The two arrived at the gate of Linhai University and saw Yu Yuner sitting on the flower bed.

Officer Liu lowered the car window and shouted over there, and the little girl came over.

She actually knew Officer Liu, and she called him Uncle Liu sweetly, which made him a little embarrassed.

Just now he said that Zhang Hairen was his only friend, but before that, he didn't even know that his friend had adopted a daughter.

Now being called uncle is really a bit embarrassing.

But Yu Yuner didn't care. She had a good impression of Officer Liu. She had heard from her father before that Uncle Liu was a good man.

She didn't feel awkward at all, and directly opened the car door and sat in the back seat.

"Sister Li Yin, is Uncle Liu going with us? Uncle Liu is a policeman, right? How did you meet?"

Li Yin continued to make up a lie based on the identity she had fabricated before: "We are in a cooperative relationship with the police, otherwise it would be very troublesome to act, right?"

Yu Yuner admired her: "Yes, so awesome!"

Officer Liu in front turned back in surprise: "Li Yin, did you tell Yuner your identity?"

Li Yin winked at him: "In the situation at that time, only by revealing your identity can you gain Yuner's trust."

Officer Liu nodded and turned back.

He already knew that this girl must be lying.

After working together for more than a month, he couldn't say that he was familiar with Li Yin, but he still had some understanding of her.

This girl, two out of three sentences were not true, and the remaining sentence might be half left.

However, this was limited to topics related to identity and ability. There had never been any problems with intelligence.

"Where is the place you mentioned? Is it far?"

Yu Yuner took out her phone and looked at it: "It can be reached in an hour by car, not far. It's just a little remote, in an old community."

The car drove to the suburbs, Li Yin leaned on the seat to look at the phone, while listening to Officer Liu's test of Yu Yuner.

She didn't have much contact with Yu Yuner. The first impression of this girl was that she was cheerful, straightforward, and not scheming, but no one knew whether she was really as simple as she looked on the surface.

After all, you can't know a person's heart by knowing his face.

But Officer Liu was professional. He was testing along the way, but he didn't find any flaws until he arrived at the old community.

He even doubted himself a little.

Is this girl too scheming, or is his level too low?

Or is Yuner really fine.

What about Zhang Hairen?

Did he not tell his daughter all this, or is he innocent?

Officer Liu hoped very much that it was the latter, but now, all the clues pointed to him, and Yu Yuner's one-sided statement alone was not enough to prove his innocence.

The car slowly drove into the old community. This was an old community with a long history. The buildings looked a little shabby. There were a few electric cars and bicycles parked on both sides of the road, but there was nothing else.

At this time, there were almost no people in the community. Only a few elderly people were sitting downstairs to enjoy the cool air. When they saw the car coming, they looked at it curiously.

Li Yin observed that there was indeed a building without lights on at the back of the community. It should be the one mentioned in the article.

While she was observing the situation, Yu Yuner had already run to the old man who was enjoying the cool air to inquire about the situation.

"Uncle, is there anyone living in that building? I heard that a household has lights on recently. Is it true? Which household is it?"

Yu Yuner's little mouth was very sweet, and she would call people. Several old men liked her very much and were willing to chat with her.

"Little girl, you're asking about that building. That building has been empty for a long time. No one lives there. I haven't seen the lights you mentioned."

"You haven't seen it? But I clearly heard that someone went in and the lights were on." Yu Yuner pouted in disappointment, as if she didn't quite believe what the old man said.

The old man waved his hand and smiled, "Little girl, did you see it wrong? That building has been empty for a long time. How could someone live in it?"

"Did something bad happen inside? Why is no one living there?"

"Haha, you young people just like to think about it. There is nothing bad. A few years ago, that building was rated as a dangerous building. It was said to be too old and dangerous to live in, so it was sealed by the government and the residents moved out."

"Thank you, uncle, I know." Yu Yuner smiled sweetly and turned back to the car.

She was a little frustrated that she didn't get any useful information, but she still had to go in to see if there were any ghosts.

"Should we find the owner first, or go directly to the room in the dangerous building to explore?"

Yu Yuner's enthusiasm was not dampened at all, but became more excited.

"Can we find the owner directly?"

Li Yin was a little surprised. The article didn't mention the owner's specific home address at all? Did this girl chat privately?

Yu Yuner pointed to the dangerous building: "Didn't he mention which house had the light on? We can find out by reversing it."

Li Yin smiled but said nothing, while Officer Liu said: "Let's go and take a look in the dangerous building first. If there is any dirt, it is more likely to appear here."

"That's true."

The three of them came downstairs and looked up. They saw that the outer wall of the dangerous building was mottled and peeling, and most of the windows were broken. It was dark like countless pairs of eyes staring at them.

A gust of cold wind passed through the room, making a "woohoo" sound and bringing a hint of coolness, which made people shiver.

Yu Yuner was a little scared, but when she saw Sister Li Yin next to her with a calm face, she was not afraid at all.

After all, Sister Li Yin is a ghost exorcist! She actively seeks out ghosts and eliminates them! She can definitely protect herself!

She followed closely behind Li Yin and Officer Liu, and the three of them walked up the stairs carefully.

The stairwell was dim, with only a faint moonlight coming in from the broken window, illuminating their way forward.

Every floor was empty, the doors were closed, and the building was very quiet, which amplified their footsteps countless times, echoing in this empty corridor, giving people an extremely depressing feeling.

Yu Yuner held Li Yin's hand tightly, her palms sweating slightly, and she was obviously a little nervous about this kind of adventure.

Finally, they came to the house mentioned in the article. The door was half open, as if waiting for their arrival.

Li Yin motioned the two to stop, and she gently pushed the door open, and a cold breath came to her face.

The room was dark with curtains drawn, and nothing could be seen clearly.

Tried to turn on the light, but unfortunately the building had been without power for a long time, and the light did not come on.

Officer Liu and Yu Yuner also saw the problem. Since the whole building had no power, why was there light in this room?

He took out his mobile phone, turned on the flashlight, and illuminated the surroundings. The room was covered with dust and cobwebs. There was no furniture, only piles of miscellaneous items. It was obvious that no one had lived there for a long time.

"There doesn't seem to be anything special here." Yu Yuner said with some disappointment.

Li Yin did not answer, but came to the window, touched the material of the curtain, lifted the curtain a little and looked at the glass, and it didn't look like it would produce light.

And the curtain was red, not gray as described by the host, and the bedroom didn't look like it could be lived in.

But there were quite a few gaps in the wall.

So, either the guy had a mental problem, or there was really a ghost in this room.

On the other side, Officer Liu was also checking the traces in the house.

He lay on the ground skillfully, carefully observing the dust and traces on the floor.

As an experienced policeman, he has a keen insight into the scene of the investigation.

"There are some footprints here." Officer Liu pointed to several blurred marks on the floor and said, "It looks like they were newly left."

Li Yin and Yu Yuner came over and saw some shoe prints. Although it was not very clear, it was indeed clear that they were newly left.

"Could it be left by the owner of the building?" Yu Yuner guessed.

"I can't be sure. The scene has been destroyed by humans. There are four or five kinds of shoe prints alone. It is estimated that explorers like us have been here."

As soon as these words came out, Yu Yuner immediately wilted.

Since others have been here and nothing happened, I'm afraid there are really no ghosts here.

It was a bit difficult for her to accept that her first adventure ended like this.

Officer Liu didn't care what she thought and continued to investigate at the scene.

Soon, he found new traces in the kitchen.

"Someone has sat here, a woman."

In the corner of the kitchen, there is a fresh indentation on a wooden board, and there are some small fiber residues, which looks like someone sat there to rest not long ago.

Officer Liu squatted down, carefully observed the indentation and fiber, and frowned slightly.

"Looking at the marks, it should be a woman, heavy, and about 1.6 to 1.65 meters tall."

Li Yin looked at Yu Yuner and asked, "Is the owner of the post a man or a woman?"

Yu Yuner shook her head blankly: "I don't know, it's never mentioned, but judging from the writing style, it should be a man, right?"

Officer Liu obviously disagreed with this statement.

The most taboo in investigating a case is

It is preconceived and subjective. Before there is solid evidence, we cannot easily draw conclusions.

"Could it be left by explorers?"

"But why is she sitting here?"

Officer Liu stood up and looked around the kitchen, then squatted down to simulate the vision of a height of about 1.6 meters and looked around.

This place... is not ordinary.

If you look in from any window outside, you will feel that this is an abandoned kitchen, empty and nothing.

But the person sitting here can observe the situation of all the windows around through the gap. If someone approaches, she can find it at the first time.

It is suitable for temporary rest, but there is no escape route in an emergency.

On the other side, Li Yin has summoned an axe and wandered around the rooms.

If there is really a ghost, I am afraid that I will be scared and run out at the first time, but unfortunately, this did not happen.

It seems that there is really no ghost here.

"Yun'er, come here."

Li Yin called out, and Yu Yun'er came over in confusion: "Sister Li Yin, what's wrong?"

Li Yin pulled open the curtains, pointed to the residential building opposite and said: "Do you see that residential building? Try to figure out the location of the host's house."

Yu Yun'er stared blankly at the opposite side. The windows were densely packed and brightly lit. At least half of the windows were lit, forming a sharp contrast with the dangerous building.

After looking for a long time, her whole face fell: "I'm sorry, Sister Li Yin, I was just bragging. I can't figure out the specific location of the host's house at all."

Li Yin supported her hands on the windowsill and looked down at the lighted window below.

The host said that she looked up to see the window, and the word she used was "looking at each other".

And this house is on the fifth floor, his house should be on the fourth floor, and going down is looking sideways and looking down, and it also excludes several rooms that are farther away.

Unless the host used the wrong word.

And he dreamed that he came to this room, and as soon as he opened the curtains, he saw the other side observing him.

If he could see directly...

Li Yin stretched out his hand and drew a circle on the five windows on the fourth floor. It should be one of these rooms.

Two rooms were lit, one had curtains drawn, and the other two seemed unoccupied.

After listening to Li Yin's analysis, Yu Yuner felt that there was no problem.

Calling Officer Liu, the three of them set out to the owner's house to see if they could ask some questions.

On the fourth floor, Yu Yuner chose the room with curtains drawn, knocked on the door, waited for a while, but there was no response.

Knocked again, but no one opened the door.

"Is he not at home?"

"It is also possible that he dare not open the door."

At this time, the door of the next room was opened with a 'creak' sound.

The sound of the door opening was extremely sharp and piercing, echoing far away in the silent corridor. The voice-activated light on the ceiling went out inexplicably at this moment, making the corridor, which was not very bright, even darker.

The door opened, but there was no light from the room shining into the corridor, and no one came out. It was just quietly open, like a bottomless hole, waiting for someone to step in.

Yu Yuner shuddered unconsciously. She felt an inexplicable chill coming from behind, making her shrink her body involuntarily.

Li Yin also narrowed her eyes, alert for something bad to happen.


At this moment, a pale hand suddenly stretched out from the door, and the fingertips gently knocked on the door panel, making a crisp sound.

Then there was a crisp sound of metal knocking on the ground.

"Ahem! Why is the light off?"

An old voice came from the room, and the voice-activated light in the corridor also lit up.

An old lady came out of the room. She was obviously in poor condition and was leaning on a cane. Her face was covered with wrinkles, but her eyes were bright and she looked very energetic.

As soon as she went out, she saw three people standing next to her in a daze, with surprised expressions on their faces.

"Are you his friends? What do you want to see him for?"

The old lady's question interrupted the three people's daze. Li Yin was the first to come back to her senses, walked up, and answered politely: "Well, grandma, we are his friends. Is he not at home today?"

"He is definitely not at home. The young man was taken away by the hospital. He said he was mentally ill and dug out his eyes at home. He should still be receiving treatment in the hospital now."

Yu Yuner and Officer Liu looked at each other and saw the astonishment in each other's eyes.

Li Yin looked as if it was just as expected.

"Grandma, do you know which hospital he went to?"

The old lady smiled and nodded: "There is only one mental hospital here. He should have been sent there. You are his friends. How can you not even know about such a thing?

You don't know anything about the situation?"

Li Yin smiled and said nothing, and sent the old lady away.

Then she turned to the two people behind her and asked: "Let's go? Let's go to the mental hospital?"

Yu Yuner hesitated: "There are no ghosts here, right? Is it necessary to see it?"

"Let's take a look, maybe there will be unexpected gains."

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