Weird Wizarding World

Chapter 83 Flame of Revenge



In the Thorny Street, the invisible scarlet figure broke free from the shackles. Under his great strength, invisible fragments seemed to peel off from his body.

‘This is the power of the great Lord of Flesh and Thorns! ’

After breaking free from the shackles, Aman looked at his now unrecognizable body and silently praised it in his heart.

He looked up at the huge shield gradually rising from the wizard's territory in the distance, but he was not in a hurry to pursue it.

Instead, he withdrew his gaze and turned around to look around.

After a while, he had a thought.

Invisible scarlet mist overflowed from his body, sweeping in all directions like tentacles.

Faithful believers of our Lord... he said in a low voice,

Come to me. I will bring you back to the glory of the Lord.

As his voice sounded, the eyes of the surviving Flesh Thorn Cultists and fallen gang members were gradually shrouded in scarlet.

They changed directions one after another, came to Aman with fanatical expressions, and accepted the baptism of the invisible scarlet mist like a tentacle!

The flesh and blood of the believers rolled and twisted like living creatures, and the magic power in those gang wizards boiled violently and then disappeared!

It was replaced by a deep black and red mist.

Madman! Ted, the leader of Chiwen Gang, looked at this scene in the alleyway in the distance and cursed.

He didn't expect Aman to be so crazy!

If you do this, no matter what the final result is...but one by one of these people, in the end they won't even be able to enter the Kingdom of God.

It will only become firewood for the power of the Lord of Flesh and Thorns!

He retracted his gaze, discerned the direction, and prepared to take the opportunity to escape quickly.

Along the street and around the corner, he blended quietly into the crowd of fleeing civilians like water dripping into the sea.

He glanced slightly at the ordinary people around him.

On the left is a skinny old man. His thin body is no longer as strong as when he was young, and he is already breathing heavily.

But he still gritted his teeth and ran as hard as he could, with a fearful look on his face, not daring to fall behind in the slightest.

On the left is a group of couples. The man has gray temples, holding a small boy in one hand, and holding his thin wife with the other.

The wife was holding an eight or nine-year-old little girl in her hand.

They all looked frightened and ran as fast as they could, even the little girl gritted her teeth and held on.

Looking at them, looking at these ordinary mortals whom he never cared about, Ted felt an inexplicable complex feeling in his heart.

He once again glanced back at the huge figure with a faint outline in the distance, feeling shocked and fearful in his heart.

For some reason, for the first time, he regretted cooperating with the Flesh and Thorn Cult.

He sighed slightly.

‘…It doesn’t matter, I will hide in the dark first and wait until they and the Lapp wizard decide the outcome before making any plans. ’

After all, the possession of the evil god's projection will not last long. If the Flesh and Thorn Cult wins, the Lapp wizard will die.

Then when the projection dissipates, those believers will probably be almost dead... The island will undoubtedly become the world of peak apprentices like them!

If it is his turn to take power then, he will definitely drive out these cultists and kill them all!


If the Lapp wizard wins...

His expression darkened.

‘If the Lapp wizard wins, staying on the island will only lead to death! ’ He paused briefly, changed direction, and rushed towards the east of the city.

'At that time, I must take a boat to leave the island to find a way out... Go to Chengdong Marina first...'


A set of scarlet tentacles suddenly attacked from behind him!

Ted's expression changed drastically, and several witchcraft radiances instantly blessed his body.

But this had no effect at all. The tentacle passed directly through his chest as if it were nothing, and rolled him backwards.


The magic is boiling violently! !


Ted couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood.

From the inverted flying perspective, he could see it clearly.

The few ordinary people who were next to him just now have been contaminated by the bloody mist brought by the tentacles, showing a terrifying scene of alienation and depravity!

Before they could even scream, they suddenly exploded and turned into a ball of blood-red minced meat.

As if he noticed something, he raised his arm suddenly.

Then I was suddenly shocked!

As the magic power boiled away, his own arm gradually became abnormal.

Flesh and blood squirm and transform.

The originally fair and ordinary arms turned into long and ferocious dark red spikes in the blink of an eye!

No, it’s not just the arms that change!

Ted's pupils shrank slightly, his eyes full of fear!


Scarlet tentacles brought a monster covered with ferocious blood thorns to Aman's side.

The tentacles were released, and the dark red monster stood like a sculpture.

...Praise be to the great Lord of Flesh and Thorns.

A low, fanatical voice came from its mouth.

Aman raised his head, a smile appeared on his godlike face.

After a while,

Beside his huge invisible body, a large circle of dark red monsters of different shapes had gathered.

The most eye-catching among them are the two figures closest to him, one large and one small.

The big monster's body was covered with ferocious blood thorns, and its bloody horns shone like steel.

The slightly smaller monster is suspended in mid-air, with a thin body, and the top of its scepter-like right hand emits a crystal-like bloody light.

'about there. ’ Aman looked around and pondered.

He raised his arm slightly and felt it carefully.

His power is still full within you...

But he understands,

There really wasn't much time left for him.

In another hour at most, such abundant power will drop sharply in a short period of time!

He needed to hurry up.

However, now is not the time.

He looked at the wizard leader in the distance again.

Before the official attack, he had one more thing to do.

Aman retracted his gaze, opened his arms composed of invisible scarlet mist, and thought!


The scarlet tentacles kept retracting from his body, and he returned to his complete majestic appearance.

The next second, the red mist gradually spread out from his body.

Different from scarlet mist tentacles.

The red mist is lighter in color and thinner.

It seemed slow, but in fact it surged around quickly, and before long, it spread to the entire Black Rock City!

Then, a low, weeping sound came from Aman's body, spreading as the mist continued.



“The Lord of Flesh and Thorns is watching you!

He will give you the fire of vengeance!

Go ahead...

Go get revenge!

“…please Him with a burning heart of vengeance!”

The light red mist continues to fill...

The world turns scarlet.

help me!

Help me, Al!

A street somewhere.

Al's eyes showed confusion and he covered his head.

His brain was throbbing with dull pain, and he was frozen in place, with Aili's screams at the top of his lungs echoing in his mind!

What's wrong, Al? the elderly mother beside asked with concern, her wrinkled face full of worry.

Nothing...Mom. Al shook his head, paused and glanced around, then asked, Didn't you see the red mist?

Red mist? Mother was startled and looked around.

All that could be seen were orange firelight, collapsed houses, and people fleeing in panic.

I didn't see any red mist. She looked back at Al, her face even more worried, and continued to urge, Let's go quickly, Al.

The wizards have left... We can only survive if we escape far enough until they come back.

She picked up the luggage on her back, freed her hands, and dragged Al to continue running for her life.

The old woman stepped forward, but the resistance coming from her hands stopped her steps.

Al still stayed where he was, with a dull look on his face.

...What's wrong with you? Al! She turned back to look at Al and said urgently, If you don't run away, it will be too late!



she shouted.

But Al always stayed in place, his eyes became increasingly hollow, and a scarlet color gradually emerged from the depths of his pupils.

My child, what's wrong with you?! The elderly woman was extremely anxious.

Seeing that there were fewer and fewer people around her, the uncontrollable panic in her heart made her unable to hold back tears.

How on earth did you... you remember Ellie?

Al lowered his head slightly, interrupted his mother's words, looked at her and asked lightly.

The elderly woman was startled and frowned slightly, the grooves on her face appearing deeper.

How long has it been and you are still thinking about that girl... She turned her head and looked away.


Footsteps sounded.

Where are you going?! Al!

The woman was stunned, turned back and looked at Al's back in astonishment as he turned away, and shouted.

Where are you going... Al?

But after she saw Al's appearance clearly, her tone gradually became weaker.

Flesh and blood flowed like lava, and on the body like molten wax, a pair of scarlet eyes were breathtaking.

I want revenge, mother. The scarlet monster replied in a low voice, his voice like dripping blood.

Then, it raised its head and murmured fanatically into the distance:

Mom...I saw the truth!

…The Lord of Flesh and Thorns is watching me!


As soon as he finished speaking, the bright yellow flames of revenge rose from his body.


The old woman was so frightened by this strange phenomenon that she turned pale and fell to the ground.

Bright yellow light illuminated her face, and the flaming figure reflected in her pupils gradually became smaller.

Al gradually moved away with the light of fire.

The light disappeared and darkness enveloped the woman again.


On the street in the distance, Harrington looked in the direction of Thorny Street and cursed in a low voice.

He looked around at the miserable situation, his face was not cold, but anger was brewing in his heart.

The originally orderly Black Rock City has now become chaotic under the influence of the invisible red mist!

Figures ignited in flames can be seen everywhere, killing wantonly and then turning into ashes.

He never thought that the Flesh Thorn Sect would be so stupid that Rapp would discover the location of the ritual altar.

‘Perhaps the plan needs to be considered in the long term. ’

With a sigh, he stopped looking and walked towards the house behind him.

But soon, he paused for a moment and frowned slightly.

Holding his right hand empty, a scepter with dark gold patterns condensed in his hand.

After doing this, he raised his head and took a closer look at the thin dark red monster floating in mid-air that appeared in front of him at some unknown time.

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