Weird Wizarding World

Chapter 23 Going down the mountain

The reason why the Lapp School was built on the mountain was not to highlight its status.

It's because the magic energy here is the most intense, which is more beneficial to the wizard's training.

This is also the reason why many wizards in Blackstone City choose to live halfway up the mountain closer to the school.

If you need to be stationed in the city for a long time, it will obviously affect your cultivation progress.

'Those with poor talent will be assigned to the guard team...' Colin understood.

The logic behind this allocation can be easily understood from the perspective of the school of thought.

This is obviously to put potential apprentices in the wizarding field to focus on training and improving their realm.

Those who have no potential are sent to the city's guard team to hone their combat abilities and deal with trivial matters.

For the school, this is a very reasonable distribution method.

But for Colin, it was just the opposite, and he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

The guard is a good job. The gray-robed wizard saw Colin's thoughts and comforted meaningfully, You have to know...the school is the actual ruler of this island.

Colin was puzzled.

...When you go to the city guard, you will know why I said this... The gray-robed wizard patted Colin on the shoulder and said nothing more.

It has been sixty years since the Lapp wizards came here, but until now, there has not been a second official wizard in the school.

In his opinion, an apprentice with Colin's qualifications obviously has no chance of becoming a formal wizard.

It is undoubtedly a better choice for them to go to the Guards and enjoy life.

The two walked for a while and came to a study room.

It is said to be a study room, but there is only one bookshelf in the room. If you look closely, it seems that there are some duplicate books on it.

The gray-robed wizard took two books from above and handed them to Colin.

These are the witchcraft rewards from the school. If you want to learn other ones, you need to use magic stones or contribution points to exchange for them.

But because you are going to the guard's office, you have two more witchcrafts than the usual apprentices to use to deal with the polluters.

He found two more witchcraft books.

Colin took it and stacked them together, inexplicably feeling like he was receiving textbooks at school in his previous life.

He took the book and looked at it from top to bottom. They were -

Detect Evil, Purify Evil, Hope Defense Field, Fireball,

The first two witchcraft are additional witchcraft provided free of charge to the guards.


He couldn't help but think of the strange man he met in the city before.

That should be the so-called polluter.

In addition to wizards, there are many unexplainable phenomena in this world.

The polluter is one of them.

There are many strange reasons for their formation, one of which is coming into contact with knowledge that they cannot understand.

The first thing apprentices like Colin learned in their first lesson was - never pursue knowledge too much.

In this world, knowledge comes at a price.

After taking the book, the gray-robed wizard gave him another voucher, told him the address of the guard hall, and asked him to leave and report before tomorrow.

As soon as Colin returned to the stone house, it suddenly started raining heavily outside.

He leaned against the window quietly, looking at the endless turbulent sea outside, speechless for a moment.

The waves are surging one after another, and the loud thunder drowns out the sound of rain and the sound of waves. White seabirds are often seen on weekdays, but not a single one can be found at this time.

The sky and the earth are vast, and the heavy rain seems to connect the sea and the sky, making it difficult to tell whether the rain is falling from the sky or rising from the sea.

The rain keeps falling, but the dark clouds seem to be getting thicker.

The stone house has fallen into darkness.

Colin casts a spell to light up the Crystal of Light.

Soft white light evenly fills the room. He sighed and prepared to pack his things.

hold head high--

At this moment, a dull cry suddenly sounded.

Colin stood frozen on the spot, as if his heart had been clenched, and it took him two seconds to recover.

For some reason, the rain outside the window gradually stopped.

Colin's face turned slightly pale, but he was not afraid in his heart and instead stepped out.

The rain outside the door has stopped, but if you look closely, you can see that it is still pouring in the distance.

Only this part of the island did not rain.

…It’s as if an invisible umbrella has been held up here.

At this time, people were coming out of other houses one after another, and they all looked up to the sky.

Colin also raised his head. indescribable shock.

A huge whale is swimming leisurely in the sky.

Its huge dark blue body blocked all the rainwater, forming a rain-free area.

From time to time, lightning would strike at it, but it was like a mud cow entering the sea, unable to make any waves.

This is a Thunderstorm Cloud Whale, which the original owner remembered seeing a few years ago.

It has a gentle personality and never attacks anything actively.

Therefore, the wizard collar did not turn on the shield... Of course, it may not be useful if it is turned on.

Thunderstorm cloud whales usually live in the deep sea. Only during heavy rains will they occasionally rise to the sky to chase thunder and lightning.

This is a rare and strange sight.

It's a pity that although the Thunderstorm Cloud Whale looks leisurely and slow.

But in fact, it flies at a speed that even formal wizards may not be able to keep up with.

So soon, it disappeared from Colin's eyes.

The rain started again.

The rain continued until the afternoon and then gradually stopped.

The dark clouds dissipated, the sun shone on the earth again, and a rainbow even appeared in the distance.

Colin has almost put away his things.

There is nothing to bring, except for a change of clothes, mainly books and bee needles.

As for the knight's sword and armor left behind by the original owner, he planned to sell them at the market later.

As his strength improves, the benefits brought to him by knight training are more in terms of energy. As for combat, it is still not as good as witchcraft.

Even the bee needles on the waist are more of an ornament.

Therefore, Colin planned to only practice breathing techniques as a knight and no longer expend energy on combat skills.

After going to the market to sell all the miscellaneous things,

There are obviously a lot less things in the house, and it is estimated that it can only be filled with a large bag at most.

Colin got up and went to pack the last things in the bedside table.

Inadvertently, he saw a brown letter and a piece of white paper inside.

Colin looked slightly stunned and slowly picked them up.

Touching the red and blue fire emblem on the brown envelope, he felt a little emotional.

That cute girl with short blond hair may have turned into a handful of clay now.

He carefully placed the envelope and white paper into his gray backpack.

Then he picked up his backpack, looked around the stone house, and then walked into the meditation room to stop for a moment.

Finally, I came to the window and leaned on it as usual, looking at the calm blue sea in the distance.

The sea is vast and vast, with white seabirds circling, echoing the bits of silver light rippling from the water.

Colin let out a long breath, stopped thinking about it, straightened up and walked out of the house.

After walking out of the door, he looked back at Erica's stone house next door.

He paused, seemed to think of something, turned around and walked towards Erica's door.

A few minutes later, he started again and walked towards Black Rock City at the foot of the mountain.

He left Erica a blank piece of paper.

It didn't say anything,

I just briefly told what happened recently.

Things about Charlie, things about the mutual aid association, and the fact that he has been assigned to the guard team.

By the way, I also gave her feedback that I had received a blank piece of paper and a letter. If I had the opportunity to go back to Lane in the future, I would bring the letter to her parents...

It is getting late, and the sky is filled with red clouds.

On the mountain road, Colin's figure carrying a bag gradually faded away.

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