Weird Wizarding World

Chapter 9 Choice

After taking a shower, there is still some time before evening.

Colin packed up the crystal he had made in the past few days and was going to go to the market to sell it now.

On the fifth day, the production progress of the Light Crystal on Gold Paper had been pushed to the limit, and the success rate reached 100%.

He can now make up to 45 bright crystals a day, which would be about 1 and a half pieces of magic stone. Leaving aside the cost of the crystal, the profit is 0.75 magic stone.

In other words, he can now steadily earn 0.75 magic stones every day.

It had been four days since he last went to the market, and he had collected 160 bright crystals in his hand, worth 6 magic stones.

When he goes to the market later, he plans to keep some of the magic stones to replenish the crystal raw materials, and absorb the rest as limit breaking points to try to see if the meditation method can successfully break through the limits.

You're here again. The owner of the shop selling witchcraft crystals greeted him with a smile.

Well, a total of one hundred and sixty, you count. Colin poured the bright crystal in the bag onto the tray lined with cotton cloth in front of the boss.

Since the first time he came to set up a stall to sell bright crystals, it took him a whole morning and he also paid the stall rental to the market.

He chose to sell directly to a shop specializing in witchcraft crystals.

The price difference between the two is not big, and it can save a lot of time.

Okay, I believe in your credibility. Although the boss said this, he kept counting in his hands.

There are 6 magic stones in total, here you go. Two minutes later, the boss finished counting and took out 6 magic stones and handed them to Colin with a smile.

You go slowly, welcome to come again next time.

Colin nodded and took the magic stone and put it in his pocket. Although his face was expressionless, he was a little excited in his heart.

As he walked quickly towards the wizard leader, he quietly put his right hand into the pocket containing the magic stone.

With a thought, pale golden particles gathered. Focus on the limit breaking point column.


The black characters jumped slowly, and soon it reached 5. There were two magic stones left in his pocket.

But the ↑ behind the circle meditation method has been quietly enveloped in a circle of light blue outline light!

Colin was so happy that he almost wanted to return to the stone house immediately to start a breakthrough!

'But not yet. ’ Suppressing his inner excitement, he hurried to the market to buy crystal raw materials.

After searching around, I couldn't find the crystal stall that used to be might have closed down.

So he randomly chose a stall that was closer and had no patience to continue to spend time negotiating with the stall owner.

He directly used a magic stone and some leftover gold coins to exchange for 80 crystals, and hurried back to the wizard to get them.

Walking out of the market, passing through the shops, and entering the monitoring range of the wizards' leading witch array.

It was still a few hundred meters away from the wooden fence at the edge of the wizard's territory.

There is a fairly flat and wide mountain road in the middle. Since it is going up the mountain, there are steps with stone slabs in the steep parts.

If it weren't for the help of witchcraft, it would be a headache to transport daily necessities every month due to the mountain roads and stairs.

Walking on the compact mountain road, Colin looked a little hesitant, but in the next second, he put his hand into his pocket again and absorbed the last remaining magic stone into a limit-breaking point.

I kept the magic stones before so that I could have the capital to buy crystals.

But now you can only make up to 40 crystals per day. Unless you can exceed the upper limit, buying more will only save you a few trips to the market.

So it is better to turn it into your own power as soon as possible. Your own power is everything.

Soon, the last magic stone turned into gravel, and the character slowly changed to 6 after breaking the limit point.

There are deep jungles on both sides of the mountain road, and you can occasionally see some wild animals while walking on the road.

The sun was setting in the west, and the sunlight became weak and weak, and even some could not penetrate the dense leaves.

In the woods on both sides, strange calls gradually began to sound.

Colin tightened his clothes. The strong sea breeze in the evening and the screams from the dense forest made him feel a little scared, and he couldn't help but walk a little faster.

Although the chirping of insects, birds and some weird roars sounded from time to time.

But he felt that the world was inexplicably silent.

On the long mountain road, it seemed that the only sound was my own footsteps.

After a while, he was suddenly startled and his steps gradually stopped.

At the corner of the mountain road, a blond figure came out, followed immediately by two more people.

Colin, what a coincidence. The blond figure greeted with surprise.

Charlie, Haywood, and Owen, are you still going out so late? Colin responded with a smile, while continuing to walk forward.

Wait a minute, Colin. Charlie smiled and raised his hand to stop him, I just have something to ask you.

What are you looking for...for me? Colin stopped, his heart sank, but he asked with just the right amount of doubt on his face.

That's it, Charlie took the initiative to walk up to Colin and patted his shoulder, and then shouted to the back, Jeff, come here quickly.

Okay, boss. Another figure walked out from the corner in front of him, it was brown-haired Jeff.

He was smiling, and there were no scars on his slightly dark face.

Colin was shocked, but quickly regained his composure.

Sensing Colin's shock, Charlie smiled slightly. This was exactly the effect he wanted to bring about by conquering Jeff in the first place.

When get out of class was over, Jeff was the first to leave early, but he later joined the mutual aid group.

Charlie took the initiative to explain, and then his voice changed:

Colin, can I delay you for a moment?

I remember that you also left early before, so I came to you this time specifically to introduce you to the mutual aid club... Do you think it's okay?

After saying that, Charlie looked at Colin with an expectant smile.

Colin's face was expressionless and he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

No wonder they chose to block him at this place.

Combined with the scene in the alley he saw last time, he already understood everything.

Obviously, whether he listened to Charlie's next words or not, he had only one choice, and that was to join the mutual aid group.

Otherwise, what awaits him will be the same fate as Jeff last time.

...You say it. Colin hesitated for a moment and nodded.

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