Similarly, even if "Vivian" suffers from a terminal illness or a death curse and has to be reborn in a shell, it is more reliable to find a "super power factory" to customize a shell, or simply find an unlucky person, than to be resurrected in a weak and powerless kitten.

——Even if it is a weird reason like "I'm tired of being a human and want to play as a cat", you can also find a "super power factory" to customize a more suitable super power cat shell.

In summary, Lenari does not think that "Vivian" is the mastermind behind the scenes.

After listening to Lenari's brief narration, Fitz and Pettyfer fell into deep thought.

After thinking for a while, Lenari asked, "Have you heard of the name 'Weaver of Ghost Stories'?"

Pattifer was the first to come back to his senses and shook his head, "It's the first time I've heard of it."

Fitz, who was a little slower, shook his head and said, "In terms of intelligence capabilities, the strongest one is undoubtedly the Green Star Federation, and even the Dark Web can't compare to it."

Lenari nodded, temporarily put aside this elusive guy, and continued to think about Lucia's affairs.

As he was thinking, Lenari had an idea and asked Petipher: "Does the Purifier have the means to 'resurrect others'? Just like the resurrection skills of the nurses and priests in the game."

Pattipher was stunned for a moment and nodded: "Yes, but it is limited to those who have just died and whose bodies are still alive."

"It has to be those who have just died..." Lenari pondered for a moment, "Are there any sequelae? Is it difficult?"

"The best 'holy rebirth' has no sequelae for the resurrected person, and it is very difficult. If there is no conceptual purifier to preside over it, it requires multiple super-level purifiers to use the super-level magic array to perform it." Petipher introduced, "In addition, the essence of this magic is 'transfer of vitality and destiny', so it is very harmful to the caster... The stronger the resurrected person is, the more so."

"Can the conceptual level be resurrected?" Lenari asked.

Patipher was stunned for a moment, then suddenly realized: "You want to..."

Lenary nodded gently: "Maybe, I should 'die'..."

Patipher shook his head with a smile: "If you want to revive the concept level, only the concept level purifier can do it."

Lenary nodded, and asked: "What about S level? Lucia is not aware of the existence of 'concept level'."

"For the top S level, if the top super-level main arrayer is willing to exchange his life for his life, and then find a few super-level purifiers to pay the price of 'severe injuries that can be cured', that's enough." Patipher stroked his beard and advised sincerely, "To be honest, this is indeed a very effective motivation method, but..."

"It works." Lenary Stop the old man from persuading him, "I don't care about those false names anyway."

Patifer nodded, and said, "If there is anything that needs the cooperation of the Church of Light, we will definitely cooperate."

"Anyway, let Lucia practice first... She actually wants to become stronger, so she shouldn't refuse." Lenari said, "There's no rush for fake death, we still have to plan it well."

At this time, Fitz suddenly said, "I can play the role of the 'murderer'."

Lenari's mouth twitched slightly: "Forget it... An 'enemy' like you is too desperate and easy to go astray."

"...Oh." Fitz's expression did not change, but his usual cold voice made people clearly feel that he was very disappointed.


That evening, Lucia woke up comfortably.

"Hu~ meow~" Lucia stretched her body, swung her tail, and looked around, "Lenari, where is this?"

"The Monastery of the Church of Light." Lenari, who was leaning on the sofa and reading a paper book, answered casually, "We are still in the ancient city of Fever."

"Oh..." Lucia thought for a while and asked, "How many days did I sleep?"

"Three days." Lenari put down the book and asked curiously, "How do you feel? His Holiness said that you are very suitable for the Purifier route. Do you want to try it? There will be an introductory experience class in the evening."

"Really?!" Lucia asked in surprise, and then hesitated, "But I'm just a cat..."

"Don't worry, the Church of Light does not discriminate against non-human intelligent species." Lenari comforted, "I am also very interested in the practice of Purifiers. Let's go together after dinner."

"Okay, meow~" Lucia was so happy that the tip of her tail curled around, and she ignored many unreasonable places without any vigilance.


Lucia's enthusiasm for the Purifier's introductory class was indeed not low, which made Lenari feel relieved.

Like the Body Temperer, the Purifier is easy to get started but difficult to master. Relatively speaking, the entry threshold of the Purifier is slightly higher, and it is difficult to see results in the early stage.

In this regard, Lucia was calm and went out early and came back late for several days, practicing step by step according to the instructions.

Seeing that after Fitz's "freezing", Lucia no longer showed any abnormalities except that she still loved spicy food and was cold to outsiders. Lenari finally put down his worries.


World Mission Chat Room.

[Forever Gothic Lolita: @Nuclear Explosion

Nuclear Explosion:?

Forever Gothic Lolita: Let's make a deal. I want all the information about "Vivian Grot", the founder of this rumored agency I work for. It would be best if I could be specific about what she did every day and every hour since she was born.

Nuclear Explosion:???

Forever Gothic Lolita: In exchange, my fake The death script can be prepared by Team 7.

Nuclear Explosion: ? ? ? ? ?

Not a Natural Idiot: Don't be confused, I asked you to pass on the message.

Nuclear Explosion: What? What happened?

Not a Natural Idiot: It has nothing to do with you. It's mainly because the "Dark Son" faked his death. It's better for the top management to arrange it from top to bottom.

Nuclear Explosion: Why did he fake his death?

Forever Gothic Lolita: It's hard to explain... Let your logistics team tell you.

(A few minutes later.)

Nuclear Explosion: My logistics team said they don't know.

Forever Gothic Lolita: You first find the top management of the intelligence department of Team 7 to pass on the message, and then they I'll probably know.

Nuclear Explosion: ...Okay, don't fool me.

Forever Gothic Lolita: Don't worry, this is a serious matter.

(More than ten minutes later.)

Nuclear Explosion: Team 7 agrees to the deal.

Nuclear Explosion: By the way, you are really wonderful...

Forever Gothic Lolita: I should say, "Rumor has it that there is an agency" is really wonderful, but I have "Fate Cover" and no event constitution.

Nuclear Explosion: It's all the same...

Nuclear Explosion: The other side asked me to ask you, when are you going to fake your death?

Forever Gothic Lolita: After a while, when I get rid of the Scarlet Arena.

Nuclear Explosion:?

Forever Gothic Lolita: The Crimson Arena is too dangerous for the weak... just in case.

Not a Natural Idiot: The Crimson Arena is a very powerful weird story. Even you, I'm afraid it's hard to really threaten it.

Forever Gothic Lolita: You won't know until you try.

Forever Gothic Lolita: I don't ask for direct destruction, as long as I can "distort" some of its characteristics, it will be considered a success.

Not a Natural Idiot: "Erosion"... I won't advise, I wish you good luck.

Forever Gothic Lolita: Thank you, goodbye.

Not a Natural Idiot: Goodbye.

Nuclear Explosion: ...】

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