“It looks like they’re awake.”

Ning Yu leaned on the sofa.

The room he chose was in the corner of the castle.

The doorknobs of this room were dusty, apparently uninhabited for a long time, and covered with spider silk.

This is the room where the servants of the castle live, so it doesn’t look so luxurious, but it’s also quite cozy.

Relatively speaking, this room is safer.

The hidden task triggered by Han Xiaoxiao and the others, Ning Yu had already seen it.

There is only one end to the level of the buried bones, and that is death.

It is the tricky domain of Mrs. Rakusakura.

It can be said that the entire butterfly manor is the tricky domain of Mrs. Falling Ying.

Their task is simple.

That is to do everything to survive.

As long as he is alive, he can distract from the mysterious domain.

“It’s almost midnight.”

Ning Yu waited quietly.

When the time came to zero :00, the bells rang throughout the Butterfly Manor.

The crisp, muffled sound of bells echoed throughout the Butterfly Manor.

Even Han Xiaoxiao and the others who were buried in the place could hear it.

Then, Butterfly Manor became lively.

The closed doors of the castle creaked open.

Gardeners, servants, and housekeepers walked out the door.

Cleaning of cleaning, cooking of gourmet cuisine, pruning of the garden of pruning garden.

“Tricky eyes, go and see.”

Two eyeballs crawl out of the eye sockets.

One flew out of the window.

Flying out of the window, he saw the figure of Mrs. Falling Sakura.

She stands at the very top of the castle.

She changed her clothes.

A gorgeous and exaggerated dress.

The extra-long skirt flew in the wind, like a butterfly spreading its wings.

A round of blood moon hangs high in the sky.

She was barefoot, dancing against the background of the blood moon, like a flying butterfly.

Beautiful, noble, shocking.

Another tricky eye is hidden in the castle hall.

The castle hall became extremely lively.

The chefs are cooking, and the servants are carrying exquisite food and drinks.

A gorgeous dining table is filled with delicacies from the mountains and the sea.

Before, all kinds of precious death flowers placed in the hall were revived at this moment.

They grew rapidly and gradually changed into human form.

The human figure stood up, and it was one noble lady after another.

They all had different colours in their dresses.

The only thing they have in common is that they are gorgeous, dreamy, like butterflies dancing.

The resuscitated ghost ladies sat at the table enjoying the food and chatting about various gossip stories.

Laughter spread throughout the castle.

In addition to the ghost ladies, there are also ghost gentlemen.

They came down the stairs.

They also wear ornate costumes and look noble, handsome, and elegant.

A ghost band plays beautiful music in the corner of the living room.

In the music, ghost gentlemen invite ghost ladies to dance.

This is clearly a party of drunken dreams and deaths of the upper aristocracy.

“Gee, you can’t forget the wealth before you die.”

“This fucking bunch of rich ghosts.”

Ning Yu shrugged his shoulders helplessly.

They were all killed by Mrs. Rakusakura.

It is no secret that Mrs. Falling Sakura was abused by her husband in the aristocratic circle of Maple Leaf Ghost City.

They all laughed at Mrs. Rakusakura in private.

Therefore, after Mrs. Rakusakura kills her husband and grows the flower of death.

The aristocratic circle of Maple Leaf Ghost Town was almost washed in blood by Lady Falling Sakura.

The distinctive death flowers of Butterfly Castle were grown from their corpses.

But Mrs. Rakusakura is also a vain woman.

She can’t fit into your circle, but she wants to be in your circle all the time.

Thus, the midnight spectacle appeared.

These dead noblewomen and gentlemen were revived after midnight for a living party.

The location of the party will always stay at Butterfly Manor.

In aristocratic circles, not everyone can hold aristocratic parties.

Only people with sufficient reputation and status can hold the event.

If the reputation is not enough, even if it is held, no one will come, but it will lose face.

The party is always held at Butterfly Castle, which means that Mrs. Rakusakura’s status and fame are the highest.

She already disdained to blend into this aristocratic party.

But she is reluctant to get out of this circle of wealth.

So, ghost ladies and ghost gentlemen drank and indulged in the castle hall.

Madame Butterfly dances at the top of the castle.

Ning Yu touched the black lips on his cheeks.

When it comes to real nobles, the bride is definitely in the ranking.

Her parents were very rich.

After the death of the bride of the network, the bride of the network was the richest woman at that time.

Coupled with her beautiful facial features, countless people are crazy to follow.

Among them were tycoons, high-ranking officials, aristocrats, and hereditaries.

Unfortunately, they were all killed by the bride of the network.

The more than 100 husbands of the bride died in the net, and I heard that there was a real royal family.

When she was at her highest, she even sat in the position of the mother world.

It is a pity that after sitting for less than a day, he killed the emperor who came to the world.

But the property and heritage left by more than a hundred husbands is simply indescribable.

The ancient ghost town is a relatively old city.

Converted into years, its pattern is a bit similar to ancient China.

Wipe your black lips on your cheeks.

“Bride Online, I’m not here, I want to ask you for a favor.”

The online bride replied quickly.

“Little brother, I miss people so soon.”

The voice of the bride is still seductive.

It wasn’t on her part, but she was born to be a natural charmer herself, and that’s how she spoke.

“That’s right.”

Ning Yu probably told about the situation of the butterfly castle.

He meant that the bride would give him guidance, and he also wanted to blend into aristocratic parties.

“A party is a banquet.”

“People have attended countless banquets.”

“Whether it is a rich businessman, a minister, or a banquet in the imperial city, everyone has participated.”

The bride let out a bell-like laugh.

Ning Yu’s request was simply sprinkling water for the bride of the network.

And what Ning Yu wanted was this sentence.

“Please guide.”

“As the saying goes, people rely on clothing and Buddha rely on gold.”

“Little brother, this dress is not good.”

Ning Yu nodded.

He had already prepared his clothes.

Pingliang City’s specially customized high-end dress, quite gorgeous.

After taking it out, it was ridiculed by the bride of the network.

“That’s it?”

“Little brother, you really have the lowest taste I have ever seen.”


“But who makes people like you so much.”

“Little brother, you might as well come to someone’s house, they will definitely prepare the best set of clothes for you, and then dress up.”

“It would be better if the little brother was willing to bring people to the party.”

Old Ning Yu’s face turned red.

He was actually ridiculed by a strange person for his low taste.

“The ancient ghost town is 108,000 away from me… Wait a minute. ”

Ning Yu suddenly thought of a hidden copy ticket.

This ticket was opened from the hidden copy blind box, which was considered useless by Ning Yu.

When I think about it now, I see that it has a lot of use.

【Bluestone Street Admission Ticket】

No need to travel tens of thousands of kilometers to an ancient ghost town.

“Qingshi Street, it’s not far from people’s homes, is the little brother coming?”

There was some anticipation in the voice.

Ning Yu looked at the Qingshi Street admission roll.

He was pondering the danger of meeting the bride.

“Back open the ghost door, the vortex of heavy pupils.”

“Say hello to Sister Hua in advance.”

“Wen Jing can come at any time.”

“Meng Jiangnu is hiding in a pressure cooker.”

Ning Yu began to calculate his own heritage.

He had to count.

The online bride is the top weird of the ancient ghost town, and its horror is by no means weaker than that of gourmets, blood corpse statues and big fish at their peak.

No matter which ghost town it is placed in, it is a terrifying existence at the top of the pyramid.

After all, it was a top-level disaster-level weirdness, and it had even touched the threshold of destruction.

Mrs. Falling Sakura is an ordinary disaster-level weird, and Maple Leaf Ghost City belongs to the second-grade big terror.

Calculating and calculating, Ning Yu felt that it was not good.

If the bride really wants to attack herself, it will not help if she plays all her hole cards.

“Is the little brother afraid that others will attack you?”

The bride also saw Ning Yu’s hesitation.

“This little brother can rest assured, people will not make a move on the little brother.”

“After all, I kissed the little brother last time, and the little brother can still live until now, which means that people can’t kill the little brother.”

“Perhaps, the little brother is the only existence that can accompany others.”

“People are reluctant to kill the little brother.”

Ning Yu frowned.

The words of the bride reminded herself.

Gram is the most powerful ability of the bride.

If he is immunized to the gram of the bride, it is equivalent to destroying more than half of her.

If that’s the case, I’m sure I’m leaving.

“Okay, let’s meet on Bluestone Street.”

Ning Yu nodded and agreed.

The bride looked very happy.

“Little brother, wait for half an hour.”

“People have to prepare something.”

“Be sure to help the little brother crush the audience.”

“I didn’t say take you.” Ning Yu quickly spoke.

Who expected that the bride had unilaterally cut off Ning Yu’s contact.

“I really don’t know if it’s good or bad to have frequent contact with her in this life.”

Ning Yu looked at the entrance of Qingshi Street in a daze.

In the last life, even the player did not have trouble with the online bride.

It’s not that you don’t look for it, but there’s no way to get her into trouble.

Even if they can detain the bride, who wants to?

The bride of the Internet is imprisoned, and the bride of the Internet must also be restrained to death.

So, in the last life.

The place where the bride appeared was definitely empty.

No matter how powerful the existence is, they are not willing to contact the bride of the network.

Even if it is strong enough to be immune to the gram of the bride.

But in case, the bride’s restraint is so lost, it is very unknown to them.

In this world, big fish eat small fish, small fish eat shrimp, who dares to say invincible.

Soon half an hour passed, and Ning Yu lit the Qingshi Street entrance ticket as promised.

There was an extra door out of the room.

Open this door and you will enter the bluestone street of the ancient ghost town.

Ning Yu pinched the doorknob and took a deep breath and pushed the door open.

In front of him is a quaint street.

The streets are bluestone and lined with shops on both sides.

There are also stalls on the streets.

However, the street is empty.

You can also see a lot of garbage on the ground.

A broken hand crawling madly can even be seen.

Judging from the messy scene, half an hour ago, it was extremely lively.

White mist emerged from the end of Bluestone Street.

Eight paper figures appeared on Bluestone Street carrying a red palanquin.

Ning Yu kind of understood.

When the bride travels, everyone and ghosts retreat.

The red palanquin stopped steadily in front of Ning Yu.

The bride couldn’t wait to open the red curtain and turned into a red shadow and pounced on Ning Yu.

She checked Ning Yu with her hands up and down.

“‘~ There really is nothing going on.”

“We met on the 47th, and now on May 4, the little brother has lived for 27 days, and there is nothing at all.”

“You can really be immune to other people’s grams.”

The bride was excited.

Ning Yu should be the first existence to contact her and then live for so long.

It’s really too rare.

“Are you expecting me to die?” The corner of Ning Yu’s mouth twitched.

The bride covered her mouth and smiled.

“People don’t curse little brother.”

“The longer the little brother lives, the happier people will be.”

“Yet.” The bride sniffed her nose: “The aura of death on the little brother is even stronger.” ”

“Maybe people figure it out.”

“The reason why people can’t kill the little brother is because the little brother himself has always been in death.”

Ning Yu rolled his eyes.

The bride is definitely plotting something.

Most of it is the breath of death on his body.

“No more nonsense, did you bring something?” Ning Yu said directly (Li’s) to.

The bride threw a wink: “Little brother is really anxious.” ”

She then pulled a black box out of the red bridge.

This black box is specially designed to hold the relics of the dead.

But even so, this black box looks very extraordinary.

The moment Ning Yu opened the box, the whole person was dumbfounded.

Inside the box were golden dragon robes, crowns, white belts, heavy wooden soled shoes, and more.

This is a complete set of dragon robes, and it is the highest level of ceremonial set that can only be worn on formal occasions.

“This is left by the 87th husband.”

“He was the emperor of the state at that time, and when he chose a concubine, he fell in love with people at a glance.”

“It’s a pity that people only have a mother for half a day, and he died violently.”

“Then, the state is in chaos.”

The bride nodded her chin and recalled.

That’s a long time ago.

“This, wouldn’t it be too exaggerated.”

“Madame Butterfly is just an ordinary aristocratic party, isn’t it a little that I wear a dragon robe… Excessively. ”

“Not too much at all.”

The bride took out another box from the palanquin.

Open the box, phoenix robe, phoenix crown, phoenix gown, morning pearl and so on.

This is a queen suit of the motherly world, and it is also the highest kind.

The bride touched the extravagant phoenix robe, with regret and remembrance in her eyes.

“Such beautiful clothes, people wear them once to buy them.”

“Although that Lady Sakura’s aristocratic party is ordinary.”

“But this is the first date between people and little brother.”

“Of course, in the most solemn way.”

Ning Yu blinked.

This means that she intends to go to an aristocratic party with herself.

He didn’t say yes.

This is clearly self-inflicted.

But still that old saying.

Isn’t it a little too exaggerated, I just want to simply blend into the aristocratic party.

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