run through the now dazzling golden corridor.

Perhaps the golden monsters have been crushed and have not yet been resurrected.

They didn't encounter the golden monster again in the second half.

Not long after.

He came to a gray-white wall that had not yet been dipped in gold.

Inside the wall is the room where McIntosh's special golden four-leaf clover was cultivated. It was also the place where he accidentally obtained the golden four-leaf clover.

Without hesitation, Colin stood two meters away from the stone wall and waved the black scepter with dark gold patterns in his hand.

Teng! !

A huge fireball shot out from the top of the scepter, hitting a huge hole in the wall that had lost energy and caused the defensive witch formation to fail.

Then everyone filed in after him and jumped into the pool.

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