At the table in the No. 3 cafeteria.

Lenari estimated that Lucia was almost full, so he suddenly increased the speed of eating/serving dishes, and together with Fitz, quickly cleared the spicy dishes on the table.

"Woof?" Wang Bao looked at the two people who suddenly seemed to be fast-forwarded, and called out in confusion.

Lenari ignored him, and the shadow hand pinched the back of the Husky puppy's neck and carried him to an empty seat beside him.

Wang Bao looked at the plate full of various spicy snacks in his "hand", looked at the black cat lying on the table with tears in his eyes "happily tasting", and then looked at Lenari who was eating at a high speed with an expressionless face, and Fitz who was elegant and indifferent at the other end and also eating at a high speed, and fell into deep thought.

After a few seconds, Wang Bao "suddenly realized", opened his mouth wide, and poured all the various dishes that were almost piled into a small mountain on the plate in one breath.

Not long after, the spicy dishes on Lucia's plate were eaten again.

The black cat licked his tongue and wiped away the tears from the spicy food on a towel beside him. He looked up and looked around the table, ready to eat something else, but was stunned to find that the many plates that almost covered the 1.5-meter diameter round table were as clean as new, without even a bit of sauce left (licked by the dog)...

Looking around, except for Miles, who was confused and had a mouth full of oil, and had half a long crab leg in his hand, everyone was wiping their mouths elegantly with napkins...

The black kitten tilted his head, looking confused.

Lenari put down the napkin he was using to pretend, and said nonchalantly, "Are you full? My clone just drew a seven-day family tour ticket to the Cathedral of the Holy City of the Church of Light when he was shopping. It includes food and accommodation. It would be a waste to leave it alone. Why don't we go and have a look?"

Hearing this, Lucia thought hard for a moment and said, "...Ah?"

"The flower tea and flower cakes in the ancient city of Fever are very good. Do you mind if I use the ticket?" Fitz's cool voice sounded at the right time.

"I don't mind." Lenari said, taking out a beautifully made lottery ticket and shaking it, "Anyway, the maximum number of people is 5... Including Lucia and Wang Bao, it is rumored that there are only 4 'people' in the office at present."

"Thank you very much." Fitz nodded lightly, as if it was a matter of fact.

"You're welcome." Lenari said, handing the lottery ticket in his hand to Lucia.

Lucia took it with her front paws and saw that the front of the double copper paper lottery ticket had a magnificent view of the main entrance of a cathedral printed on it, and a simple bird's-eye view map printed on the back, with some travel company slogans and contact information on it.

"Are there really travel companies that bleed so much?" Lucia asked puzzledly, "Why have I never seen it before?"

"It is said that it is a missionary activity initiated by the Church of Light." Reiner explained calmly, "This is the only special prize, and there are first prizes, second prizes, etc. below, and the benefits of those prizes are not so good."

"Is that so." Lucia nodded and was easily fooled.

In fact, as the strongest purifier force on Green Star, the Church of Light certainly has not fallen to the point where it needs to rely on such commercial marketing methods to preach...

This lottery ticket was actually made by Lenari in the dark domain and Kampers rushed to make it.

——Because of Lenari’s extraordinary learning progress and ample funds, the various useful and useless equipment in the dark field have unknowingly increased...

On the side, although he didn’t know what happened specifically, Miles, who heard that he was going to "travel" again, put down the crab legs he had not finished eating, pulled out a few napkins to wipe his mouth and fingers, straightened his clothes, and silently prepared for the trip.

Sure enough, Lenari stood up first, opened a shadow door in the aisle between the tables, and walked into it: "There is no time to lose, let's go... If you go there now, you can finish the formalities and have time to enjoy the scenery leisurely before dinner."

"Oh..." Lucia didn't seem to be in a good mood, but she still stood up, trotted a few steps, and jumped onto Miles.

"..." Wang Bao, who was trotting behind the black cat and was ready to take the opportunity to jump onto Lenari, braked immediately when he saw this, with obvious hesitation on his face.

Before the husky puppy could come up with any strange conclusion with a serious expression, Fitz, who was passing by silently, stretched out his hand, picked up Wang Bao's neck indifferently, and naturally held him in his arms.

"..." Wang Bao, who was always willing and willing to be hugged by ladies, wanted to resist, but he didn't dare...


Fever Ancient City.

Private motor vehicles are prohibited from passing through the area around the Cathedral of the God of Light. When everyone walked along the way and enjoyed the scenery, and slowly came to the white stone square at the entrance of the cathedral, Lenari and Fitz's clones who had been sent ahead had already agreed with the Pope.

"Rise of the World"A purification ritual experience project exclusively for tourists from all over the world?" Lucia lay in Miles' arms, looking suspicious, "It sounds very... uh."

Lucia was about to say, "It sounds suspicious", but halfway through her words, she suddenly remembered that the amiable white-haired old man in front of her was the boss behind this "suspicious" project...

The Pope, wearing a simple white robe with gold patterns, smiled: "Times have changed. Today's young people can calm down and practice less and less... For this reason, proper "promotion" is necessary."

"Is that so..." Lucia smiled awkwardly and changed the subject, "What about Lenari? Do you want to try it?"

"Okay!" Lenari looked very excited, "I haven't experienced the purification of the Purifier yet!"

"By the way," Lenari asked as if he suddenly remembered, "Can the purification ceremony be performed by multiple people at the same time?"

"Of course." Pope Patipher said gently.

"Then let's do it together! "Lenari made the decision happily.


The highest standard purification ceremony of the Church of Light was held in the "Purification Hall".

This remote and low-key hall, which was rarely visited except for guards and cleaners, was bustling with people at this time.

Lenari looked at the "tourists" and "tour guides" who were not very good at acting, and said to Petipher in the mental mirror hall set up by Fitz: "It's not necessary to do this..."

In the mental mirror hall.

Pattipher stroked his thick gray beard and said with a smile: "It's okay, young people like this entertainment activity very much."

Hearing this unexpected answer, Lenari was speechless for a moment, and then said: "Forget about Fitz, is it really okay for me, who has dark attributes, to enter the formation together?"

"Relax. "Pattifer blinked his lake-blue eyes. "The purification ritual does not require the person being purified to remain awake. I have already ordered them to prepare the special effects first and quietly cast a hypnotic spell until Ms. Lucia falls asleep."

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