After receiving the call, the two hurriedly paid the bill and returned to the office, where two people were waiting at the door. As they got closer, Li Yin was surprised to find that she actually knew this person. It was the little nurse who was tied up in the operating room at the suburban mental hospital. Because she was not wearing a nurse's uniform, Li Yin didn't recognize her for a while. She walked up to her and greeted her. When the nurse saw this familiar face, she could hardly suppress the ecstasy in her eyes. "It's really you! That's great, they are saved! Officer Li, it's our hospital again, something happened!" Officer Li? Ning Zhu looked at the girl beside him with some suspicion, feeling a little incredible. Li Yin coughed and introduced the identity of the nurse to her, as well as how they met.

Ning Zhu couldn't help but twitch her lips after hearing this.

You two are both police officers and nurses, you are playing a lot? You are also cosplaying?

But she just complained in her heart, the current matter is more important.

"Let's go, let's go in and talk."

Ning Zhu opened the door and walked in first, took the two to the front desk, took out a pen and paper, and asked the nurse to tell the details of what happened. She needed to make a record and submit it to the Abnormal Bureau for sealing after the matter was over.

The nurse did not sit down, and the man who followed her sat on the chair, lowered his head, and unconsciously grabbed his hair with both hands.

It was not until Ning Zhu's call sounded that he let go of his hand belatedly, and a pair of bloodshot eyes looked at the hair in his hand, his face was full of confusion.

"Sir, how should I call you?"

The man raised his head. He looked very haggard, his eyes staring straight ahead, but not focusing on anyone or any object.

Li Yin on the side could not help but frown.

She found that the man's clothes were very strange. He wore a yellowish doctor's white coat on the outside, the same style as the one she saw in the mental hospital, but he wore a blue and white striped psychiatric hospital gown inside.

Generally speaking, doctors would not wear white coats outside the hospital. The man in front of him wore it like this, as if he was deliberately emphasizing his identity.

Looking at the little nurse standing on the side, the little nurse shook her head and gently patted the man's shoulder with her hand to bring him back to consciousness.

The man suddenly stood up from the chair as if he had just woken up from a dream, his face full of fear, his hand trembling and raised, pointing forward: "He is not a human! You can't believe what he says! I am a doctor!"

Ning Zhu frowned, moved the chair to the side a little so that the man's finger would not poke his head, and at the same time activated the iron plate on the table used to detect ghosts.

Everything is normal.

It seems that nothing followed, and it is not possessed.

Li Yin walked forward and pressed the man's arm back with brute force, with a bit of hostility in her tone: "Sir, calm down and try to describe your experience, can you do it?"

The man turned his head stiffly and looked at Li Yin standing next to him, and a ray of hope suddenly burst out in his eyes.

"You, you are from that day! OK... OK, I, I may have encountered a ghost..."

The man sat back in his chair and began to talk about his recent experience.


My name is Du Linjiang, a doctor in the Department of Mental Rehabilitation, responsible for the daily care of several patients with more serious conditions. A month ago, a patient was transferred to our department. He was escorted here. The people who escorted him turned out to be doctors and their families from the Second Affiliated Hospital of the Medical University.

Their spirits were not very good, but the patients who were sent here were in high spirits and wore a white coat of the same style as mine.

We all doubted at the time whether these doctors and family members were pretending to be patients, because they looked more like patients.

So I asked someone to contact the director of the Second Affiliated Hospital of the Medical University and confirmed the identities of several doctors. They were indeed experts in the field of mental health.

But why did they look so embarrassed?

Our vice president and I received them in the reception room. Guess what the first sentence they said was?

They were actually going crazy because of this patient!

"This patient suffers from severe personality disorder and paranoia. He will unconsciously imitate the behavior of others. Although our hospital has tried its best to treat him, we have limited clinical experience and can only transfer him to your hospital with more clinical experience for further treatment."

That's what they said.

But the Second Affiliated Hospital of the Medical University is a top hospital in the city. They can't help the patient. Our suburban hospital

Hospital, can there be a solution?

However, the deputy director and I were flattered to be recognized by the doctors of the Second Hospital. Naturally, we agreed and personally handled the transfer procedures for him.

The patient was also handed over to me.

"Do you remember your name?"

On the first day of the consultation, I tried to communicate with him.

Generally speaking, patients with severe personality disorder will forget their names, identities, and even forget how to speak and act. Doctors and nurses need long-term care and guidance to help them gradually find themselves.

But this patient is very different. He looks normal. Except for the white coat he wears, he is almost the same as an ordinary person.

"My name is Wu Shi." He raised his head, his eyes were very clear, and he seemed to find the question I asked a little funny: "Doctor, of course I know my name, don't you know it?"

I was actually questioned by a patient, which made me feel very interesting.

So I wrote in my observation record that the patient Wu Shi did not show obvious symptoms of personality loss, his language expression and action ability were normal, and he had normal self-awareness, but he would fantasize about himself as a doctor.

Due to the special situation of the patient, it is necessary to closely observe his daily behavior to find possible treatment options.

In addition, I looked at him and he seemed a little familiar.

In the observations of the past few days, he was very normal, whether in communication or daily activities, he seemed very natural, and sometimes he would even take the initiative to help other patients.

But one day when I went to the ward as usual, I suddenly found a problem.

Someone was looking at me, it was Wu Shi, his whole face was squeezed on the iron window, his eyes staring at me, as if he wanted to carve me into his eyes.

I immediately returned and asked him, but he responded to me with a smile as usual, as if what happened just now had not happened at all.

From that day on, I increased the frequency of my observations of him, but every time he looked gentle and elegant, and there was no abnormality at all.

"Wu Shi, are you observing me?"

That day, I finally couldn't help asking this question, but his reaction was very strange.

He tilted his head, looking puzzled, and didn't answer, but said something that puzzled me.

"Mr. Du, why did you run outside?"

I just smiled, thinking that his paranoia had broken out, and urged him to take medicine quickly, and then returned to the office.

But my colleagues around me always told me that we are becoming more and more alike.

Who? Who am I becoming more and more alike with? Wu Shi? How is this possible? I am a doctor.

He is a patient.

From that day on, I observed his every move more carefully.

I was surprised to find that he seemed to be really imitating my actions, whether it was his words and deeds, or his subtle movements, he was imitated exactly the same.

More and more people around me mistook him for me, and once even let him out of the ward.

When I found him in the corridor, he was chatting with a colleague. For a moment, I even thought that I was looking in the mirror.

But how could this be possible?

I locked him back in the ward. Behind the iron door, he looked at me with a trace of worry. I was too familiar with this look, as if saying.

Du Linjiang, your illness is getting worse again.

How could I be a patient? I am Du Linjiang, a doctor in the Department of Mental Rehabilitation of the Psychiatric Hospital, not Wu Shi.

"Doctor Du, the patient in Ward 331 has improved after taking the medicine. Do you need to go and see him?"

The nurse's words interrupted my thoughts. I looked up at her and was about to say something, but I saw a scene that I couldn't believe.

She was not talking to me, to be precise, it was another me.

Wu Shi!

Seeing him run out of the ward again, I was very angry. I scolded him and locked him back in the ward.

The nurse next to me seemed frightened, but I ignored her. I knew I was out of control, so I ran to the bathroom and washed my face with cold water, trying to calm myself down.

I looked up at my haggard self in the mirror, and thought of the gentle Wu Shi in the ward.

I couldn't tell.

Was he me outside the mirror, or was I him in the mirror?

Am I Du Linjiang? Am I a patient...?

Should I go back to the ward? Where are my medicines?

Wait, why am I... outside?


After listening to his story, the office fell into a brief silence, and Li Yin and Ning Zhu both frowned.

This story is a bit weird.

Did the man named Wu Shi gradually become Du Linjiang?

If it is true, it is indeed unusual, and it is likely that ghosts are

Making trouble.

A ghost that can imitate people? Completely replace another person?

Li Yin suddenly asked: "You have told so many things, are you Wu Shi or Du Linjiang?"

As soon as the words fell, the man's neck slowly turned to this side like a rusty gear, with confusion and bewilderment in his eyes.

He suddenly jumped up from the chair, tearing his hair with both hands, and wailing miserably, as if he wanted to tear himself off his scalp.

Li Yin frowned and was about to make him quiet down, but the next second, the man knelt on the ground strangely.

Grabbing the nurse's trouser legs tightly with both hands, she pleaded in her voice: "Doctor, time is up, where are my medicines?"

Li Yin suppressed the urge to attack, looked at the nurse beside her and asked: "Is he really a doctor in your hospital? Not a mental patient?"

The nurse pursed her lips and nodded gently: "Yes, Doctor Du, he has been working in our hospital for ten years. He was originally going to be promoted to deputy director this year, but because of this incident..."


Ning Zhu and Li Yin thought of the same thing.

The two looked at each other and felt that it was worth going to the scene to see this matter.

"Where is that person named Wu Shi now?"

"In our hospital, I locked him up in the ward before I left. Everyone else thought that Dr. Du had psychological problems due to work pressure. But after the last incident, I couldn't help but think about this kind of thing. At that time, the certificate that Officer Li showed in the hospital seemed to have the words Ning's office written on it, so I used the navigation to find it."

Ning Zhu nodded, stood up from the chair, took the key beside him, and then said: "Let's go to the hospital to see, if it is really a ghost, solve it as soon as possible to avoid hurting people again."

"Wait a minute..."

Just then, the nurse suddenly grabbed Ning Zhu's arm, with a hint of fear in her voice.

"I also received a patient, and her symptoms seemed to be related to those things..."

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