Lucia's tail was wagging faster and faster. Finally, when Lenari, who had changed back to his true form, was on the plate, she couldn't help asking, "How is it? Is it... delicious?"

"It's OK, it's delicious." Lenari, who was using perception, divination, Kampers, and devouring, said, "It's just that those side dishes and spices that came out of thin air disappeared after they were eaten."

"It's a good thing that they disappeared, meow! I can try some less healthy seasonings without worries, meow!" Lucia said expectantly, her emerald green eyes sparkling.

Lenari touched the black cat's head and said in a gentle tone that could be called "pampering": "Eat it."

Hearing this, Lucia nodded vigorously and lowered her head to take a bite of the cut fish.

"..." Lucia chewed slowly and swallowed it, with a puzzled expression, and took another bite, chewed slowly, and swallowed it.

"...Why is the taste so light? Did you forget to put the seasoning on this plate?" Lucia looked at the fragrant grilled fish in front of her in confusion and said to Wang Bao.

"Woof! Cats can't eat too much, woof!" Wang Bao put one paw on his waist, and one paw protruded a "index finger" and shook it left and right, "Little kittens who haven't been weaned should pay more attention to their diet, woof!"

Lucia: "..."

Lucia turned around and asked Lenari: "Can I beat him?"

"Sure, I'll hold him down for you." Lenari said, and the shadowy little hand stretched out from the ground of the "platform" and locked the aggrieved Wang Bao, "This dog is immortal, don't hold back."

"Hmm!" Lucia's paw hidden in the pad popped out, eager to try.

"Woof..." Wang Bao unconsciously used the special effect of tears again, not to mention how pitiful it was.

"..." Lucia, who was easily soft-hearted and easily soft-hearted, popped out and put away her paws, and then popped out and put away again, back and forth several times.

Finally, the young but not cute black cat sighed, turned around, and said sullenly: "Forget it, I'm a lady, I won't bother with dogs."

Lenari stroked Lucia's head comfortingly, let Shadow's little hand let go of Wang Bao, and said to him: "Lucia is a superpower cat, different from ordinary cats, with a very wide range of diets, just follow the taste of ordinary humans."

"Woof?" Wang Bao tilted his head in confusion.

On the side, Miles, who had been watching for a long time, picked up the grilled fish in front of him and couldn't help saying: "I'll give you this plate?"

"No! Woof!" Wang Bao shouted hurriedly.

Miles: "..." So there is something wrong with this plate?

Lucia looked at her plate, then at Miles' plate, and then thought about Lenari's previous plate, and was completely convinced.

——Obviously, the three plates smell exactly the same...

Lenari looked at Wang Bao suspiciously.

Shadow took the plate of grilled fish from Miles, picked up a piece of fish with a fork, and fed it to Lenari.

"Hiss - so spicy!" Lenari reached out and picked up the iced milk coffee beside him and took a gulp.

Miles: ... So it's just spicy? You should have said it earlier, I really like spicy food...

Shadow caught the husky who was trying to run away sneakily, opened his mouth, and stuffed the whole plate of grilled fish into his mouth.

"Woof! So spicy! So spicy! So spicy, so spicy, so spicy, so spicy -" Wang Bao's whole body turned red, he ran around in circles, tears in his eyes, and fire in his mouth.

"..." Miles looked at the series of exaggerated special effects, and for a moment he was a little unsure whether it was really that spicy or Wang Bao's performance...

Fortunately, Lenari didn't let Miles wonder for too long.

After taking a few sips of iced milk coffee and repairing the damage to his mouth, Lenari said coldly to Wang Bao who was running in circles: "In the future, you are not allowed to make spicy food that will send normal people to emergency without permission."

Lucia, Miles: "..."

Lucia looked at the tasteless grilled fish in front of her, and was very glad that ordinary cats could not eat too much...

Miles was still frightened and broke out in a cold sweat.

- Fortunately, he just hesitated to eat because of "that crab" and some shadows about "weird food"...

"Spicy, spicy ... Wang Bao, who fell headfirst onto the ground with his legs up in the air, touched his head and found that "he" was still there. Tears welled up in his eyes and he threw himself at Lenari with a "Woof!".

Shadow's little hand ruthlessly grabbed the Husky's neck skin, cutting off its attempt to cling to its little master.

Ignoring Wang Bao's pitiful look, Lenari threw the dog onto the grill and said to him, "Grill a few more fish. Lucia's is at most slightly spicy., Myers and I can have spicy food, but it must be the kind of spicy food that normal people can accept... Don't forget to grill a few for yourself. "

"Okay, Wang!" Wang Bao stood at attention and saluted, and then there was another dazzling special effects show.


July 26, evening.

The eight rabbits were very energetic, but their eyes occasionally turned completely black for a moment.

The first experiment failed.


July 27, early morning.

Wang Bao set his eyes on the eight rabbits and wanted to eat roasted rabbits.

After thinking about it, he decided to make it happen.


Wang Bao slept particularly well on the first night he spent in the rumored office.

Lenaly didn't know whether the eight rabbits that were initially eroded had contributed to this, but the experiment would continue. In terms of Wang Bao's appetite, it was really possible. If the effect is good, it is not difficult to accumulate.

——Even if the experiment quickly gets the desired result, Lenari will not mind continuing to "feed".

After double confirmation by divination and Kampers, if the darkness erodes Wang Bao's own weirdness, it will not affect Wang Bao's consciousness too much, but will only make his "master recognition characteristics" go all the way to the end.


In the early morning, Wang Bao, who was still sleeping soundly, was packed by Lenari and sent to the seventh team of operators who came to "pick up the dog".

——The operators this time are all new faces.

Too lazy to explore why the first-line operators of the seventh team are transferred so frequently, Lenari has nothing to explain, and clicked Nodding is a greeting and a farewell.

[Forever Gothic Lolita: Are you there?

Suddenly Want to Start a Family:?

Forever Gothic Lolita: ...Nickname?

Suddenly Want to Start a Family: Don't worry, I just said it out of inspiration... What's the matter this time?

Forever Gothic Lolita: Wang Bao's matter.

Forever Gothic Lolita: I want to try to change Wang Bao's "house-destroying" attribute by changing the "rumor".

Suddenly Want to Start a Family: This kind of experiment has been done countless times in various places...

Forever Gothic Lolita: What's the result?

Suddenly Want to Start a Family: Not a success, but not a failure.

Suddenly Want to Start a Family: Too much uncertainty, and those whose "characteristics" have been completely changed because of this are almost all weak...

Forever Gothic Lolita: What about the strong ones?

Suddenly Want to Start a Family: The icing on the cake, irrelevant.

(Lenari thought of the "lost Gothic Lolita" and nodded in agreement.)

Forever Gothic Lolita: I think I understand... Anyway, let's try it first and see if we can turn Wang Bao from a "house-destroying dog" to a "demolition dog".

Suddenly Want to Start a Family: Is it a natural enemy of buildings? It's worth a try, leave it to me.

Forever Gothic Lolita: Thank you.

Suddenly Want to Start a Family: You're welcome. 】

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