The stars were desperate now. They found that the door to the third floor was locked. If they couldn't find the key, they couldn't get down! "Fuck the show crew! Open the door! Someone's going to die!" One of the stars didn't care about his image and yelled at the camera. Another one had already run to the window and was ready to jump from the third floor. Before the others could stop him, he had already jumped down with everyone's hope. Everyone quickly leaned on the window and looked down, and saw that the man's calf was twisted and he was lying on the ground wailing. It seems that the task of going out for help cannot be completed. Others nearby began to curse at the window, calling the person who jumped down useless and useless, and asked him to shout softly so as not to attract the devil.

A female star took out her mobile phone tentatively, but suddenly saw that the signal that had disappeared for several minutes was restored!

She hurriedly called the director, thinking in her heart that such a big thing had happened, the live broadcast should be interrupted, right?

But the director had long forgotten about it and was running upstairs with a large group of people.

The ugly appearances of all the stars were broadcast live.

The popularity of the live broadcast room directly broke the historical high, and the barrage was full of voices watching the fun. The fans who were just debating with netizens whether the variety show was a script now shouted one by one, this is all a script!

Watching the two fun things together made the netizens who were eating melons say that they were so happy that they couldn't sleep.

A few minutes later, the door on the third floor was finally opened, and several assistants of the stars hurried forward to inquire about the situation.

The guests beat and scolded, venting their fears.

When they heard about the axe killer, everyone's face changed. The timid ones turned around and walked away, fearing that their heads would be opened if they walked slowly.

But the director's face was extremely ugly now. He found that there were only five people at the scene. Where were the remaining three?

After asking, it was learned that one jumped off the building and could still be heard wailing; one fell down and didn't catch up for some reason. He might have been chopped by the axe killer. The last one, Sister Chen, was hit on the head by the axe at the beginning.

In fact, several guests didn't see the specific situation clearly, but driven by fear, they said things in the worst direction.

Sister Chen's agent fainted on the spot, and the director's face was extremely ugly. He quickly arranged for people to go downstairs to rescue the guest with a broken leg, and he took people to find the "corpses" of the remaining two guests.

Netizens also saw something wrong at this time. If it was a script, why did even the director come out? And the star who jumped off the building, but he really jumped and broke his leg.

"Are they talking about the Axe Murderer?"

"What is that? A game character?"

"Are they shooting a movie? Is it to promote the horror movie that is about to be released?"

"Promotional nonsense! I'm from Linhai, and the Axe Murderer is the most famous urban legend here! It is said that it has killed dozens of people!"

"Yes, I heard about it too. It is said that the recent closure of Linhai seems to be because of it!"

"It's probably true. I didn't expect it to run away even after the closure, and it came to Ninghe City to commit crimes. It's terrible!"

"It's worthy of being a demon. I'm a fan."

That night, the name of the Axe Murderer became popular all over the country as several stars were sent to the hospital.


At this time, Li Yin had already brought the bodies of two cult members and Ning Zhu to a remote park and began to touch the bodies.

A total of two broken fingers and a meat ball were found on the two people, and nothing else.

What about the exchanged information?

Li Yin put her eyes on the meat ball and felt that it was very suspicious.

As for the two broken fingers, she had seen things of this style before, in the home of the murder artist Feng Qi, which was very similar to the wooden finger sculpture.

And these two also had the cult symbol carved below.

The difference is that one is silver and the other is yellow. The silver one is the middle finger, and the yellow one is the index finger, the same as Feng Qi's.

Are there different factions within the cult? What do the middle finger and index finger represent? Is the color a symbol of status?

Li Yin put these questions aside first, summoned an axe to execute the man named Zhang, and touched the light band above his head, and a memory appeared in her mind.

It was the beginning of another quarrel. It seems that in many people's memories, the fragments of quarreling with others always occupy a large proportion, especially

It was the time when the argument was lost.

As the memory gradually became clearer, Li Yin also saw the face of the other party in the argument clearly.


She exclaimed directly, and Ning Zhu quickly stood up and came to her side, his eyes full of worry.

What did Li Yin see?

The person who appeared in the picture was actually her father!

The content of their argument was whether to bring something back to China for research.

The man named Zhang looked particularly excited. He advocated taking it back and said it might be an unprecedented discovery.

But her father was firmly opposed, claiming that the unknown thing was extremely dangerous. Once it got out of control, the consequences would be disastrous.

The two people insisted on their own opinions, and the argument became louder and louder. Finally, the man saw that no one stood on his side, picked up his clothes and turned around and walked out of the room.

There was heavy snow outside the room. Was he in Antarctica?

Li Yin frowned tightly. She really couldn't believe that she actually saw her deceased father in the memory of a cult member.

But she didn't rush to make a conclusion. When she continued to watch, the picture had returned to the city. A man approached him. The man's face was covered with a layer of fog, as if he had used some means to hide himself.

But his voice was clearly heard: "Do you want to know the truth of the world?"

After saying this, the picture changed again. Zhang went crazy and ran wildly on the street, shouting some incomprehensible words. Pedestrians avoided him one after another, with fear and confusion in their eyes.

He was sent to a mental hospital for wounding and self-harming. Later, he was taken out and his mental state returned to normal. At the same time, he got a middle finger made of wood.

As a biologist, he entered Kangtaisheng Pharmaceutical and began to conduct detailed research on the human body.

The memory ended here, but Li Yin frowned even deeper.

But there was a little good news. His father was not a member of the cult. Zhang was a cult member he came into contact with after returning to China. His father was just his former colleague.

But who was that person? What did he say that caused Zhang to go crazy for several months?

What is the truth of the world?

Li Yin raised his head and looked at Ning Zhu beside him: "Azhu, do you know what the truth of the world is?"

Ning Zhu tilted his head in confusion: "What did you see?"

Li Yin shook his head: "In his memory, there was a person whose face could not be seen clearly. He said something about the truth of the world, and Zhang went crazy for several months."

"The truth of the world?" Ning Zhu thought for a while: "I remember that the people who like to say this most on the Internet are those who insist on the flat earth."

"That anti-intellectual group?"


Li Yin couldn't connect them with the cult, and these people were just going crazy on the Internet. At most, they would launch a rocket to see. There was no reason to do anti-human things.

Let's talk about this later.

Li Yin set his sights on another man.

This guy only had a head left, staring at this side.

Ning Zhu walked over, laughed, and kicked again: "Weren't you quite arrogant just now? Did you want to kill me? Now, you can only lie here, staring at us with wide eyes, but you can't do anything."

While saying this, he also threw sand in his eyes, saying that he would speak his mind and take revenge.

Seeing that his girlfriend had finished venting, Li Yin walked forward and cut her in half.

Touching the colored light band, a memory appeared in his mind.

Li Yin was surprised to find that this man was actually the husband of the new director of Linhai Children's Care Center. He had a disguise operation here with the surname Zhang and changed his face to become another person.

His current identity is a cleaner at Linhai University.

Linhai University again?

She has basically determined that there is definitely something wrong with Linhai University, and there may be more than one cult member lurking in it.

As for whether it is plotting something or just using it as a hiding place, it is not clear yet.

Keep watching.

After the transformation, his vision became different from that of ordinary people. He no longer saw a colorful world, but a gray one. Only humans had colors, some were red, some were green, and they would change with time, which looked very strange.

The scene changed, and he came to a place that looked like an office. A low voice sounded, giving him an order.

The order was similar to what he knew, asking him to go to Ninghe City to deliver something, which seemed to be a return gift for something exchanged before.

The sound was processed, and it was impossible to tell whether it was a man, a woman, or a child, but the office was very clear. Li Yin remembered every detail in her mind, and she would compare them one by one later, and then find out the owner of this office.

Just when she thought the scene was about to end, there was a sudden sound.

The sound came in.

Ding Ding Ding——

"Teacher, I have sorted out the information you want. Do you need to take a look?"

The knock was not on the door of this office, but the door next door. The sound was also very familiar to her.

It turned out to be, Senior Sister Su Ji!

The scene ended, and Li Yin confirmed that the cult members were in the School of Biology!

Maybe they can be caught now, but this cannot clear Professor Zhang's suspicion. He is still the first suspect.

After all, the frequency of his appearance in cult incidents is too high, and it is difficult for people not to suspect.

But... the frequency of his appearance is really too high, and he does not hide it. It's like a scapegoat pushed out by others, and the answer is put on the table for people to see.

Is it that the people in the cult don't know how to hide, or...

At this time, Ning Zhu's mobile phone rang. It was the Ninghe City Abnormal Bureau calling, asking them to go over and encircle and suppress the crimes hidden underground in Kangtai Biopharmaceuticals.

The officials of the Abnormal Bureau of Ninghe City were also helpless. If they could handle it themselves, they would never ask an outsider to investigate the case in their city.

This would make them look incompetent.

But now the internal situation is really empty, with only the heads of seven firms, and one of them is not good at fighting.

Facing unknown enemies, they are not sure whether these forces are enough to deal with it.

They are also afraid that what happened in the morning will alert the enemy and let important things run away while waiting for support, so they can only unite all available forces.

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