"At present, there are six recognized evolutionary routes in the inner world, namely, the Psychic, the Blood, the Magician, the Purifier, the Demonized, and the Body Temperer."

"Among them, you should be familiar with the Psychic. The Magician is quite common in various cultural works, so I won't say much."

"The Body Temperer is commonly known as a 'warrior' or 'warrior', there is nothing much to say... In modern times, this evolutionary route with the lowest threshold has become a scarce route, and most of the time it exists as a 'part-time' to fill the gap."

"The Purifier route believes that humans are born dirty and must purify themselves through practice to obtain a pure soul, body and spirit, and ultimately achieve 'transcendence', that is, 'deification'."

"Most of the people who choose this route are devout believers, no matter what they believe in... In addition, this route is also recognized as a place where paranoia is abundant."

"The Demonized route is the opposite of the Purifier, believing that human desires are natural, We should liberate the power of our ego, draw nutrients from it for evolution, and eventually become the master of desire and sublimate into a complete 'demon'. ”

"Because of the concept, the purifiers and the demonized are natural enemies, and most of them cannot coexist peacefully."

"In addition, most of the demonized are unscrupulous and do not take social order seriously, so they are suppressed by various forces, especially the official Green Star Alliance, which even killed the demonized almost to extinction."

"The last alien blood..." The white-haired loli said here and paused, "I am an alien blood."

"The boundary between alien blood and superpowers is sometimes very vague. The biggest difference is that the alien blood can be 'stably inherited'."

"Like superpowers, the branch routes of alien blood are strange and varied. At present, the more famous ones are 'blood clan', 'orcs', 'witches', etc."

"I believe you can tell that I am a 'blood clan' alien blood." The white-haired loli said firmly.

Lenari, who listened carefully, nodded.

This knowledge is closer to "common sense", which is usually not written in textbooks, and no one will sell it as intelligence.

"Basically, except for the pair of Purifiers and Demonizers, there is no strict boundary between the six evolutionary routes, and dual-line and multi-line development is common." The white-haired loli said, "That's all I want to say. For more, you can ask Team 7 for information. I believe they will not refuse."

Lenari nodded and asked, "How did you know my 'new address'?"

"You don't know?" The white-haired loli asked back in confusion.

Lenari shook his head.

"It seems that the 'fortune teller' did a good job of keeping it secret." The white-haired loli said casually, "The satellite video of the battle between the Thunder Emperor and the Ice Emperor was posted on the dark web. After that, a senior 'fortune teller' who was listed on the dark web started to do your business, specializing in your information and selling it at a high price."

Lenari: "..."

The murderous aura overflowed.

The white-haired loli on the opposite side raised her eyebrows, her mouth slightly curved, and her eyes were smiling: "This kind of thing is inevitable... Don't look at the silly and cute appearance of the Son of Ice, his 'strongest' throne is also built on the bones of the challenger."

"I guess he must be very unhappy." Lenari complained with empathy.

"Yes... It's a pity that for this false name of 'strongest', there are always people who rush forward and throw themselves into the fire." The white-haired loli sighed, "Okay, I've said enough, let's do it!"

She opened her hands again and looked at Lenari calmly.

"Finally, is there anything else you want to do outside?" Lenari asked.

"Things I want to do..." The white-haired loli tilted her head slightly, and a few strands of remembrance stained her scarlet eyes.

After a moment, the white-haired loli sighed and came back to her senses, saying melancholy: "If possible, I want revenge... Will you do it for me?"

"It depends." Lenari answered cautiously, "I may not do it."

The white-haired loli nodded: "Just for your kindness, I have to give something back."

Lenari was about to speak, but the white-haired loli said: "Don't refuse, I don't like to owe people favors, especially those that I will never have the chance to repay."

"Since you said so..." Lenari could only give up.

For her, asking the white-haired loli about her "last wish" was just a whim, and the purpose was just to serve as an alternative "exploration project". It didn't matter whether she did it or not, and whether she was paid or not.

The white-haired loli pressed her hands on her chest, and as her breath surged, Lenari keenly noticed that most of the other party's "life essence" quickly gathered and condensed into crystals in her heart.

After a moment, the pale-faced white-haired lolita removed her hands, put her right hand together and thrust it directly into her heart, her eyes slightly distracted and her face expressionless.She grabbed a blood-red ruby ​​the size of half an egg, slightly irregular, and with a moist surface.

The white-haired loli held the blood-red ruby ​​in her right palm, spread it out to Lenari, and said weakly: "This is my 'inherited blood crystal' as a vampire, which condenses the essence of my lifelong knowledge and power... If I put it up for auction on the dark web, I can sell it for a lot."

"If you are willing to complete my revenge, this blood crystal will be your reward; if you are not willing, put it up for auction on the dark web, and half of the proceeds will be donated to a charity that helps orphans, and the rest will be your labor fee."

Lenari nodded, and in the shadow of the blood-red ruby, a dark little hand stretched out, grabbed it and flew towards Lenari.

Lenari did not say any extra words such as "Do you trust me?" Since the white-haired loli chose this unsecured approach, she would definitely consider the possibility of her own character being corrupted, and... she didn't care.

"My target of revenge is a Blood-Vampire, a dual-path purifier named 'Frederick Malthus'. Please kill him outside the Scarlet Arena."

"Finally," the white-haired loli said with a smile, "I am Iris Thornes, a Class A Blood-Vampire. This additional information should help sell the blood crystal better."

Lenari nodded: "Goodbye... No, goodbye forever."

"Goodbye forever." Iris closed her eyes, with a sad and happy smile on her lips, "I'm here to see you,..."

Lenari didn't hear the last whisper clearly.


In the seventh district of Inisel City, in a beautifully decorated unit.

Lenari's clone appeared abruptly just like when he left.

Seeing Lenari intact and continuing to eat dinner as if nothing had happened, Miles breathed a sigh of relief and said, "The anti-divination master is on the way... It will take some time to deal with the fortune teller on the dark web. How about you move to the underground area with the highest level of anti-divination measures for the next few days?"

-So, the forces that can unify the planet are not so easy to mess with... The end of jumping the enemy is a disaster.

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