Weird Wizarding World

Chapter 13 Class

Unfortunately, I don’t know if there are such large fields of cauliflower in this world.

Colin was daydreaming while walking with long strides. The bee needle was firmly fixed on the brown leather sword given by the shop owner on his waist without making any sound.

After a while, evening came, the sun set, and a deep yellow enveloped the earth.

There is a curfew in the small town. As night falls, there are more pedestrians on the dirt road, and carriages will pass by from time to time.

He walked among the crowd, but it was not crowded. Pedestrians around him took the initiative to keep a one-meter distance from him.

There is a clear hierarchy on the island, and those who can dress like him in this small town are either core members of the gang, or children of the family, or even worse, they are related to the wizard.

After walking for a while, we gradually came to the edge of the small town.

There were more sharecroppers with farm tools and fishermen with dark skin and fishy smell on the road, and carriages were rarely seen.

The houses on both sides of the street have gradually changed from wooden houses to mud houses made of mud and seaweed. Some are even not even seaweed houses, but just simple tents made of palm leaves.

The passers-by were also humbler. When they saw Colin, they were either cowering in the house or standing there with their heads down and fear.

After walking for a while, the sound of a woman sobbing suddenly came from the front, mixed with the sound of a baby crying loudly.

Turning a corner, Colin saw the source of the sound.

In front of a palm hut on the roadside, a woman wearing tattered linen clothes was holding a baby wrapped in black cloth and fell to the ground crying.

There were several men dressed as fishermen surrounding her. The strong young man at the head of the group also held a cloth bag in his hand.

He handed the cloth bag to the woman: This is the only thing left by Gal, take it...


At this time, the man next to him caught a glimpse of Colin and quickly reminded him in a low voice, then lowered his head and stood aside.

The sturdy young man glanced back, and when he saw Colin, he quickly bent down and lowered his head.

Colin looked calm and dull and continued to move forward.

The woman also saw him, and immediately swallowed her sobs hard, and then used her other hand to forcefully cover the mouth of the baby in her arms.

But although the voice disappeared, tears continued to flow. Big drops of hot tears dripped from the woman's chin and fell to the ground, staining dark spots.

The face of the baby in her arms quickly turned red, and its struggle became more intense.

Colin sighed slightly in his heart and quickened his pace.

But suddenly, whether it was because the woman couldn't bear it or because the baby was struggling too hard, the harsh crying sounded again.

The woman's expression changed drastically, and she quickly covered the baby's mouth.

Colin didn't pause or turn his head, he just looked ahead and walked past quickly with no expression on his face.

Soon, he left the area.

Although he didn't hear everything, he estimated that the woman had lost her husband, a fisherman.

The sea is vast and magnificent, but it is also full of dangers. Such things happen from time to time.

Compared with this, he cared more about the attitude of people passing by in the shanty town when they saw him.

'Class...' He sighed inaudibly.

In fact, except for wizards, all other ordinary people on the island should be of the same class.

Those people didn't recognize him as a wizard, so they shouldn't be so respectful.

However, there are obviously differences between ordinary people. The status of ordinary people in shantytowns and those who are related to wizards is naturally very different.

Earlier, he had heard that there was a father of a junior wizard apprentice in the city who came to the edge of the shanty town to deliberately provoke people.

Then wait until those people can't bear it anymore and start to fight back, and then use the powerful knight power to kill them brutally for fun.

Although the guards later discovered this situation,

But the punishment was just to prohibit him from committing the crime again and fine him some magic stones...

The island is poor in supplies and there are many ferocious and strange beasts in the wild. Ordinary people can only rely on wizards if they want to survive here. This is one of the reasons for the supernatural status of wizards.

A teacher once said that sixty years ago, the Lapp School had not yet arrived on this island.

Originally, the official wizards on the island had died, and only some senior apprentices were left. Relying on the relics left by their ancestors, they could barely cope with the strange things at night and the ferocious beasts in the wild.

As a result, the gathering place is getting smaller day by day, and it is constantly forced to shrink its area.

It was not until the arrival of the Lapp wizard that the gathering place gradually began to stop shrinking, and even expanded in reverse.

It has now been expanded back to its original edge, and the damaged earth wall around the perimeter has been reinforced and repaired.

This is the power of official wizards and the unbreakable guarantee of the status of the Lapp School!

Thinking about it all the way, we were almost reaching the city gate.

A thin man suddenly jumped out from the road not far away, and then stopped in the middle of the dirt road inexplicably.

Colin stopped and looked at him with a frown.

The man was standing with his body hunched over, facing him sideways, with his head bowed.

The yellow light of the setting sun illuminated him into a black silhouette, making him even more skinny.

The backlight made it difficult for Colin to see the man's face.

He pondered for a moment and planned to take out his ID badge from his pocket.

In a small town, with the way he is dressed, most people will not mess with him.

As for the remaining small part, you only need to take out the ID badge in your pocket to settle it.

Colin looked at the man and fumbled for his badge in his pocket.

He gradually adapted to the backlight, and the man's figure became clearer in his sight.

'Why... he keeps shaking? ’ Colin’s pupils shrank, and a feeling of uneasiness suddenly surged in his heart.

He immediately took out the hand that was in his pocket, quickly formed a seal, moved his lips, recited a spell in a low voice, and stepped back at the same time.

At the moment when his spell sounded, the man standing on the dirt in front of him suddenly made a move.

He slowly raised his head and looked at Colin, his eyes glowing with a strange green light.

Colin's heart tightened suddenly, and he continued to recite the curse while speeding up his retreat.

At this moment, a loud noise came from the direction where the man on the right had just appeared.

There seemed to be something wrong with the man's body. His head suddenly dropped heavily and his body continued to tremble.

This time there was even a large pool of blood gushing out of his mouth, spilling out, and making a strange hissing sound when it came into contact with the ground.

A few more seconds passed, and the rickety man finally regained his breath and gradually straightened his back.

But at this time, Colin had already retreated dozens of meters away, and the witchcraft he had performed had come to an end.


As the last syllable fell out, translucent white light enveloped Colin's body.

But then it suddenly broke and disappeared.

Colin's face turned pale, he suppressed the discomfort of failed spell casting, pulled out the bee sting from his waist, and continued to retreat quickly.

The white light is steel armor, a powerful witchcraft he has been learning recently.

Unfortunately, despite the help of gold paper, ten days is still too short, and there is still some distance from getting started. Not only does it take a long time to cast, but it is also easy to fail.

Seeing himself getting further and further away from the strange green man, Colin felt a little relieved.

Although he is now a senior knight, this power is nothing before the real danger.

The man's weird appearance and glowing green eyes were clearly something he couldn't handle!

Why take risks? A decisive retreat is the right choice!

It's a pity...I couldn't successfully cast the steel armor...

Just when Colin kept thinking, the thin man who had completely straightened his back suddenly looked at him!

In the dim world, those green eyes stood out.

Colin was startled, stared at the thin man, and continued to step back and distance himself.

Although there is quite a distance now, blindly turning around and running away is still the worst option!

The next second, the man suddenly ran towards him, so fast that the distance between them was within ten meters in the blink of an eye.

My heart seemed to be clenched!

‘At this speed, there is no way to escape. ’

Colin exhaled heavily, stopped, held the bee sting in his hand, and prepared to fight!

Uh-huh! !

At this moment, an orange-red beam of light suddenly shot from the right rear of the thin man.

The man was startled, jumped hard, and curled up.

His reaction was already very fast, but his waist and abdomen were still hit by the beam!

The man groaned.

The place where the waist came into contact with the beam has disappeared, leaving only a charred gap.

But this only aroused the man's ferocity. He ignored the threats behind him and just rushed towards Colin!

It looked like he wanted to use a backrest.

With the previous jump, the man was only three meters away from Colin.

He widened his eyes, stared at Colin fiercely with his glowing green eyes, and roared hoarsely:

Die! Die! Die! You guys all deserve to die!!

But what he didn't expect was that a dazzling white light suddenly erupted on the chest of the handsome young man in front of him!

Ah!! The field of vision was completely white, and the man waved his hands randomly.

At this time, there was only an insignificant trace of the setting sun on the horizon, and the sky was extremely dark.

The sudden burst of white light caused him to temporarily lose his sight without any preparation.

Colin looked at the strange man in front of him and thought again.

A burst of flame suddenly appeared in the crotch of the man's linen pants.

Then more flames appeared one after another in different locations on the man's clothes.

The man yelled angrily, but the flames on his body soon caused him to lie on the ground and roll unconsciously.

It's a pity that the man was only wearing ordinary linen clothes after all, and was not impregnated with fuel.

The fire was quickly brought under control as he tumbled.

When Colin saw this, he quickly took the bee sting and stabbed the man in the head.

Before the sharp blade in his hand could touch the man's skin, an orange-red beam hit his head first.

Half of the man's head disappeared.

But despite being so severely injured, his body was still moving.

Then another orange-red beam shot out again, completely erasing the man's head.

At this time, his body gradually stopped moving.

The rich smell of burnt meat mixed with the aroma of roasted meat filled the air.

Colin's stomach was churning, and his face became paler.

He looked up at the figure wearing a wizard's robe slowly walking over, took out the triangular identity badge from his pocket, and signaled to the other party.

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