After a long time, the two of them went to an office in the laboratory building.

Following Su Ji, the two came to an office in the laboratory building, and Li Yin met Su Ji's teacher, Fang Shuozhi.

He looked older than his parents, his hair was gray, but he was in good spirits, with bright eyes.

Seeing Li Yin come in, Fang Shuozhi immediately stood up and walked forward to greet her.

"You are Li Yin, right? You look exactly like your mother when she was young. Come, sit down."

He asked Li Yin to sit down, and asked Su Ji to get a glass of water.

Li Yin sat on the sofa a little stiffly. She had heard her parents talk about Professor Fang, who was even more unfamiliar than Professor Zhang. She didn't know what he wanted to see her about.

Fang Shuozhi looked at the girl opposite him, with a warm smile on his face, as if he saw an old friend.

"I have also heard about your parents' affairs. I am sorry that I did not expect such a thing to happen."

Li Yin was silent for a moment, and slowly said: "Thank you for your concern, teacher. My parents' spirits in heaven certainly do not want to see me so depressed. I will try my best to cheer up."

Her words made Fang Shuozhi very relieved.

"Okay, you are right to think so. Speaking of which, your parents and I have a good relationship, and I have watched you grow up. Now that they are gone, I, as a senior brother, also have the responsibility to take care of you."

Li Yin waved her hand quickly: "No, teacher, you are too polite. How can I trouble you?"

"How can it be troublesome? Your parents helped me a lot when they were alive. Now that they are gone, I must do my best to help where I can." Professor Fang's smile seemed so kind and sincere that Li Yin was a little embarrassed to refuse.

"I may not be in school often. If you encounter any troubles or don't understand anything in school, tell your senior sister. She will try her best to help you." Fang Shuozhi pointed to Su Ji next to him.

Su Ji smiled at Li Yin. She didn't think the task assigned by the teacher was a trouble. Instead, she thought it would be a very interesting thing to take care of such a cute girl.

Li Yin had to smile and agree: "Then I'll trouble Uncle Fang and Senior Sister."


Coming out of the office, Li Yin felt a little overwhelmed by the enthusiasm of the two.

The main reason was that she really had no impression of Professor Fang. She had never heard her parents mention him. Now suddenly such a "senior uncle" appeared and said that he would take care of her. It always felt a little weird.

On the contrary, Senior Sister Su Ji gave her a much more sincere feeling, and she was very gentle and comfortable to get along with.

No wonder Yoona kept talking about it every day. She is indeed a very outstanding person.

She took out the key and looked at the house number on it. She followed the instructions to the door of the dormitory and carefully pushed the door open. Inside was a neat four-person room that was quite spacious.

Except for the bed by the window, which was covered with sheets, the rest of the beds were still bare.

Li Yin walked over and took a look. The name on the bed was "Sun Tingting", which should be her roommate.

She put her luggage on another bed and tried to think about how to greet her roommate while sorting it out.

In the past ten years, she had only talked to a few girls, let alone female friends, which made her feel a little helpless for a while.

She had also called the number that Officer Liu had called her. Professor Zhang was a very easy-going teacher, but unfortunately he was not from her college and only taught graduate students.

At this moment, the door of the dormitory was opened, and two girls walked in while chatting. One of them was more than 1.7 meters tall, had short hair, and her wheat-colored skin looked very healthy. People who didn't know her would probably think she was a sports student.

The other was a more ordinary girl, about 1.6 meters tall, not short, but standing next to the short-haired girl, she looked like a little bird, with very white skin, big eyes, and looked very smart.

The two were stunned when they saw that there were already people in the dormitory. Then the short-haired girl showed a bright smile and strode over: "Hi, hello, my name is Lu Qing, she is my friend Wang Yue, we are classmates, you are also in our department, right?"

Li Yin quickly stood up and shook Lu Qing's hand nervously: "Hello, my name is Li Yin, I am from the Department of Bioinformatics, how about you?"

"We are both from the Department of Microbiology, both in the School of Biology, there is no difference."

After all, there are really few undergraduate students in this college, and even the number of doctoral students is higher. It is normal that the roommate is not in the same class or even the same department as you.


Li Yin, are you a local? "

"Yes, I am a local."

"How many people are there in your department this year?"

"Four? How about you?"

"More than a dozen, which is considered quite a lot."

Because the major is so unpopular, not to mention only recruiting a single-digit number of students, it is not surprising even if there is no recruitment. They are already quite satisfied with having more than a dozen students.

"Haha, there are only four students in your class, don't even think about skipping classes and sleeping in, the teacher can see it at a glance."

Wang Yue, the slightly shorter girl, smiled very proudly, as if it would be convenient for her class to skip classes with more than a dozen people.

Lu Qing sighed: "Did you come to college just to skip classes and sleep in?"

"If you haven't even experienced skipping classes, it's like you haven't been to college! ”


Li Yin had just met them and they didn’t have much in common, so they chatted for a while and continued to pack up.

They started talking about the senior who was in charge of reception at the door.

“Lu Qing, have you heard? The senior who just received us turned out to be the rumored genius girl Su Ji. Last year, a paper from their department was included in an internationally renowned journal, and she was the first author!”

Wang Yue said with admiration.

Lu Qing was also amazed: “Really? That’s amazing! I always thought it was just a rumor, but I didn’t expect it to be true!”

“Although she is only a junior, she is now participating in national scientific research projects with her mentor, the vice president of our college. ”

“That’s amazing…”

The last roommate was a somewhat shy girl, Sun Tingting, who was in bed number two. When she came in, she was holding a thick book in her hands and looked very hardworking.

Seeing that there were already three people in the dormitory, she pursed her lips nervously and greeted everyone with a smile.

“Hi, everyone, my name is Sun Tingting, please give me your guidance in the future. "Her voice was a little low, but very sincere.

The four people introduced themselves to each other and got to know each other.

The three roommates looked normal, without the kind of cliques and intrigues shown on TV, which made Li Yin feel a little relieved.

Although roommates may not necessarily become friends, at least they should not become enemies.

Lu Qing and Wang Yue were very cheerful and soon became familiar with Li Yin. The three began to talk about their respective interests and future plans.

Li Yin took out her mobile phone and called Professor Zhang, preparing to ask about his location and visit him.

As a result, Professor Zhang The person was not in Linhai, he was on a business trip, so the visit could only be postponed.

In the evening, the four of them went to the cafeteria to have dinner together, and then walked around the School of Biology.

The area of ​​their school is not large, even smaller than that of a high school, but the orange building looks very nice and has a sense of design.

The four of them simply familiarized themselves with the environment and returned to the dormitory. Today, they reported to work, and there were many things to do. Several people were also quite tired, so they turned off the lights and lay on the bed at around eight o'clock.

Li Yin continued to read the forum with her mobile phone, while Sun Tingting read a book with a night light on. I guess this is how she got myopia.

At this time, Wang Yue, who was on the opposite bed, suddenly said: "Are you interested in supernatural events?"

Lu Qing couldn't help but hold her forehead: "It's late at night, can you change the topic? Don't scare the new roommate."

Li Yin put down her mobile phone and raised her head: "Interested, Wang Yue, have you encountered any supernatural events? ”

Wang Yue didn’t expect that Li Yin, the youngest in the dormitory, was also a fan of supernatural stories. Lu Qing covered her face and felt that she would not be able to sleep well at night in the future.

“Haha, I didn’t expect to meet someone like me here.”

Wang Yue sat up happily: “I haven’t encountered it, but I have heard of several real stories. Do you want to listen to them?”

Li Yin was worried about having no place to kill ghosts, and suddenly became interested: “Tell me about it.”

“Ahem, the first one was what I heard when I went to the hospital last time. It was super scary!”

She added: “I have a bad stomach, so I often go to the hospital. A chief physician told me personally.”

Lu Qing was speechless: “If you think it’s scary, don’t say it.”

Wang Yue waved his hand: “Oh, it’s okay. This kind of thing is not scary when it is said out. This is a real event. Many people in that hospital have encountered it. The story begins with a few patients in the hospital. They seemed to have encountered something terrible and were all sent to the operating room. I don’t know what kind of operation it was, but the operation was successful and their lives were saved. But just when they thought everything was back to normal, terrible things happened one after another. First, those patients, after the operation

Hallucinations appeared one after another. "

Sun Tingting also put down the book in her hand and raised her head to listen to Wang Yue's story.

When she heard "horrible things happened one after another", she couldn't help but shrink into the quilt. Lu Qing saw this scene and couldn't help but sigh, this is the reaction a girl should have.

Looking at Li Yin, who was sitting cross-legged with an interested look on her face, and Wang Yue, who had already stood up and danced, it felt that these two might be fake girls.

Wang Yue's story continued: "They were all crazy, scratching their scalps, banging their heads against the wall, and some even wanted to saw open their skulls! After asking, they learned that they saw a ghost, and the ghost lived in their skulls. They said that their skulls were gone and eaten by ghosts, and now it was going to come out, so they had to saw open their skulls to let the ghost out.

At first, the hospital thought they were stress reactions after surgery, so they injected them with sedatives, but it didn't work. They kept scratching their heads, and some even scratched their scalps off.

And the most terrifying thing is that the situations they described were all the same, and even the descriptions of ghosts were the same! And they can hear ghosts whispering in their brains..."

At this point, Wang Yue paused and looked around the dormitory to see the effect.

Sun Tingting was the most cooperative, and she had already huddled in the quilt and shivered. Lu Qing also turned around and faced the wall to play with her mobile phone, but it was not difficult to see from her trembling shoulders that she was also very scared.

On the other hand, Li Yin had a calm face and even frowned slightly, as if she was not very satisfied with the story. This surprised Wang Yue a little. After all, this was a horror story she had specially prepared, but she didn't expect the effect to be so poor.

"What is the whisper?"

Wang Yue felt that she couldn't continue, but she still bit the bullet and said in a gloomy tone: ""

Just after she finished speaking, Lu Qing turned around and asked suspiciously: "Wang Yue, didn't you say that last time?"

Wang Yue scratched his head: "Really? What did I say last time?"

"Think about it yourself! "

After saying that, she turned around again, obviously very dissatisfied with her best friend's hobby.

"Then what? How did the hospital deal with it?" Li Yin asked.

Wang Yue sighed: "Then the hospital invited a master, who was said to be a Taoist priest. After he came, he just walked around the patients and found the root of the problem. It turned out that the patients had gone to an ancient house to explore, and accidentally touched the evil spirits inside. The evil spirits entered their bodies and hid in their skulls. The Taoist priest set up an altar and performed a ritual to drive away all the evil spirits in the bodies of the patients, and then they returned to normal. "

Li Yin's mouth twitched, with a look of disbelief.

The previous story was quite plausible, but the Taoist priest and the evil spirits in the end did not sound true at all.

Wang Yue hurriedly said: "Li Yin, don't disbelieve it, this is a real event! Moreover, the Taoist priest's method was also magical. He drew a few talismans and pasted them on the foreheads of those patients, and then began to chant. Not long after, those patients began to calm down and stopped scratching their heads. "

Li Yin was even more unconvinced: "Is the Taoist priest you are talking about surnamed Wang or Zhao?"

Wang Yue shook her head blankly: "I don't know, Li Yin, do you still know any Taoist priests?"

"No... Don't talk nonsense..."

She didn't want to mention the hotel at all now...

Seeing that Li Yin was not scared, she could only come up with another story.

"Ahem, listen to me, I have another story about a smiling man, it's scary!"

Li Yin leaned against the wall, took out her mobile phone and looked at it. The senior sister sent a message asking if she was used to the dormitory and if she needed help.

After she replied briefly, she continued to listen to Wang Yue's story.

"I saw this story on the forum. It was posted by a housewife on the forum!"


Li Yin asked aloud: "Is it the forum of Linhai Urban Strange Stories? ”

Wang Yue was surprised: "Li Yin, you also know about this?"

"I have been paying attention, but I didn't see the story you told."

Wang Yue breathed a sigh of relief and continued: "This sister has been married to her husband for more than two years. Her husband works in a multinational company and has a good income. They are very loving. Until one day, her husband came back very late, his face was pale, his expression was dazed, and he looked like he was frightened.

She asked him what was wrong, but her husband didn't say a word, just hugged her tightly and trembled constantly. Since then, her husband has become like a different person. He stayed at home all day, didn't go to work, didn't talk to her, just smiled at her occasionally, and became very sleepy.

She thought her husband was too tired from work and needed a rest, so she stayed with him all the time.

By her side, taking care of him, hoping to make him recover. However, as time went by, she found that things did not seem that simple.

One night, she woke up in the middle of the night and found that her husband was not in bed. She got up to look for him, but heard a strange sound coming from the bathroom.

She walked over carefully and found that the bathroom door was ajar. Through the crack of the door, she saw a scene that she would never forget.

Her husband was standing in front of the mirror with a weird smile on his face. Although the person reflected in the mirror looked exactly like her husband, the man's face was pale and his eyes were empty, as if he was a corpse!

She screamed in fear, and her husband turned his head and saw her, but he still had that weird smile on his face and walked towards her..."

Li Yin raised her eyebrows, feeling that this story was a bit real, why didn't she see it?

"What happened then?"

Wang Yue spread her hands: "She updated it several days later, saying that her husband was under great work pressure during that time and had some mental problems, but now he is fine. "

Li Yin was speechless. How come all your stories have an ending? Don't you know that horror stories are not scary if they have an ending?

"Okay, go to bed!"

Sun Tingting also turned off the night light, but it was not difficult to see from her face that the girl was scared to death tonight.

"By the way, Li Yin, your tone is like a boy. Do you have a brother at home?"

Li Yin's body shrank into the quilt and froze for a moment.

Fuck, you can hear this? Is a girl's sixth sense so strong?

"Ahem, no, you... heard it wrong?"

Wang Yue also lay in the quilt and said to Lu Qing: "You should learn more from Li Yin, how cool she is. You can tell that she is a very cool person just by listening to her voice."

Lu Qing put down her phone and turned around: "Didn't you say I was a tomboy before and asked me to change it?"

"Humph, I met a girl who is cooler than you, you have to work harder!"

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