Weird Wizarding World

Chapter 11 Energetic (please seek free collection, reading, recommended investment!!)

When I woke up, it was already noon.

Lunch was seafood with flatbread. After eating, he went to the meditation room, lit incense sticks, sat down cross-legged, turned the hourglass upside down, and began to meditate.

Time passes like fine yellow gravel in an hourglass.

The meditation room was very quiet, with only the rustling of yellow sand and Colin's inaudible breathing.

After an unknown amount of time, he slowly opened his eyes, moved his head, and looked at the hourglass.

'About five hours have passed. ’ After careful observation, he judged in his mind.

Then he stood up and moved his somewhat stiff limbs.

At the earliest, the original owner's limit of meditation per day was almost seven hours. After the golden paper appeared, the meditation method was pushed to the limit, and the limit of meditation per day became six hours.

But now that the circle meditation method has broken through the limit once, the limit duration of daily meditation has been reduced by about one hour, and now only takes about five hours.

But the reduction in duration does not mean that the magic power gained every day is reduced. He obviously felt that after breaking the limit once, the magic power gained during the two meditations became more.

But to make an accurate estimate, you still have to look at the gold paper.

With some expectation, he breathed out the golden paper.

Pale golden particles gathered in front of him.

[Level: Junior Wizard Apprentice (55/100); Junior Knight (69/100)]

He felt happy.

In the level column, the junior wizard apprentice was 54/100, which suddenly changed to the junior wizard apprentice 55/100.

'Same as last night, it has increased a little... This means that every time I meditate, I can improve the level by a little! ’

‘We are now 45 points away from the limit of junior wizard apprentice. Converted into days, that is 45 days, one and a half months. And now there are still two and a half months before the assessment, so it’s totally in time! ’

The big stone in Colin's heart finally fell to the ground.

He stood there for a while before calming down.

Unfortunately, there is no one to share this feeling.

‘What to do now? ’ He sat down cross-legged again, thinking to himself.

‘In other words, where are the remaining limit-breaking points allocated? ’

'Bright crystal making, ignition, solar seems that these three are reaching the limit now...'

After pondering for a moment, he called out the golden paper and focused his thoughts on the solar breathing method.

Ignition is the first to be eliminated. It is just a trick. Breaking the limit should not improve much. Of course, if you have money later, you can also try to improve it, but there is no need to do it so early.

As for the production of bright crystals, he originally wanted to improve it first.

But he inexplicably thought of what Charlie had said to him before - I will come to you again.

So he had a change of heart and planned to let the solar breathing method break through the limit first, so that at least Charlie could come to him and increase his strength somewhat.

But then he thought that it was just a magic stone anyway. Even if it was improved later, the difference would only be one or two days, so there was no need to worry too much.

Just like the meditation method to break through the limit, as the limit-breaking point is consumed, complicated knowledge continues to emerge in the mind.

But this time the time was much shorter than the meditation method to break through the limit. After about twenty minutes, Colin opened his eyes.

He stood up and walked out of the meditation room, came to the bedside in the bedroom, and began to practice the solar breathing method after breaking the limit.

After breaking the limit, the movements of the solar breathing method are much more complicated than before, and the timing of the coordination of breathing and movements is also more precise.

After a while, Colin stood up and let out a long breath, sweat dripping down his chin.

He raised his hand and wiped his sweat while exhaling the gold paper.

[Level: Junior Wizard Apprentice (55/100); Junior Knight (79/100)]

‘I actually improved ten points after just one practice! ’ Colin was a little surprised.

You must know that he can practice solar breathing at least seven or eight times a day. If he practices solar breathing after breaking the limit from the beginning, it will only take him a little more than a day to reach the junior knight limit.

After a short rest, he continued to practice breathing techniques again.

Finally, at the zenith of the moon,

He felt a rush of heat suddenly spread from his chest to his limbs, causing all the muscles in his body to swell slightly, as if he were soaking in a hot spring.

After a few more minutes, he came to his senses and pulled out the gold paper.

[Level: Junior Wizard Apprentice (55/100); Intermediate Knight (1/100)]

Sure enough, he had successfully broken through.

Colin jumped on the spot, walked to the bed again, leaned over and clasped the bottom of the bed, and tentatively lifted it up.

After struggling around like this, he gained a clearer understanding of his own power.

Then he looked at the time and gave up the idea of ​​continuing to practice solar breathing. He quickly took a shower and went to the meditation room to start making bright crystals.

Time flies by like this.

Life has returned to the same routine as before.

In the morning, I make witchcraft crystals, in the afternoon I practice solar breathing, and in the evening I meditate. The odd time in between is used to practice old witchcraft and learn new witchcraft.

On the afternoon of the tenth day, the stone house.

Colin was standing naked on the edge of the bed, with his feet spread out and his eyes closed.

The knotted muscles all over his body were trembling like a tumbling python, causing his skin to turn red and his whole body to be filled with white heat.

After an unknown amount of time, he slowly opened his eyes and exhaled a breath of white breath, which was clearly visible in the air.

The pale golden particles gathered, and he looked at the knights with a calm expression.

With the blessing of a limit-breaking solar breathing method, in just ten days, he progressed from a junior knight to the advanced knight stage.

The life seeds condensed after the blood in the chest was ignited are exuding vitality, filling the body with strength.

During this time, he also understood the uniqueness of solar breathing.

The solar breathing method is not like other breathing methods that increase strength, speed, flexibility, or explosion.

Its improvements in strength, speed, flexibility, explosiveness, etc. are relatively balanced, with nothing particularly outstanding.

But only the energy aspect has been greatly improved!

From this point of view, the old apprentice selling books did not lie to him.

It's just not accurate enough, the increase in energy really strengthened that aspect.

But for Colin now, the real value of solar breathing is giving him a few more hours of discretionary time each day.

He now only needs 5 hours of sleep a day to maintain full energy throughout the day.

Not only that, the abundant energy also slightly increases the efficiency of meditation and the upper limit of making witchcraft crystals per day.

After taking a shower as usual, Colin got dressed, took the bright crystals he had saved in the past two days, and went out to the store to sell crystals.

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