Weird Wizarding World

Chapter 6 Going out


The soft white light emitted, overshadowing the yellow light of the oil lamp, illuminating the entire meditation room.

Colin moved his neck and let out a relaxed breath.

It was now noon the next day, and the sun was shining brightly. If the meditation room had not had windows, it would have been bright at this moment.

Of course, the meditation room is also bright at the moment.

The bright crystal in Colin's hand is steadily and continuously emitting soft white light.

With a thought, the light gold particles gathered, and he looked at the gold paper.

Above the limit breaking point column, a new column appeared - [Skill: Elementary Witchcraft Crystal Production]

Use your mind to open it, and a new line slowly appears below - [Bright Crystal Production (1/100)]

The gold paper classifies the production of apprentice-level witchcraft crystals into broad categories. If you click on it, you can see the folded information on the production progress of different types of witchcraft crystals.

After consuming more than 20 remaining crystals from the original owner and spending more than ten hours, Colin finally succeeded once by luck.

Although this speed is faster than most people's time to succeed once, it is nothing.

When I bought this book, the old apprentice who sold it once said that someone successfully made a witchcraft crystal in half a day.

Of course, he later learned that there was a huge gap between a lucky success and stable production.

However, he has the help of gold paper. As long as he keeps making it, no matter whether it is successful or not, there will be improvement. It's just that the improvement of failure is small, and the improvement of success is big.

The pale golden particles that only he could see floated and spread in the air, and the bright crystal in his hand emitted a warm white light. Colin's heart was filled with peace of mind.

‘Perhaps, as Erica said, do I still have a chance to become an official wizard? ’ He shook his head and suppressed his reverie, ‘We still have to see how much improvement the meditation method will have after breaking through the limit. ’

But after a while, the thoughts in his mind couldn't help but start to diverge.

‘A wizard apprentice is only a mortal body, and even a senior apprentice has a lifespan limit of only 120 years, but a formal wizard... If I remember correctly, Teacher Rapp has lived for almost three hundred years... three hundred years! How many world events have changed and dynasties have changed...'


The rumbling sound in his stomach interrupted Colin's fantasy. He stood up and walked out of the meditation room, preparing to go to the kitchen to get something to eat.

After lunch, Colin was so sleepy that he fell asleep. It was not until midnight that he rubbed his sleepy eyes, got dressed and got up.

After listening to the sound of waves and blowing the sea breeze by the window, and admiring the bright sea of ​​stars reflected on the sea level for a while, he started to pack his things and prepared to go out to buy raw material crystals at dawn.

'The black iron identity badge of the school... must be worn. Only with it can you feel safe in the gathering place outside... Needless to say, the wallet containing magic stones must also be brought... It seems that these are the only two things you need to bring? ’

Colin took the money bag, seemed to have thought of something, and walked towards the meditation room.

After a while, with dust flying, he picked up a dusty knight's sword from the wooden stand in the corner of the meditation room.

The original owner bought this sword together with Breathing Method.

The original owner put a layer of grease on it before putting it here, so there is no problem after being left there for so long, except for some dust accumulation.

Unfortunately, for him, who is not a knight, this sword is just a decoration and will not be of much use if he encounters any crisis.

‘Perhaps I can practice the Knight’s Breathing Technique later. ' He thought as he put the knight's sword back on the wooden stand.

The wizard's health is not in bad shape because the magic power subtly strengthens his physique during meditation.

However, it's just not bad.

In the junior wizard apprenticeship stage, magic power can only make the body healthier.

If you want to achieve qualitative strengthening, you have to wait until you become an official wizard.

It is precisely because of this that many apprentices who have spare capacity will also learn a breathing method as a backup method during the apprenticeship stage.

After all, a junior apprentice who has not mastered much witchcraft may not be able to compete with the peak knight in terms of combat power alone.

The great knights after the peak knights not only have a maximum lifespan of 150 years, but are also pretty good in terms of combat power.

It's just that it can't be compared with a wizard, even a junior wizard apprentice.

Of course, the premise is that he is a junior wizard apprentice with complete means... He is not considered that.

After all, the Cavaliers' shortcomings are too obvious and can easily be targeted.

Just one standard witchcraft against mortal knights - psychic shock, is enough to deal with most ordinary knights.

Of course, as wizards and part-time knights, they don't have this shortcoming.

Junior wizard apprentices like them, who have been laying the foundation and have not learned much witchcraft, usually use knight's methods in daily fights.

After all, knight's methods are more subtle and less dynamic than most witchcraft.

'Skills are not a burden. Rather than becoming a formal wizard, it may be more realistic to rely on gold paper to become a great knight and extend your life to 150 years. ’ Colin thought unexpectedly.

Then he bent down again and took out a brown half-leather armor from the lower level of the wooden stand where the sword was placed. This was also bought together with Breathing Technique.

Knight's Sword, Breathing Technique, and Half Leather Armor were purchased together as a set.

Carrying the leather armor, Colin did not dislike it this time. Instead, he took it out, wiped it clean and put it on directly under the wizard's robe.

After putting on the leather armor, although he knew it might not be of much use, he still felt that it added a lot of security.

After that, he walked around the stone house a few more times, and finally found a piece of iron the size of a human face from the corner of the kitchen.

After thinking for a while, he tied it to the chest of the leather armor, and the sense of security suddenly increased.

After several twists and turns, the sky was already dark.

After counting the items he brought again, Colin took a deep breath, opened the wooden door, and walked out.

There is a lot of fog on the beach. It is not yet bright at this time and is still a little dark. A gauze-like white mist floats in the air.

The gravel path was extremely quiet, which is also the norm where I live. Apart from the hard laborers who pull excrement and the stewards who deliver food, few people come here every month.

Most of the apprentices also have heavy schoolwork, don't have much time to socialize, and don't have to run around for meals, so they basically stay at home and rarely go out.

After walking out of the residence and walking a few dozen meters along the wooden fence, you arrived at the main entrance of the wizard's territory.

It is said to be the main entrance, but it is actually just a simple wooden door that can be opened and closed by cutting two sections from the fence.

The wooden doors are wide and narrow. The wide one is for the convenience of transporting materials, and the narrow one is for people to pass through.

The narrow gate has no lock, but is tied with an iron rod.

Colin pulled away the iron bar and checked again whether he had the school identity badge before opening the door and going out.

The wooden fence around the school is not high, it can even be called short, only a little over one meter. Its function is only to prevent some small animals from intruding.

The real school fence was actually the translucent shield he had seen rising the other night.

It was a large witch formation, which is why you had to double-check whether you were wearing an identity badge.

The identity badge is bound one to one, and you can only enter the territory of the Lapp School with it. If you forget to bring it, you will be in trouble.

After walking out of the narrow door and walking a few hundred meters further, buildings gradually appeared, and only then did they really step out of the witch formation's monitoring range.

The first thing that greeted us was a neat gray building built on a hillside.

Here are mainly various shops opened by the school and a trading market.

Further down is a small group of houses of different styles, in which live the best group of people in the wizard gathering place outside.

The small town at the foot of the mountain further away is what they usually call the gathering place for the outside world.

Ten minutes later, Colin arrived at the middle market.

Although there are also crystals sold in the store, and they have a complete range of varieties, various qualities, and large quantities.

But the price is naturally higher than that of retail traders setting up stalls in the market.

If it's normal, maybe for convenience, you don't care much about the slight price difference.

But now, he only has one magic stone in his body. If he wants to buy as many crystals as possible, he still has to go to the market.

The market was a large square open space. Perhaps it was too early, and there were only a few stalls on the open space at this time, none of which sold crystals.

Colin stood there and waited for a while, until the sun rose from the sea level and the gorgeous morning glow filled the sky, and then a stall selling crystals appeared.

How do you sell mixed crystals? He walked up and asked the price.

1 magic stone 60, 20 gold coins 1. The stall owner replied.

Colin nodded and did not buy it, but waited a little longer.

Later, several crystal vendors came to set up stalls, and he went to ask about the price.

Finally, after several comparisons, he spent a long time at the penultimate vendor.

I just replaced the only magic stone on my body with 65 miscellaneous crystals and a small pack of bonus crystal powder.

After that, without any further delay, he immediately set out on his way back.

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