In the evening, in Huaifeng County Hospital, a girl in red was running wildly in the empty corridor.

The girl looked young, only about seventeen or eighteen years old. There were some beautiful patterns printed on her red clothes, and a word "wan" was written on the edge, representing her inheritance.

There were four shoulder bags hanging on her waist, which contained the medium of her family's means.

The girl's face was calm, and every step seemed to be on the invisible drumbeat, echoing in the empty corridor.

Strange things happened in the hospital recently. Both hospitalized patients and doctors often heard the cry of babies, but whenever they followed the sound, they always found nothing.

The crying seemed to penetrate the walls and even linger in everyone's heart, chilling people's hearts and making them unable to sleep at night.

People in the hospital were in a panic and rumors were spreading.

"Do you remember the pregnant woman who came to deliver the baby last week? I heard that she was carrying a dead baby! She was pregnant for eight months, but only found out after the baby was born that it had already died!"

"Impossible? If it had already died, wouldn't the pregnant woman feel anything?"

"That's why it's so weird! I heard that the child's body was later abandoned in the hospital by the couple! The crying started from that day."

"That child is so pitiful. He didn't get to see the world for a single day. Even after his death, his parents didn't accept him. He could only wander in this cold hospital."

"Who said it wasn't? By the way, are you on duty tonight? Be careful. I heard that the crying has become more frequent recently, especially in the dead of night."

"I'm on duty? I'm definitely not on duty today! Something's going on at home!"


In addition to the rumors about the dead baby, there are also rumors that the hospital's technology is not good enough, and the failed surgery has caused the patient's soul to linger; there are too many miscarriages, and the resentment has gathered together to seek revenge on the doctors and mothers; some even speculate that the hospital is not doing well, so it is raising ghosts!

Anyway, there were all kinds of rumors, and the hospital was a little overwhelmed, and they were also panicking internally. There was really no other way, so the director contacted the Abnormal Bureau to deal with it.

To be honest, he didn't believe these absurd rumors at all, and just felt that the rumors exacerbated the panic.

Because he had never seen anything supernatural, and didn't know what this bureau was doing.

So the old man was now standing downstairs, looking at the hospital with curtains drawn, his face full of dissatisfaction.

I always felt that this bureau was a group of liars who were eating for free, specifically to deceive these honest hospital directors.

Don't say that Linhai disappeared, that must be a lie. I went to Linhai on a business trip last month, everything was normal, there was no nonsense about the disappearance of the city.

The girl in red didn't know what he was thinking, and she was still running wildly in the corridor, trying to get rid of the thing behind her.

But the more she wanted to get rid of it, the closer it followed her, and she could even feel the coldness penetrating through her clothes and into her bones.

It was not a physical contact, but a spiritual intrusion, which made her every breath become extremely heavy.

The girl was analyzing the type of this ghost.

Judging from the means of attack and the difficulty of the ghost, it was either a resentful ghost or a hateful ghost, which was also in line with the rumors in the hospital that the dead baby was asking for her life.

Seeing that she couldn't get rid of it, the girl simply stopped running and suddenly stopped, turning to face the invisible chill.

One hand reached into the bag at her waist, grabbed something, and waved it hard in the air. The green dust drew a gorgeous arc, and then scattered, filling every corner of the corridor.

Then she put her two fingers on her chest and shouted: "Break!"

The green dust quickly condensed in the air, as if being pulled by an invisible force, gathering into a faint green mist barrier, isolating the girl from the chill.

After doing all this, she took out a handful of dust from another bag and blew it hard. The dust scattered in the air and turned into fluorescent dots, like stars in the night sky, and quickly woven into a complex mesh pattern around.

This net not only flickered with a faint light, but also faintly revealed a repressive force. It was the most commonly used attack method among the means she mastered.

At the same time, she was also testing. If it was a resentful ghost, the ghost baby in front of her would be directly dispersed and then reappear.

If it was a hateful ghost, it would not cause any harm, because she had not yet figured out the killing logic of this ghost.

Why didn't it attack other people in the hospital, but chased me relentlessly?

Oh, by the way, I attacked it first.

The ghost baby made a sound under the attack of the dust.

Crying even more miserably, her body burned instantly like a lit catkin.

But the girl showed no sign of relaxation, and the chill around her still did not dissipate.

So this is a vengeful ghost? Have I fallen into its illusion?

The girl pondered in her heart, her eyes like torches, staring at the seemingly calm but actually turbulent air around her, looking for a possible breakthrough.

A chill suddenly surged from the end of the corridor. On the ceiling, a baby ghost with a pale body, wide eyes, and a weird smile on the corner of its mouth was running wildly in an extremely twisted posture.

Obviously, it is more powerful this time than before!

The girl was ready for battle, waiting for the ghost baby to get close, and then give it a fatal blow.

But at this moment, the wall on the side of the hospital suddenly shattered, and an extremely terrifying breath came to her face, mixed with chaos, despair, and madness, as if to tear people's reason and personality apart!

The girl in red panicked for a moment, then calmed down immediately.

She said to herself, this is all an illusion... this is all an illusion...

Then she bravely looked towards the wall, where a beast-like monster was crawling, three meters tall, with skin as dry and cracked as dead bark, as if the skin was forcibly stretched open by some force, revealing the bright red flesh underneath.

There was a crazy red light flashing in the monster's empty eyes, and it roared, the sound was deafening, shaking the whole hospital.

There were bursts of screams from downstairs, and everyone was shocked by this sudden scene. The dean was pale, and his eyes were wide open with fear.

The old man now had only one thought in his mind: "Fuck, there are ghosts in the world!"

The girl in red didn't care about the breath or screaming. She was stubborn and determined one thing, all this must be an illusion!

But the monster in front of her was really scary.

And it attacked!

Without hesitation, the girl sprinkled blue dust again, forming an invisible wall, which temporarily resisted the monster's attack, and then suddenly threw the bag on her back out!

The bag exploded in mid-air, and the dust in the sky blasted towards the monster like a cannonball, instantly covering it in a dust fog.

Then the girl put her fingers together and shouted: "Gather!"

In the white dust in the sky, a dust giant with a height of five meters condensed in the air. Although the giant's body was composed of dense dust particles, it seemed extremely solid.

It broke through the ceiling above its head, waving its huge fist, and smashed the monster surrounded by dust fog.

With every heavy blow, the ground in the corridor shook, the ornaments on the wall fell one after another, and the scene was in chaos.

This was already the girl's trump card. If the dust giant couldn't solve the problem, she really didn't know what else she could do. She closed her eyes tightly, concentrating on maintaining her ability, and praying in her heart that all this would end quickly.

But the monster was so powerful that it was beyond her imagination. Even the dust giant could not hold out for a few rounds under the monster's terrifying attack and was torn to pieces.

The girl's heart tightened, but she did not retreat. Instead, she gritted her teeth and pulled out a cloth bag full of dust from her waist again.

This time the dust was golden and shone with a metallic luster.

With a look of pain on her face, she grabbed a handful of it and scattered it in the air.

"Break!" The girl's cry echoed in the corridor, and the golden dust condensed in the air to form a huge hammer.

She held the hammer handle tightly with both hands, and all the strength of her body was concentrated in this blow.

The golden hammer drew a dazzling arc in the air and hit the monster in the dust mist fiercely.

The huge impact force made the whole hospital seem to tremble, and the broken walls and falling lamps witnessed the power of this blow.

But even so, the monster still stood in place, not even taking a step back.

"This is impossible!"

The girl had never seen such a powerful enemy. Even in an illusion, this monster was too strong.

I have to run!

As soon as this idea came into being, she realized that it was too late. The monster's bloody mouth was close at hand, and the cold chill seemed to be a solid entity, wrapping her tightly.

It's over...

Despair grew in the girl's heart and spread uncontrollably throughout her body, making her already stiff body even weaker.

She felt that the sharp claws were about to pierce her skin and tear her in half, and the cold fangs were about to penetrate her chest and take away the last warmth.

Time seemed to become extremely long at this moment. The girl closed her eyes tightly, waiting for the final arrival.

However, the expected severe pain did not appear, but was replaced by a strong wind pressure.

Blowing her back.

She staggered back, barely stabilizing herself, and opened her eyes in astonishment, only to see the monster in front of her being blown away by some unknown force, slamming hard into the wall of the hospital, knocking a big hole in the already broken wall, and the dust was flying, obscuring her vision.

The girl was stunned. She didn't understand what happened, but her intuition told her that this might be the only chance of survival.

Without thinking too much, she turned around immediately and ran in the opposite direction with all her strength, but just after running a few steps, she heard the sound of breaking wind, which flew past her ears, followed by a dull collision and the monster's wailing.

The girl stopped, and she saw two figures, one big and one small, standing at the end of the corridor, and the attack just now was released by the girl with a good figure.

"Are you okay?"

The little girl spoke, her voice calm.

Without her making any movement, the broken walls around her were restored one after another, as if they were carefully pieced back together by invisible hands.

The monster was now firmly controlled by the raised floor, and black smoke was still coming out of the floor, which looked very evil.

The little girl seemed to see the doubts of the girl in red, and explained seriously: "That was from the monster, and it has nothing to do with me."

The girl swallowed her saliva, and she wanted to shout: Are you kidding me?

But she didn't dare...

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