Weird Wizarding World

Chapter 44 Return

Wow - Wow -

A gray and white stone room converted from a cave.

Silence reigned, except for the sound of the water flowing in the pool.

Next to the deep pool, an unconscious figure was lying.

After an unknown amount of time, his eyelashes fluttered and he slowly opened his eyes.


The next second, Colin immediately jumped up and stood upright.

His eyes were fixed on the broken pyramid-shaped building not far away.

As he moved, the blood scabs on his body scattered like catkins.

'This is? ’

The abnormality on his body caught him off guard, and he couldn't help but feel suspicious. He quickly raised his arm to check it back and forth.

But he didn't notice anything strange. All he saw was smooth and flat skin.

But Colin's heart did not relax. Instead, a layer of gloom enveloped him.

Suddenly, as he looked at the fallen blood scabs, he seemed to think of something.

He took out a spear, pointed it at his arm, hesitated, and then struck hard.

Under the action of the sharp spear, a wound appeared instantly.

But the next second, before the blood could gush out, the wound healed in the blink of an eye!

Colin was startled. Although he was a great knight, such a healing speed was obviously not something he could possess.

He stopped where he was, feeling himself carefully.

There is a constant cooling feeling between the eyebrows, which promotes a spiritual uplift.

At the same time, a warm feeling came from the heart, strengthening the body.

Colin looked uncertain, remembering what happened just now.

Not long ago,

He successfully killed the white monster, passed through the large erosion hole, and found this pool.

At that time, the time I could hold my breath had almost reached its limit!

No time to think too much.

He swam desperately toward the water.

After emerging from the water, what we saw was the current stone chamber that should have been transformed from a cave.

And the pyramid-shaped stone platform standing alone in the middle...

After setting foot on Tanbian, he just took a slight step,

In an instant, an invisible repulsive force suddenly came from the pyramid-shaped stone platform as the center.

With a swish, he was pushed back into the pool.

Amidst the splashing sound of falling water, he heard the crunching sound of the pyramid-shaped stone platform collapsing!

Following the sound, a golden four-leaf clover appeared in the broken pyramid!

Then a burst of strange fragrance suddenly reached the tip of my nose.

Suddenly, an indescribable hunger came from every cell in the body!

It's as if... the soul is hungry!

The saliva secreted uncontrollably, and he didn't even have time to swallow. Soon, it overflowed from his mouth and dripped down his chin into the puddle.

Then his consciousness darkened, and he was now.

It looks like he has obviously swallowed the golden four-leaf clover...

Colin recovered his thoughts.

There is no trace left of the fresh wound on his arm.

But the strange feeling coming from the center of his eyebrows and heart continued.

This was obviously brought about by the golden four-leaf clover that was originally hidden in the broken pyramid stone platform not far ahead.

‘No, that is definitely not an ordinary golden four-leaf clover. ’

But soon, he shook his head again.

Golden four-leaf clover, as the name suggests, is a four-leaf clover that seems to be made of gold.

Each of its heart-shaped leaves and even the rhizomes are bright golden. When exposed to the outside world when mature, little bits of gold powder will spill out between virtual and real.

When taking it, you don't need to swallow it. Instead, you need to place it a finger's distance in front of your eyebrows, and then mobilize your mental power to capture the gold powder it spreads between reality and reality just like capturing magic energy during meditation.

It is a rare magic potion.

But it is not a natural creation, but was cultivated by an unknown wizard a long time ago.

Therefore, unlike naturally bred exotic flowers and exotic herbs, they may have various side effects or strict taboos.

Golden four-leaf clover does not have any side effects or contraindications. The only drawback may be that it is only effective for formal wizards and below.

But this flaw is not worth mentioning compared to its effect!

Its effect is also very simple, there is only one——

That is strengthening the soul!

You know, it is not an easy thing to improve your soul.

Except for a few rare magic potions like golden four-leaf clover,

If a wizard wants to improve his soul, he can only cross every major realm——

For example, from a wizard apprentice to a formal wizard, from a first-level wizard to a second-level wizard, etc...

Only then can you get a strengthening promotion.

Of course, every soul improvement brought by advancement is a qualitative leap, and the effect of the golden four-leaf clover is not that powerful.

But not too weak.

What if he took the real golden four-leaf clover.

Then, the fastest is one week, and the latest is two weeks, until Golden Clover is completely absorbed.

At that time, not only will his wizard qualifications be upgraded from at least the fourth level to the third level, but even to the second level.

And with the strength of his soul, he may become the first person on the island besides the Lapp wizard!

After Colin recalled what he had learned about the golden four-leaf clover, he couldn't help but shake his head.

What if he took the real golden four-leaf clover.

So where does this strange energy in the heart come from?

There is also the powerful self-healing ability brought by the energy in the heart.

Sighing slightly in his heart, he shook the useless doubts out of his mind and slowly approached the pyramid stone platform.

No matter how.

The sense of strengthening coming from the body and soul was not deceptive, and nothing strange appeared on the gold paper.

Optimistically speaking, maybe the golden four-leaf clover is an enhanced and improved version.

After all, this looks like a place dedicated to cultivating that peculiar golden four-leaf plant.

The broken pyramid stone platform was obviously a special device used for cultivation.

He gradually approached the broken pyramid stone platform.

The pyramid stone platform is about three meters high and made of gray stones. It is now broken in the middle.

The gray stones look very ordinary, with no special textures or special symbols.

Thinking of this, the same question came to his mind again——

‘…Where exactly is this place? ’

He gradually stopped and stood on the edge of the stone platform, looking up and around. It is surrounded by smooth walls and there is no exit in sight.

This question obviously cannot be answered now.

Colin looked at the stone platform next to the pool again, and a suspicion suddenly emerged in his mind.

The white strange fish probably eroded the long passage just because it knew about the existence of the golden four-leaf clover.

He walked around the stone chamber a few more times, but still couldn't find any exit.

Colin sighed.

He had already planned for such an outcome, so he didn't find it difficult to accept it.

His plan is to wait here for a while longer,

Then return to the previous cave hall again.

It was hoped that Holt and others had returned successfully and killed the giant black-maned pig.

The success rate seems to be low.

But in fact, there is a high probability that Holt and others will return again.

After all, even if you don't care about the corpse of the apprentice in the cave hall, there are still so many valuable black-maned giant boar corpses inside. These are magic stones, and you won't give up so easily.

Colin looked around at the stone chamber in front of him again and sighed.

‘I don’t know who built this stone chamber… and how he cultivated such a special golden four-leaf clover…’

Of course, looking at the layer of blood scab falling on the ground, he secretly thought he was lucky.

Just by looking at this layer of blood scab, you can clearly understand the danger just now.

Although this special golden four-leaf clover has a powerful effect, it is also much more dangerous than the ordinary four-leaf clover.

If it weren't for being a great knight, I probably wouldn't be able to survive it.

While thinking about it, Colin used the cleaning technique and the fireball technique to clean up the traces of the stone chamber, and also burned his own blood scab to ashes, destroying the corpse and eliminating traces.

Then he waited a long time to adjust his condition before jumping into the water again and swimming towards the previous cave hall.

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